
What kind of fruit is deciduous tree chicken claw pear? How many months do you usually mature? Can I get some water to drink? How do you eat it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chicken claw pear, scientific name Fructus Aurantii, also known as Guijiao, jujube, Linqin, Wanzi pear, longevity fruit, Wanwei fruit, golden hook, chicken distance, wood honey, pear jujube, meat seed, etc., deciduous trees, sunny slopes, valleys, ditches and roadsides or cultivation. That chicken claw pear is

Jizhao pear, scientific name Hovenia dulcis, also known as guaijiao, jujube, Lin Qin, Wanzi pear, papaya fruit, Wanwei fruit, golden hook, chicken distance seed, wood honey, pear jujube, fruit, mulberry fruit, deciduous tree, born sunny hillside, valley, ditch edge and roadside or cultivated. What kind of fruit is chicken claw pear? How many months do they mature? Can I drink water? How? It is reported that the south here called chicken claw lotus, is a kind of fruit, very delicious, very sweet, can be eaten raw, can also soak wine.

How many months does chicken claw pear mature commonly?

Fruit stalk fleshy, twisted, reddish brown; fruit subglobose, glabrous, ca. 7 mm in diam., grayish brown. The fruit shape resembles ten thousand characters "", so it is called Wanshou Fruit. Flowering June, fruiting August-October.

Can chicken claw pear bubble water drink? How?

Chicken claw pear can not only soak water but also soak wine.

Eat the whole thing:

1. Chicken feet, pear and chicken liver

Ingredients: 2 dried chicken claws, 1 yellow chicken liver.

Practice: first chicken claw pestle into fine powder standby; chicken liver wash, cut cross knife flower with knife, put in plate, sprinkle chicken claw pear powder, appropriate amount of refined salt, steam in cage for 20 minutes to take out edible.

2. Chicken feet, pear and pork lung soup

Ingredients: 120g fresh chicken claw pear, 1 pig heart, 1 lung, 30g red sucrose.

Practice: Wash chicken claw pear, pig heart, lung and cut into small pieces; put dates, pig heart lung, red sucrose into earthen jar together, add 1000ml of water, simmer for 60 minutes, add a little refined salt, monosodium glutamate can be eaten.

3. Chicken claw pear and four-berry soup

Ingredients: 4 fresh chicken claw pears, 10g each of four tiles and snake berries.

Practice: After washing the above three ingredients with clean water, put them into the earthen jar together, add appropriate amount of water, boil them over high fire first, stew them over low fire for 20 minutes, filter out the soup and take them.

4. Chicken claw pear cake

Ingredients: 5 chicken claw pears, 5 eggs, 30g milk, 100g low gluten flour, 40g corn oil, 65g white sugar, 5g lemon juice.

Practice: Wash and crush chicken claw pears; add corn oil, milk, lemon juice, egg yolk and low-gluten flour respectively in a large basin; stir evenly; beat egg liquid, the basin must be oil-free and water-free;65 grams of white sugar is added in three times until the egg liquid stands upright; spread baking paper, preheat oven at 160 degrees; spread egg liquid evenly on baking paper; bake at 160 degrees for 20 minutes and cut into pieces.

5. Chicken claw pear wine

Ingredients: 2 pieces of dried chicken claw pear, 500ml of low-alcohol liquor.

Practice: Wash chicken claw pear first, cut it open with knife, soak it in distilled wine, seal it, unseal it for drinking after 1 week, twice a day, 20 ml each time.

Features: This wine has the effect of expelling wind and eliminating dampness, suitable for patients with rheumatoid arthritis.


1. If it is a patient with spleen and stomach deficiency, it is best not to take chicken claw pear soaked wine to avoid more serious spleen deficiency, which is not conducive to health.

2, wild chicken claw pear taste is not very good, most are relatively sour, it is recommended that children do not take directly. If you want to give your child chicken claw pear, then it is best to make chicken claw pear cake.

3. Although chicken claw pear has the effect of hangover poison, and the effect of hangover is also very good, it does not mean that this kind of medicinal liquor can be taken in large quantities.