
Can big cherries be planted in the south? How much is the sapling price? How many years has it been planted? What are the techniques of shaping and pruning?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Big cherry, also known as Yingqing fruit, cherry bead and cherry, is the earliest fruit tree species after the deciduous fruit trees in northern China have matured after the relay of Chinese cherries. Can big cherries be planted in the south? How much is the sapling price? How many years has it been planted? The techniques of shaping and pruning include

Big cherry, also known as Yingqing fruit, cherry bead and cherry, is the earliest fruit tree species after the deciduous fruit trees in northern China have matured after the relay of Chinese cherries. Can big cherries be planted in the south? How much is the sapling price? How many years has it been planted? What are the techniques of shaping and pruning? It is learned from the Shandong seedling base that the price of 1-5 cm big cherry seedlings is 2-8 yuan per tree.

Can big cherries be planted in the south?

Cherry generally needs a low temperature below 7.2 °C for 900 to 1400 hours to complete winter dormancy, which limits the large-scale cultivation in the south of China. Therefore, Chinese cherry is still the main variety in the southern provinces of China, at the same time, the excellent varieties of Chinese cherry are very few, and the cultivated varieties generally show many shortcomings, such as small fruit, sour taste, pre-harvest fruit cracking, fruit drop and so on.

So cherries can be grown in the south, but mainly Chinese cherries.

How many years have big cherries been planted?

1. The period from planting to the first fruit of big cherry is usually three years. If the grafting method is used, the cycle will be greatly shortened, and its body should be based on the choice of rootstock.

2. Big cherry trees can bear fruit of 200 or 300 kilograms and can be as old as 200 years. If the weather is warm, a few spring rains and a few days of spring sun, the fruit will turn red in the twinkling of an eye.

What are the techniques of shaping and pruning big cherries?

First, the period of young cherry trees

1. The main purpose is to establish a solid tree skeleton, and on the basis of shaping, the pruning degree of all kinds of branches should be light. In addition to properly thinning some overdense and crossed random branches, it is necessary to retain as many medium branches and branchlets as possible and cut off one-year-old branches lightly to promote more branches to facilitate the growth of backbone branches.

two。 When the young tree is 3 or 4 years old, the degree of short section of the main branch should be determined according to the growth strength and location of the branch. In general, the elongated branch should be cut to ~ 40cm to 50cm, and the elongated branch generally leaves the outer bud, and the varieties with strong upright branches can also leave the inner bud, which can be cut off when the inner bud is cut next winter, and the outer bud can be used to extend the branch, so that the opening angle can be opened and its excessive growth can be restrained.

3. The branchlets on all levels of branches in the crown are basically motionless. Make it form fruit branches as soon as possible to facilitate early fruiting and early high yield.

Second, tree culture

The spindle-shaped tree shape is used in the cultivation of big cherry, which is beneficial to the early high and stable yield.

1. This kind of tree shape requires that strong seedlings of more than 1.5 meters should be planted with a fixed stem height of 80 to 90 centimeters, and the main branches will not be cultivated in that year, but the germinated branches on the trunk will be cut short in winter, and the main branches will be cultivated in the second year, which can increase the grade difference between the middle trunk and the main branches, which is beneficial to the cultivation of subordinate relations.

two。 The tree shape generally requires a dry height of 60cm to 70cm and a height of 3.5cm to 4.0m. 15 main branches are randomly cultivated on the central trunk every 20cm to 25cm. The angle of the main branch is between 70cm and 80C. Lateral branches are not cultivated, but large, small and medium-sized branches are cultivated on the main branch.

Third, summer pruning

In the process of shaping, it should be combined with summer pruning, the opening angle of the main branch is about 70 degrees, when the length of the extended branch is about 50 cm, the tip of the branch is about 10 cm, and the short cut of the extended branch in winter is about 40 cm to 50 cm, in order to keep the branch axis compact. Prevent the occurrence of rear baldness.

1. Summer pruning is mainly to ease the tree potential and promote the formation of flower buds, the main measures are as follows:

① branch drawing: before the Summer Solstice or from August to September, opening the angle of the main branch to avoid crown closure, the lower branch withered, the branch drawing can increase the germination rate, increase the number of short branches, promote the early fruiting of flowers, improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions in the crown, improve the branch quality, prevent internal baldness, ease the outward movement of fruiting parts, increase the effective fruiting volume, and improve the yield and quality. Pulling a strong branch can ease the growth of the branch and balance the tree. The opening angle of the auxiliary branch should be about 80-90 degrees.

② sprouting: before germination, cut across the top of the buds and leaf branches to the xylem to promote the emergence of new shoots. Sprouting can improve the germination quality of lateral buds or leaf branches, increase the proportion of medium and long branches and the total number of branches, which is conducive to shaping and making up for the vacancy in the crown.

③ coring: continuous coring of the strong branches in the tree. The small and medium-sized branches were cultured when the long and middle branches of sprouting buds were 15-20 cm in length, in order to increase the effective fruiting parts, promote early fruiting and increase the yield. Picking the heart of the strong branches can promote the growth of branches, increase the number of short branches, ease the growth of the whole tree, and achieve the purpose of early fruiting. The growing branches can be coring 2 or 3 times in a year. In order to improve the fruit setting rate, the heart-picking time should be limited to 10-15 days after anthesis. Obviously reduce the nutrient consumption, reduce the physiological fruit drop, and the fruit matures early. The secondary branch germinated after picking the heart has a high flowering rate.

