
What is Fritillaria chuanensis and Fritillaria pinnatifida? How to distinguish between the two?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fritillaria is a perennial herb. Its bulb is used for medicinal purposes. Because of its shape, "Materia Medica Collection Notes" said: similar to the shape of Fritillaria, hence the name Fritillaria, can relieve cough and resolve phlegm, clear heat and dissipate the function. Alias: hard mother, bitter herb, bitter flower, empty grass, medicine. Produced in Qinghai,

Fritillaria is a perennial herb. Its bulb is used for medicinal purposes. Because of its shape, "Materia Medica Collection Notes" said: "similar to the shape of Fritillaria", hence the name Fritillaria, can relieve cough and resolve phlegm, clear heat and dissipate the function. Alias: hard mother, bitter herb, bitter flower, empty grass, medicine. Produced in Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan, Shaanxi Qinba Mountains, Gansu and other places. There are many kinds of Fritillaria, so what are Fritillaria thunbergii and Fritillaria thunbergii? How to distinguish between the two?

What is Fritillaria thunbergii and Fritillaria thunbergii?

1. Fritillaria thunbergii, also known as Fritillaria thunbergii, is the dry bulb of Fritillaria thunbergii, Fritillaria thunbergii, Fritillaria kansuensis and Fritillaria thunbergii. The first three are used to be called "Songbei" and "Qingbei" respectively according to their different characters, and the latter are commonly known as "furnace shellfish". Because it is mainly produced in Sichuan, it is generally known as Fritillaria thunbergii, which is of good quality and is regarded as an authentic medicinal material. In ancient times, some people thought that chuanbei with the flat bottom and the tip of the head was the best, so there was a pointed Fritillaria. Its cool nature, Ganping, into the lung meridian, stomach meridian, the effect of moistening the lung, relieving cough, resolving phlegm and relieving asthma, heat and phlegm.

2. Fritillaria thunbergii, also known as Pingbei, is the dry bulb of Fritillaria thunbergii, which is mainly distributed in the Changbai Mountains and the southern mountains of Xiaoxinganling in the northeast, mainly producing Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei and other provinces. This medicine was originally used outside the customs and was used locally. In the mid-19th century, the Han, Korean, Manchu, Hui and other ethnic groups in the northeast of Xianfeng had folk prescriptions such as "Fritillaria pear" for the treatment of lung heat, cough and asthma. At the beginning of the 20th century, Fritillaria thunbergii and other medicinal materials in Jilin City were operated and sold in the customs, so Fritillaria thunbergii began to enter the market of medicinal materials in the customs, supplying medicinal materials all over the country. Its bitter taste, pungent; slightly cold, return to the lung meridian, clear heat and moisten the lung, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, mainly for the treatment of lung heat and dryness cough, dry cough and less phlegm, Yin deficiency and fatigue cough, sputum with blood, constipation, breast carbuncle and so on.

3. Pingbei has been widely used for a short time, because of its "Xin Neng divergence" and "Xin into the lung", so it is mainly used to treat lung diseases and carbuncle in TCM clinic, and can be used to prepare many kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines such as compound Fritillaria tablets and Xiaoer Niuhuang Qingfei Powder. Chuanbei has been used for a long time, cool and sweet, more than Zhejiang Fritillaria, so it is mainly used for lung deficiency and chronic cough, phlegm and pharynx dryness. In recent years, alkaloids with antitussive and expectorant effects have been extracted from the stems, leaves, flowers and fruits of Fritillaria thunbergii, which have been used to make a new drug for the treatment of tracheitis, showing a new way of comprehensive utilization.

From this, it can be seen that the two are different in terms of raw materials, origin, efficacy and indications, and the drugs used are also different due to the differences in personal physique and disease nature. Therefore, when buying, we must learn to distinguish between Fritillaria thunbergii and Fritillaria chuanensis.

Second, how to distinguish Chuanbei and Pingbei?

(1) Fritillaria thunbergii

This product is flat and spherical in shape, such as calculation beads, high 0.5~1cm, diameter 0.6~2cm. The surface is milky white or yellowish white, the outer layer has two scales, thick and plump, similar in size or a larger one, clasping each other, the top is slightly flat or slightly concave, slightly cracked. The central scale is small, solid and brittle, and rich in powder. The biggest difference between Pingbei and Chuanbei is that Pingbei is larger than Chuanbei, flat and not round, the color is often not white, and the taste is bitter.

(2) Fritillaria chuanensis

There are many varieties of Fritillaria thunbergii, which can be divided into three specifications: pine Fritillaria, Green Fritillaria and Fritillaria thunbergii.

(1) Songbei: oval in shape, uniform in size and no more than 1 cm in diameter. The top is slightly pointed and closed. The bottom is flat and can be held upright. The outer two scales are very different in size, and the small scales are wrapped in large heart-shaped scales, leaving a crescent-shaped part commonly known as "holding the moon in the arms". The appearance is pure white and shiny. The texture is hard and crisp and powdery.

(2) Green shellfish: it is oblate in shape, and the two outer scales are similar in size. The top opening contains several small scales, and the particles are so askew that they cannot be placed upright. The appearance is light yellowish white, the texture is looser than pine shellfish, powder.

(3) stove shellfish: most of them are prismatic or conical, with large particles and shaped like horse teeth, so they are commonly known as "horse tooth mouth". Crisp and powdery. These three kinds of Fritillaria are all slightly angry and slightly bitter.