
When is it appropriate to plant greenhouse and open-air tomatoes? Watering and drugging in a few days? What are the cultivation management techniques?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Tomato, namely tomato, another name Fan persimmon, persimmon, fleshy and juicy, yellow seeds, flowering and fruiting period summer and autumn. Native to South America, widely cultivated in southern and northern China. When is tomato planting appropriate? Watering and drugging in a few days? What are the cultivation management techniques?

Tomato, namely tomato, another name Fan persimmon, persimmon, fleshy and juicy, yellow seeds, flowering and fruiting period summer and autumn. Native to South America, widely cultivated in southern and northern China. When is tomato planting appropriate? Watering and drugging in a few days? What are the cultivation management techniques?

When is tomato planting appropriate?

1. Early maturity cultivation in spring protected land was planted in cold tail and warm head weather from late February to early March;

2. Cultivation with plastic film mulching in open field was carried out on March 20 or so in cold tail and warm head weather;

3. Planting density: early-maturing varieties with multi-trunk pruning row spacing of 50×30 cm, about 3000 plants per mu; middle-late maturing varieties with single-trunk pruning about 3500 plants per mu; double-trunk pruning about 2000 plants per mu.

How many days after tomato planting watering and spraying?

1. As an early prevention, 800 times of liquid plant protective coat can be sprayed every half month to enhance plant stress resistance and photosynthesis, prevent infection diseases and pests, and ensure the fruit yield of tomatoes.

2. About 20 days after planting, 25% azoxystrobin 100ml +70imidacloprid 400g +5% abamectin partner (Genlishu) 1000ml can be used per mu, 200kg of water can be sprayed at the base of tomato stem, and 50~ 100ml of liquid medicine can be sprayed on each plant.

3. The temperature in spring and winter is low, the ground temperature rises slowly, and the transpiration of water is poor. When pouring water, it is easy to make the root system in a low temperature and high humidity environment for a long time, which leads to various diseases, especially in bad weather.

The reasonable operation should be to irrigate small water, increase the temperature appropriately 1~2 days after planting, the temperature of the shed can be increased to 30℃ during the day, and the night temperature should be controlled at 16~18℃, and gradually increase ventilation after 2 days. Two days before pouring the second water, root irrigation can be selected from: 95% hymexyl 3000 times, propamocarb hydrochloride 750 times, can kill three thousand combined root irrigation. At the same time, it is suggested to dip roots with phosphorus and potassium source before planting.

4, slow seedling water according to the weather and shed conditions generally 8~10 days after planting, spring and winter root growth is slow, after early recovery, irrigation slow seedling water, new roots have gradually begun to grow. Humic acid and seaweed can effectively promote the number and growth speed of root system. At the same time, the water for seedling retardation was slightly larger than that for planting. During this period, vegetable farmers will have farming operations such as hoeing and mulching without irrigation.

5. The third water in winter is generally carried out 25~30 days after planting, and the plants enter the flowering and fruiting period. At this time, the roots have basically grown, forming a root skeleton composed of thicker roots, and the coverage of the roots has also expanded to a diameter of 20 cm.

At this time, carbendazim can be applied with water flushing to carry out a large-scale soil sterilization to ensure the further healthy growth of roots.

What are tomato cultivation techniques?

1. Nutrient solution management after colonization

The pH value of nutrient solution is controlled at about 6.5, the EC value of nutrient solution is controlled within 2.5-3.0ms/cm, the temperature of nutrient solution is controlled within 18-20 DEG C, and the circulation time of nutrient solution is 10-20 hours per day. 50- 100g potassium sulfate is added per ton of nutrient solution every week when the plants enter the flowering and fruiting stage.

2, pruning

Tomato tree pruning is different from ordinary tomato pruning. Ordinary tomato pruning is single pruning, all lateral branches should be removed, while tomato tree pruning adopts continuous double trunk pruning method, each branch retains 2 growth points, all strong lateral branches grow are retained, only some weak lateral branches are removed. A tomato tree will have hundreds or thousands of growing points. At the base of the lateral branches, pull them on the cultivation frame with ropes. The branches up to the cultivation frame should also be evenly distributed in order without covering each other.

3. Spend time

If the tomato tree planted is for sightseeing, the one-time flower retention method can be adopted, that is, all the flowers opened before the cultivation frame on the plant are removed, and all the flowers opened after the cultivation frame (100-120 days after sowing) are left. To ensure fruit setting, 20-40 mg/kg of Baoguoning can be sprayed. Each ear retains 4-5 fruits.

4, foliar fertilizer

To increase plant nutrient supply, foliar fertilizer is applied every 7-10 days. Where conditions permit, carbon dioxide can also be added.