④ girdling: girdling is an effective measure to control vegetative growth and promote early fruit. The time of girdling of big cherry is very strong, usually from flowering to 10 days after late flowering, on the trunk or big branch. The width of the peeling mouth can be slightly larger than the standard of the apple, and the peeling healing rate is faster than that of the apple because of the bark regenerated by xylem parenchyma cells.

⑤ summer branch thinning: thinning of perennial branches which are too dense, too strong, smooth and disordered crown is very beneficial to adjust tree structure, improve light balance and promote flower bud differentiation. If the branches are thinned in the first ten days of June, the wound can be easily healed, and the strong branches which seriously affect the ventilation and light in the crown and have no retention value can be removed from the base.

Winter pruning

Winter pruning refers to the pruning of trees after entering winter dormancy. The vessel in the big cherry branch is thick, the tissue is soft, the cut is easy to lose water to form a dry pile and endanger the cut bud, or dry down a section and affect the branch potential, sometimes the cut will appear glue. Therefore, the winter pruning of big cherries is usually carried out after the sap begins to flow and before germination in the next spring.

The main methods of winter cutting are: truncation, slow release, retraction, thinning and so on.

1. Truncation: cutting off part of an annual branch is called truncation. Short cut can increase branches, enhance local growth potential, and promote vegetative growth. According to the degree of cutting, it can be divided into light truncation, medium truncation, heavy truncation and extremely heavy truncation.

① light truncation: cut off the annual branches of the 1mm, 4cm, 1ax, 3. The annual branches with large branching angle can reduce the branch-forming ability and increase the number of short branches, and the germinated branches can be easily transformed into fruit branches.

② truncation: cut short at the full buds in the middle of the annual branch, cutting off the length of the original branch about 1 / 2, 1 / 3. Due to the good quality of cutting buds, 3-5 medium and long shoots can be produced after short cutting. For the elongated branches of the central trunk, main branches and lateral branches, the middle and short truncation is often used in the young tree stage to expand the crown. In the varieties with weak branching ability, the middle and short section can be used to increase the amount of branches. Weak trees can also be rejuvenated by medium and short truncation to restore the tree potential.

③ heavy truncation: truncation at the middle and lower full buds of annual branches.

④ extremely heavy truncated: truncated at the shrunken buds at the base of the branch. When using the dorsal superior branch to cultivate the small fruiting branch group, the small fruiting branch group can be formed by thinning the strong and prosperous erect branch, slowly releasing the medium and short medium branch.

two。 Slow release: the annual branch is not pruned or only topped, allowing it to grow naturally, which is called slow release. Slow release is beneficial to ease the tree potential and branch potential, and reduce the number of long branches, which is conducive to the formation of bouquet-like short fruit branches, which is a common pruning method for young trees and early fruit trees.

When releasing branches slowly, ① should grasp the principles of "slowly leveling but not straightening, slowly weakening not slowly flourishing", and "slowly growing but not weakening, slowly outside but not slowly inside" in the full fruit period.

When there are 3-5 whorled large leaf buds at the top of slow-release branches of ②, the terminal buds should be cut off.

③ slow-release branches should vary from branch to branch, young trees, most of the mediocre branches and larger-angled branches are better, erect strong branches and competitive branches must be pulled horizontally or drooping and then slowly released, if not handled and then released slowly, this kind of branch thickens very quickly, it is easy to form "overlord branch" or "back tree", disturb the subordinate relationship between tree shape and all kinds of branches, leading to the decline of short branches in the lower part of the tree, and the result part is moved out.

The elongated branches of the main branches of ④ should not be released slowly during the crown expansion period, otherwise, the ideal backbone branches could not be produced in the place where the branches should be produced.

3. Retraction: cutting off or sawing off part of the perennial branch is called retraction. Through retraction, it can renew and rejuvenate the remaining branches and promote the growth of the lower branches in the retracted part.

The fruiting branch group whose ① retracts continuously for many years can enhance the growth potential of the fruiting branch group, improve the fruiting rate and fruit quality.

In order to prevent the crown from expanding again, ② retracted the elongated branches and exchanged the weak for the strong.

The degree of retraction of ③ is heavy, the quality of retained branches is good, the growth of original branches is strong, and the rejuvenation effect is obvious. Specific to a perennial branch, the promoting effect after retraction pruning is often limited to the vicinity of the shearing mouth, and the farther away from the cutting mouth, the less obvious the promoting effect.

4. Winter thinning: removing annual or perennial branches from the base. Branch thinning can improve the scenery conditions in the crown, reduce the ineffective consumption of nutrients, and promote the formation of flower buds.

① thinning mainly removes the competitive branches of the main branches, excessive annual branches, over-vigorous branches, whorled branches, over-dense auxiliary branches, useless overgrown branches, dorsal branches, weak branches, disease and insect branches and so on.

② big cherry trees should not remove too many big branches, so as not to cause too many or too large wounds to cause glue flow or dry cracks, or even cause the death of the big branches or main branches.