
The efficacy, function, Edible methods and taboos of Angelica sinensis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Angelica sinensis alias Gan Gui, Qin na, Xidang Gui, Min Angelica, Jin Angelica, Angelica sinensis, perennial herbs. Its root can be used in medicine and is one of the most commonly used traditional Chinese medicines. So what are the effects, functions, eating methods and taboos of Angelica sinensis?

Angelica sinensis alias Gan Gui, Qin na, Xidang Gui, Min Angelica, Jin Angelica, Angelica sinensis, perennial herbs. Its root can be used in medicine and is one of the most commonly used traditional Chinese medicines. So what are the effects, functions, eating methods and taboos of Angelica sinensis?

I. the efficacy and function of Angelica sinensis

1. Tonifying blood and nourishing blood

Angelica is known as the "first medicine for tonifying blood". It is suitable for people with blood deficiency who have yellow complexion, pallor, pale lips, dizziness, insomnia and other symptoms, especially pregnant women and women during their menstrual period.

2. Promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation

Angelica sinensis has the effect of promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, promoting menstruation and regulating menstruation. Angelica also has the laudatory name of "sacred medicine of gynaecology", which is especially suitable for women who have dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation and early menstruation. Angelica sinensis contains a large number of vitamins, organic acids, volatile oil and other organic components and trace elements, which can dilate peripheral blood vessels, reduce vascular resistance and increase blood circulation.

3. Anti-aging

Studies have shown that Angelica sinensis can effectively inhibit the formation of melanin such as freckles, black spots, old people spots and so on. In addition, Angelica also has the effect of treating Alzheimer's disease.

4. Improve immunity

The substances such as sodium ferulate in Angelica sinensis play an important role in improving and regulating the recovery of immunity.

Second, the eating method of Angelica sinensis

1. Angelica yellow soup: materials: Angelica 15g, Huanghua 20g, lean meat 150g.

Practice: first cut Angelica into thin slices, yellow flower sections, lean meat slices, and put into the pot to add the right amount of water to boil soup, eat meat and drink soup.

Pharmacology: angelica nourishing blood, yellow flower tonifying blood and blood, lean flesh replenishing qi and nourishing blood, this prescription is suitable for postpartum or postpartum blood deficiency caused by amenorrhea, abdominal pain, weakness, anemia, neurasthenia, qi deficiency, dizziness, memory loss and loss of appetite, irregular menstruation and so on.

2. Angelica blood porridge: raw materials: 30 grams of Radix Astragali, 10 grams of Angelica sinensis, 100 grams of japonica rice or glutinous rice, appropriate amount of brown sugar.

Practice: slice Radix Astragali, fry together with Angelica, remove the juice to the residue, and then put it into a casserole with washed japonica rice, add the right amount of water, cook porridge together, and season with brown sugar.

Usage: divided into 2 times, warm clothing.

Efficacy: replenish qi and replenish blood. It is suitable for menstruation due to deficiency of qi and blood, with light color, thin texture, weariness, facial expression, shortness of breath, palpitations, empty abdomen, light tongue, thin and moist moss, and weak pulse.

3. Angelica red jujube tea: materials: right amount of red jujube (enucleated), right amount of Angelica sinensis, right amount of brown sugar

Practice: enucleate red dates, put the material in a pot and simmer with water for 30 minutes.

Remind: Angelica sex warm, fire prosperous Yin deficiency should not be used. Diarrhea, abdominal distension, wet weight and loss of appetite should not be used.

Efficacy: tonifying blood and nourishing face, regulating qi and blood. It is suitable for anti-wrinkle and freckle, relieve tension, remove liver spots caused by blood stasis, dry skin and other diseases.

Third, the taboos of Angelica sinensis

The medicinal properties of Angelica sinensis are a little dry and strong, so people with Yin deficiency must pay attention to adding other medicines to control the dryness and dryness of Angelica sinensis, otherwise the users will get angry. Yin deficiency means that there is internal heat, and the symptoms of Yin deficiency are dry mouth, dry tongue, dry eyes, hot five hearts, sore waist and knees, and so on. It is not applicable to those with slippery stool. Taking too much will cause inflammation of deficiency fire, so it is not applicable to those with blood deficiency. It has the effect of calming the fetus for pregnant women, but should be used with caution.