
2018 what kind of fruit trees make money? What are some good recommendations?

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, It is now popular to plant fruit trees in China, which makes some kinds of fruit trees more and more prominent, and fruit trees have become popular entrepreneurial projects, so what kind of fruit trees do 2018 kinds of fruit trees make money? What are some good recommendations? Planting apple trees, apples are the most common in people's lives.

It is now popular to plant fruit trees in China, which makes some kinds of fruit trees more and more prominent, and fruit trees have become popular entrepreneurial projects, so what kind of fruit trees do 2018 kinds of fruit trees make money? What are some good recommendations? Planting apple trees, apples are one of the most common fruits in people's lives. As the saying goes: eat an apple a day, all kinds of diseases quickly stay away from you. From this sentence, we can see that the nutritional value and therapeutic value of apples should not be underestimated. Apple not only has the functions of regulating intestines and stomach, lowering cholesterol, beauty and health, but also can enhance people's resistance and memory. therefore, it is favored by consumers in the market, and has become the first choice for many investors to plant fruit trees.

2018 what kind of fruit trees make money?

1. Banana tree

Bananas were called bananas in ancient times. Banana has a good effect on brain development, in addition, it also has the functions of preventing fatigue, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, promoting gastrointestinal digestion, replenishing human energy and so on. Bananas can be seen everywhere, whether in family life or in various buffet restaurants. No matter men and women, old and young, people like to eat it, it can give people balanced nutrition. Therefore, banana tree planting is also a very good choice.

two。 Peach tree

Relevant data show that there are about 1000 peach varieties in the world, and there are 800 peach varieties in China, accounting for about 80% of the total number of peach varieties. Thus it can be seen that there are many varieties of peaches in our country. Peach, the appearance is exquisite and beautiful, peach flesh is rich in nutrients and a lot of water, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis and other diseases caused by cough, night sweats and other diseases have a good dietotherapy effect. In addition, peaches have a lot of medicinal value, which is very suitable for people with symptoms such as constipation, amenorrhea, deficiency of both qi and blood. Peach has a high yield and considerable revenue, so it is a planting project with high performance-to-price ratio.

3. Pear tree

Eating pears often can keep colds and other diseases away from you. Therefore, many people call pears "omni-directional healthy fruits". In addition, pear nutritional value, but also has heat-clearing, detoxification, expectorant, cough and other effects, therefore, everyone loves it. The nutritional value and therapeutic value of pears are very good, so they naturally become the "heart water" choice for many growers.

4. Hawthorn tree

Hawthorn tree, Hawthorn is not only a fruit, but also a medicine. Hawthorn is an endemic fruit tree in China, which has developed rapidly in recent years. The cultivated area has reached 7 million mu, accounting for about 10% of the total area of fruit trees in China. At present, most of them are newly planted or early fruiting trees. according to the current yield and cultivation management, it is predicted that the total output of Hawthorn in China will reach 3 million tons. Hawthorn fresh food is not large, the main way out is processing, so farmers must pay attention to think of a good way out for deep processing.

Hawthorn can be made into Hawthorn cake, Hawthorn cake, Hawthorn slices, Hawthorn strip, Hawthorn roll, Hawthorn paste, Hawthorn juice, fried Hawthorn, peel of fruit, Hawthorn tea, sugar snowball, canned Hawthorn, Hawthorn Tomatoes on sticks and other products with considerable economic benefits.

5. Walnut tree

Walnut is an economic forest tree species with a long history of cultivation in China, which has high economic value. Walnut kernel is rich in nutrition and has a wide range of medical and health functions, and its fat is not only a high-grade edible oil, but also has high industrial and medicinal value; walnut wood is an important raw material for aviation, transportation and military industry with hard texture and fine texture; tannin extract can be extracted from walnut bark, leaves and green bark; fruit shell can be fired into activated carbon, which is a high-quality material for making gas masks. In a word, walnuts are full of treasures. If walnuts can be comprehensively utilized, reasonably developed and promoted industrialization, the resource advantages of the mountain areas can be turned into economic advantages for the benefit of the mountain people.