
How much is the market price of Maca at present? What's the use? How do you eat it best? How much do you drink in a day?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Maca generally refers to Maka, which is a kind of cruciferous plant. The leaves are oval and the rhizome is shaped like a round radish. It is edible and is a kind of pure natural food. How much is the current Maca market price per jin? What's the use? How do you eat it best? Soak in water and drink too much all day

Maca generally refers to Maka, which is a kind of cruciferous plant. The leaves are oval and the rhizome is shaped like a round radish. It is edible and is a kind of pure natural food. How much is the current Maca market price per jin? What's the use? How do you eat it best? How much do you drink in a day? From the Bozhou traditional Chinese medicine market, Maca can be divided into black maca, purple maca and yellow maca, and the prices of different kinds and places of origin are different.

How much is the market price of Maca at present?

1. Yunnan Lijiang Maca yellow maca dried fruit costs 60-90 yuan per jin; purple dried fruit costs 80-120 yuan per jin; black maca has a market price of more than 100-200 yuan per jin, which is closely related to the origin, size and grade of Maca.

2. The market price of Peruvian Huangmaka is about 300 yuan per jin, purple dried fruit is about 400 yuan per jin, and Peruvian black maca is 400-800 yuan per jin. If it is selected, it is more expensive. When buying, pay attention to identify the true and false, there are many fake goods on the market, consumers should open their eyes, so as not to be deceived.

What's the use of Maca?

1. Nutrition

Italian scientist DiniA systematically obtained the chemical composition of Makagan root for the first time in 1994: the protein content is more than 10% (the protein content of the Maka variety along Lake Huning is more than 14%) and 59% carbohydrates. 8.5% fiber, which contains rich minerals such as zinc, calcium, iron, titanium, rubidium, potassium, sodium, copper, manganese, magnesium, strontium, phosphorus and iodine, as well as vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, A, E, B12, B5, the fat content is not high, but most of them are unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid and linolenic acid content is more than 53%. Natural active ingredients include alkaloids, glucosinolates and their decomposition products benzyl isothiocyanate, sterols, polyphenols and so on. In 1999, American scientists discovered that Maka contains two new plant active ingredients, macamides and macaenes, and determined that these two substances play a significant role in balancing human hormone secretion, so Maka is also called natural hormone engine. In the targeted study of Maka products, several special Maka alkaloids have been found. with the deepening of the research, there will be more active new substances to be isolated and identified.

2. Edible

Maka can be eaten in the sun or made into salad. Cooked food is even better. It provides a lot of heat. People who have tasted it say that it is satisfying, comfortable and delicious.

Maka's fresh roots can be fried and eaten with meat or other vegetables, or they can be dried and cooked with water or milk. Local natives often drink fresh roots with honey and fruit juice as a drink. Maka is rich in high-unit nutrients, which has the function of nourishing and strengthening the human body. People who have eaten it will have the feeling of being physically energetic, energetic and not tired.

How can Maca eat best? How much do you drink in a day?

1. Stew

When we stew chicken, duck, meat and ribs, we can put the Marga into the stew and then stew it until rotten. At this time, the nutrition of Maga is basically put into the soup. Drinking 50ml one day is very beneficial to the body. Remember to eat the dregs of Marga when the soup is finished.

2. Drink in soaking water

Cut the maga into slices, put two or three tablets into a cup and soak for about 20 minutes at a time, then take boiling water, soak four times in a row, and eat the maga tablets with dregs after four times.

3. Stir-fry and eat

We can also cut the Maga into slices and stir-fry it with all kinds of dishes, which not only has nutrition, but also improves the taste of Maga, and the effect is unique.

4. Cooking porridge

Slice the Maga and cook it with shredded meat, yam, jujube and millet. You can also add Maga tablets about 20 minutes before the porridge is cooked. In this way, the porridge is nutritious and can be effectively absorbed.

5. Soak wine

Soak Maga slices with about 50 degrees of liquor at 1:20 for about two weeks. After soaking, drink 20ml about every day. Do not drink too much. After soaking, you can take two to three tablets a day.

6. Eat dry

Direct dry food of Majia tablets is also effective, but the taste is not very good. You can take about three tablets a day.

7. Make tablets and take them.

At present, there are also many drugstores that buy directly prepared Marga tablets, which can be bought and eaten in accordance with the drug instructions.