
What is the side effect of wild jujube kernel? What is the effect of wild jujube kernel? How to eat wild jujube kernel?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Wild jujube kernel, many people know, it is often said that the northern sour jujube kernel. It has many effects, and people rely on it, but no matter how much you like it, don't ignore the side effects of wild jujube kernel. Want to know the side effects and efficacy of wild jujube kernel as well as acid

Wild jujube kernel, many people know, it is often said that the northern sour jujube kernel. It has many effects, and people rely on it, but no matter how much you like it, don't ignore the side effects of wild jujube kernel. Want to know the side effects and efficacy of wild jujube seed and how to eat it? Let's take a look at it.

Wild jujube kernel, alias jujube kernel, wild jujube kernel, mountain jujube kernel. The mature fruit of Rhamnaceae Arbor sour jujube is made by removing pulp, core and shell, collecting seeds and drying in the sun. Born in Xiangyang hillside, roadside, mainly produced in Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi, Liaoning, Shanxi, Shandong, Yunnan and other places. Harvest when the fruit is ripe in autumn, remove the pulp and hard core, take the seeds, raw or micro-stir-fry.

Side effects of wild jujube seed

1. Adverse reaction

Mouth and lip numbness, throat blockage, tongue stiffness, salivation, limb numbness, arrhythmia.

two。 Toxicity of wild jujube seed

The oral administration of 150g / kg wild jujube seed in mice had no toxic symptoms, and the chronic toxicity test in rats showed that its toxicity was very low, and the median lethal dose of intraperitoneal injection in mice was 14.33 ±2.015 g / kg. However, a very large dose can also be toxic.

As a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, the side effect of wild jujube seed is relatively small, and everyone can rest assured to eat it, but when using wild jujube seed, we need to pay attention to many problems, understand the taboos of wild jujube seed, and at the same time, we should also understand the use method of wild jujube kernel, which can ensure the curative effect of wild jujube seed.

Wild jujube kernel nourishes the liver, calms the heart, calms the mind, and absorbs sweat. It has sedation, hypnosis, analgesia, anticonvulsant effect and certain antihypertensive effect.

It has an exciting effect on the uterus. For deficiency of yin blood, palpitation, insomnia and forgetfulness; body deficiency and sweating.

Sour jujube kernel is sour and flat, while benevolence is sweet. It specializes in tonifying the liver and gallbladder and reviving the spleen. When ripe, it is fragrant and the aroma enters the spleen, so it can return to the spleen.

It can replenish gallbladder, so it can warm gallbladder. Mother and son are connected with each other, so they are also vexed and restless. The patients with cold and heat in the heart and abdomen, accumulation of evil qi, and soreness and dampness in the extremities all suffer from the disease of spleen deficiency, and the spleen dominates the limbs.

Gallbladder is the first of all the internal organs, the eleven internal organs all depend on the gallbladder, the essence of the five internal organs, are due to the spleen, so take it for a long time, the function of the five internal organs.

If you don't sleep well, you can use some sour jujube seed soup. But the main thing is to see the doctor to determine whether it is right or not. There are many reasons for poor sleep. Not one prescription can cure all kinds of diseases.

Be careful not to think for an hour before going to bed and let your brain rest. Supplementary nutrition is conducive to the recovery of body function and sleep.

Each kind of medicine composed of Suanzaoren decoction is very commonly used, and no bad effect has been found, so you can rest assured.

Wild jujube seed has a very good effect in the treatment of insomnia, and the side effects of wild jujube seed are generally not obvious, so wild jujube seed is also the choice of many people. However, in order to treat insomnia, patients had better start from life and develop good living habits. At the same time, they should also adjust their own mentality in order to effectively alleviate insomnia.

Pharmacological effects of semen Ziziphi Spinosae

The seed of wild jujube, that is, the seed of sour jujube, can be used medicinally after processing. It contains alkaloids, a variety of amino acids and metal elements, which can calm the mind, nourish the liver, collect sweat and so on. It has a good therapeutic effect on diseases such as insomnia, palpitations, body deficiency and spontaneous sweating. Sour jujube kernel is often compatible with Ganoderma lucidum, has the role of calming the mind and helping sleep, and can treat severe insomnia.

1. Sedative and hypnotic effect

The decoction of wild jujube seed showed sedation and narcolepsy in rats by oral or intraperitoneal injection, and it could show the above effects no matter day or night. The sedation index of mice was 1.95, which showed a synergistic effect with barbiturates. After 6 days of continuous use of wild jujube seed, the animal sleep became lighter and the duration was shortened, that is, tolerance was produced, but disappeared after 1 week of withdrawal.

two。 Diazepam effect

In recent years, some people have compared wild jujube kernel with antipsychotics and found that there are many similarities. After intraperitoneal injection of Suanzaoren decoction to rats, all animals showed quiet and drowsiness. But external stimulation can wake it up. When the dose was increased to the toxic dose, there was no disappearance of righting reflex and anesthesia in mice. After intragastric administration, the decoction could inhibit the conditioned reflex, but not the unconditioned reflex. Wild jujube seed also has a significant antagonistic effect on the manic phenomenon caused by subcutaneous injection of morphine hydrochloride in cats.

3. Analgesic and hypothermic effect

The hot plate method of mice showed that intraperitoneal injection of Suanzaoren decoction had obvious analgesic effect and significantly prolonged the latency of pain response in mice, which could last as long as 3 hours. Oral or intraperitoneal injection of the decoction has a cooling effect on normal rats.

Therapeutic effect of semen Ziziphi Spinosae

Boiled water with Ganoderma lucidum has sedative, hypnotic, analgesic, anticonvulsant effect, certain antihypertensive effect, and excitatory effect on uterus.


For deficiency of yin blood, palpitation, insomnia and forgetfulness; body deficiency and sweating.


10g to 15g a day. Pan-fry soup and boil porridge; take 3g to 5g each time.