
"agate in the fruit" how much is the red bayberry seed per jin? Can I plant it? How do you plant it? When will it be ready?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Red bayberry, also known as tree plum, Shengsheng plum, white plum and so on, is a common fruit in Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, East China and Guangdong. It is widely planted because of its high medicinal and edible value. How much is the seed of red bayberry? Can I plant it? What?

Red bayberry, also known as tree plum, Shengsheng plum, white plum and so on, is a common fruit in Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, East China and Guangdong. It is widely planted because of its high medicinal and edible value. How much is the seed of red bayberry? Can I plant it? How do you plant it? When will it be ready?

Seed price:

The price of red bayberry seeds is about 1530 yuan per jin, but it varies according to the quality, variety, origin and market of the seeds.

Can I plant seeds?

Yes, the best sowing time of red bayberry seeds is from February to April and from September to October every year, and the germination rate and growth rate of red bayberry seeds sown at these two times are the highest and the best.

Seed planting techniques:

Sowing method:

Both wild and cultivated red bayberry seeds can be sowed and raised seedlings, and the germination rate of fresh seeds is the highest, but autumn sowing is often used in production. The specific steps are:

1. Nursery selection: the red bayberry nursery should choose the area with convenient transportation and flat topography, such as the general slope of the slope should not exceed 5 °, and the slope direction should be north or northeast as far as possible. it is better to use sandy loam with fertile soil, loose texture and deep soil layer.

2. Seed collection: red bayberry seeds should collect mature fruits from robust adult trees, spread out and accumulate in places where the sunlight is not direct, rinse and remove the floating gravure after 4 or 5 days of accumulation, and dry the surface for use.

3. Soil preparation and fertilization: red bayberry should be ploughed deeply before sowing and sun-white after ploughing. 3000kg / mu of pig, cattle manure or compost, 15kg / mu of calcium superphosphate, some plant ash, deep drainage ditches should be dug around paddy fields, and mountain areas should pay attention to drought and flood control.

4. Sowing method: before sowing, soak the seeds in 0.1% potassium permanganate solution or 40% methyl topiramate 800 times solution for 10 minutes, spread the seeds evenly on the border surface, and gently press the seeds into the soil with a plank after sowing. Cover it with a layer of fine soil and then cover with a thin layer of grass.

5. seedling management: red bayberry is generally sown in mid-late October, seeds germinate in January of the second year, and seedlings emerge in the middle of February. After emergence, attention should be paid to the control of temperature and humidity, and at the same time, attention should be paid to preventing sunburn or quenching disease. it can usually be transplanted in late July.

Methods of raising seedlings:

The method of raising seedlings of red bayberry varies from place to place, mainly by grafting, but also by striping and ramet propagation. The red bayberry rootstock is the main rootstock. Seeds should be collected from strong and fine mother trees. The seed germination rate of fruiting trees is higher than that of cultivated species. Generally, the germination rate of wild bayberry seeds is 30-60%, while the seed germination rate of cultivated species is mostly about 10-30%, but there are also relatively high seed emergence rates of late and early big species in Cixi County, Zhejiang Province, which can reach about 70%. The fruit for seed collection should be fully ripe and stored for 3-5 days after harvest. After the pulp is rotten, it is washed and dried or buried in wet sand. Because the dry storage of red bayberry seeds is easy to lose the ability of germination, it is mainly stored in sand. About 20 kg of seeds can be obtained for every 100 kg of fruit. Red bayberry is mainly sown in spring, and the seeding rate of seedbed seeder is 250-300 kg per mu. It germinated and unearthed one month after sowing, transplanted in May-June, and grafted 1-2 years after transplantation.

The grafting of bayberry is mainly branch grafting. Scions generally choose 1-2-year-old branches in the upper crown or periphery of the crown of high-yield trees with strong growth and entering the full fruit period. For thicker rootstocks, 2-3-year-old branches should be selected for scions. Male red bayberry can be changed into female after grafting with female scion. The grafting period is generally from mid-March to early April. Because of the exuberant sap flow of bayberry, it is advantageous to be grafted early before sprouting in spring. Choose a sunny day without wind when grafting, preferably without rain within 3-4 days after grafting. Generally, the methods of grafting are split grafting, improved cutting and subcutaneous grafting.

The exuberant flow of red bayberry sap often affects the survival rate of grafting. In order to restrain the tree potential and reduce the sap rise at the root, the following measures can be taken:

1. Cut off the root system: used for 2-3-year-old standing trees, then use a shovel to cut off part of the main and lateral roots from both sides of the seedlings.

2. In-situ grafting: dig out the rootstock before grafting, cut off part of the main and lateral roots, and then change the land to plant, and then graft.

3. Digging and grafting: the rootstocks are dug up and grafted indoors, which are used for 2-3-year-old rootstocks, and then pseudo-planted or planted directly on the planting site.

4. slow retention of branches: it is widely used for large rootstocks, that is, grafting is carried out on the main branch, while another branch is left as a "water diversion technique".

In order to attract water to flow to this branch and slow down the growth of the grafting part.

The grafted seedlings in the nursery have many branches, and the weak branches should be removed at any time from June to July to promote the growth of the remaining shoots. In summer, if the temperature is higher, it is necessary to build a shed for shade to maintain a certain temperature and humidity in the nursery, so as to prevent the seedlings from dying. The sprouting tillers on the rootstocks should be wiped out in batches to reduce the consumption of nutrients, but the survival rate of grafting will sometimes be affected in addition to germination too early.