
& quot; the fruit of love & is the quot; Virgin Fruit (Little Tomato) a fruit or a vegetable? Is it genetically modified? Is it high in calories?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Virgin fruit, often called Little Tomato, is called "Little Golden Fruit" and "Fruit of Love". It is not only beautiful in color and shape, but also palatable and nutritious. Is the virgin fruit a fruit or a vegetable? Is it genetically modified? Virgin fruit, the official name in Chinese is

Virgin fruit, often called Little Tomato, is called "Little Golden Fruit" and "Fruit of Love". It is not only beautiful in color and shape, but also palatable and nutritious. Is the virgin fruit a fruit or a vegetable? Is it genetically modified?

Virgin fruit, officially known as cherry tomato in Chinese, is an annual herb, belonging to the tomato genus of Solanaceae. It is both a vegetable and a fruit, and the plant can grow up to 2 meters at its highest. It has the effects of invigorating body and relieving thirst, invigorating stomach and digestion, clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and calming liver, tonifying blood and nourishing blood and promoting appetite. It is not only beautiful in color and shape, but also palatable and nutritious. In addition to all the nutrients of tomato, its vitamin content is higher than that of ordinary tomato. By the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization as a priority to promote one of the "four major fruits".

Is the virgin fruit genetically modified?

Genetically modified food is an artificial method to transfer genes from other organisms to crops. For example, if you transfer the genes of flowers and trees to people, this is genetically modified. Virgin fruit is a "primitive tomato" variety. Virgin fruits are obtained by recombining the good characters of small cherry tomatoes with good taste and flavor through conventional hybridization, so they are not genetically modified products.

The efficacy of virgin fruit

1. Slow down color spots and delay aging

Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant. Supplement lycopene, resist aging, strengthen the immune system, and reduce the occurrence of disease. Lycopene can also reduce macular degeneration and macular calmness. Therefore, tomato has the reputation of "longevity fruit".

two。 Anti-cancer

Studies have shown that lycopene can effectively prevent prostate cancer, digestive tract cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer and so on.

3. Can reduce blood fat and blood pressure

Reduce blood pressure in patients who often have gingival bleeding or subcutaneous bleeding, eating tomatoes can help improve symptoms.

4. Prevent the occurrence of thrombus

Patients with coronary heart disease and stroke drink an appropriate amount of tomato juice every day to help their recovery.

5. Invigorate the stomach and dissipate food

It helps digestion, moistens intestines and relieves defecation, and can prevent and cure constipation.

The calories of virgin fruit

For people who lose weight, they are so strict about every kind of food imported, they have to ask how many calories the food is, and then measure whether they should eat these foods or not. we all know that tomatoes have relatively low calories and can be eaten during weight loss. What is the calorie content of Virgin Fruit, the cousin of tomato? can you eat Virgin Fruit when you lose weight? In fact, the number of calories of virgin fruit is very low, we can rest assured to use it to lose weight.

The calories of the virgin fruit (in terms of 100 grams of edible part) is 22 calories (92 kilojoules). The virgin fruit is nutritious and low in calories, and many models rely on eating it to keep fit. Its rich acidic juice can help you balance the PH value of your skin. For people with dark and rough skin, smear the virgin fruit powder and egg green on the face, stay for about 15 minutes and rinse with clean water, which is of great help to remove the dead skin on the face. Virgin fruit is also rich in vitamin C vegetables, in the virgin fruit powder mixed with a little honey wipe on the face, wash clean after more than 10 minutes, insist on freckle and whitening every day.

Virgin fruit is the most primitive tomato variety.

The word "eggplant" in the name of tomato is indeed apt. It belongs to the same family as eggplant, and its hometown is in the Andes of South America. In about 500 BC, wild cherry tomatoes were brought into their garden by the Aztecs. As the name suggests, these tomatoes have a slim figure comparable to cherries.

It was not until later, when Italians began to use tomatoes in dishes such as pizza, that tomatoes were really promoted as a vegetable. Note that until now, tomatoes are still pocket-sized. After that, the pursuit of larger and more tomato fruits has become the main goal of breeding. After that, the continuous cross breeding really made the tomato bigger and bigger. However, these big tomatoes are not fragrant or sweet, and even the sour taste has been omitted.

Cultivation techniques

Variety selection

The mid-late maturing variety of infinite growth type was selected to plant Taiwan ruby (new saint). This variety has long production period, high yield and strong heat and humidity resistance.

Parcel selection

Virgin fruit has strong adaptability to soil, but it is better to use loam or sandy loam with convenient drainage and irrigation and loose and fertile soil.

Sowing at the right time

(1) preparation of seedbed. The nursery bed should be sheltered from the wind and sunny, with good drainage. The field needs a seedling bed of 66.7 square meters, a seedling bed of 35,40 square meters, and 1500 kilograms of rotten human feces and urine on the bottom soil of the seedling bed, which is covered with 8 centimeters thick nutrient soil.

(2) sowing date. Sow seeds in advance and prolong the harvest time as long as possible. Using small arch shed to raise seedlings can not only sow seeds earlier, but also reduce the occurrence of diseases in seedling stage. The seeds are usually sown in late April.

(3) soaking seeds to accelerate budding. 667 square meters with 20 grams of seed, soaked in 1000 times potassium permanganate solution for 10 minutes, rinsed with clean water and soaked in warm water for 6 hours, washed seeds, swung dry water, moisturized with wet gauze cloth, germinated at about 25 ℃, sowed seeds after dew.

(4) sowing and post-sowing management. In order to ensure a higher adult plant rate, seeds are required to be planted separately and covered with nutritious soil of 0.5 cm. Keep a high temperature before emergence, and ventilation should be paid attention to in order to prevent overgrowth after emergence. In the two-leaf and one-heart stage of seedlings, strong and disease-free seedlings were selected to carry out "three-belt" pseudo-planting with fertilizer, medicine and soil in the sunny evening, the pseudo-planting bed was the same as the seedling bed, and the root water was fixed after false planting.

(5) prevent seedling disease and control overgrowth. There are many diseases in tomato cultivation area, so ammonium copper complex or Luheng No. 2 can be used to control quenching disease and early blight. Spray once every 7 days and 3 times in a row. According to the growth of seedlings, spraying 1500x10-6 for a long time or spraying 300x10-6 can increase leaf color and inhibit overgrowth. The growth is too strong, and it will be sprayed again three weeks later.

Protected cultivation

Greenhouse mulching cultivation: in January, seedlings were raised by using sunny beds or greenhouse hotlines plus small sheds, and planted in the first and middle of March. Plastic film mulching was best followed by planting, and the shed was buckled after planting, and it was supplied to the market from May to July. It can be listed on the market about a month earlier than in the open field.

two。 Cultivation in greenhouse: in early December, seedlings were raised in cold bed or electric hotline in greenhouse, planted in late February, set in greenhouse, harvested from April to early August, and early-maturing, high-yield and high-quality varieties were selected.

3. Rain-proof shed cultivation: similar to greenhouse cultivation, only the canopy is not exposed during the whole period, only the skirt curtain is removed, so that the canopy plays a rain-proof role in the plum rainy season and summer, and then covers the sunshade net on the canopy, which has a cooling effect and can prolong the supply period of tomatoes to August or even September.

4. Autumn delayed cultivation in greenhouse: sowing from late June to early July, planting at the end of August, and listing from September to December. Covered with plastic film in October to keep warm, multiple mulching is feasible to extend the supply of fresh tomatoes to New Year's Day Festival.

5. Cultivation in solar greenhouse: in areas with plenty of sunshine in winter, spring tomatoes can be cultivated in solar greenhouse.

Raising seedlings

As the seeds are small, more attention should be paid to the management of sowing rate, temperature and humidity. The upper temperature is about 27 ℃, and after germination, the soil temperature should be reduced to 20 ℃. Pay attention to ventilation. When the first true leaf grows and is not as big as a cotyledon, it should be transferred to the seedling bowl to promote flower bud differentiation.

Fertilizer application

To pay attention to the quality of virgin fruit, we should pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer and control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. 2500 kg of manure per mu, or 2000 kg of human and animal manure or 100kg of vegetable cake, 30kg of compound fertilizer and 50kg of superphosphate were applied as base fertilizer to regulate the growth through water management. In the pre-harvest fruit, each harvest 2-3 Peng fruit, according to the growth strength, topdressing liquid fertilizer 2-3 times, but an appropriate amount of potash fertilizer.


It is better to choose the soil with deep soil layer, convenient drainage and fertile soil, and it is better to plant the land where the previous crops have not been planted. After soil preparation and fertilization, it is made into a high border of 30 cm, each planted in double rows, with a plant spacing of 30-45 cm, which is conducive to pruning. In order to reduce diseases and insect pests, control the growth of weeds, prevent fruit decay, keep the fruit clean and improve the commercial value, the seedlings with buds in the first inflorescence are generally used as the standard.


The varieties with limited growth should try their best to promote their growth, always leave two strong lateral branches in the upper part to make them grow upward, pay attention to the balance between the number of leaves and fruits, if the growth is too weak, part of the flower buds can be removed, and the infinite growth type does not aim at early maturity, but double-stem pruning, because the seed price is higher. But multi-line single pruning in production.

Pick leaves

In order to improve the quality, enhance the light, promote ventilation and prevent diseases, the old leaves below the ear can be removed.

Promote fruit setting

The electric oscillator was used to pollinate, and when some varieties were cultivated in poor pollination season, the oscillator effect was poor, so spraying anti-falling element was used to prevent flowers and fruits from falling.

Temperature control

In protected cultivation, the night temperature should be higher than that of ordinary tomato in order to improve the quality, and the management goal should be no less than 9: 10 ℃. The temperature is too low, the fruit color and meat quality are deteriorated, the room temperature is 25 ℃, ventilation should begin during the day, no more than 35 ℃ is the ideal, and the window will be closed when the temperature drops below 20 ℃ in the afternoon.