
When should sweet-scented osmanthus trees be fertilized? What kind of fertilizer is the best and best? How to apply fertilizer with pig manure? (with fertilization method)

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Osmanthus fragrans, also known as sweet clover, is an evergreen tree of the family Melilotus. Sweet-scented osmanthus is most suitable for cultivation in late spring, and the planting holes of sweet-scented osmanthus trees should be deep and wide. So when should sweet-scented osmanthus trees be fertilized? What kind of fertilizer is the best and best? How to apply fertilizer with pig manure? Now it's big.

Osmanthus fragrans, also known as sweet clover, is an evergreen tree of the family Melilotus. Sweet-scented osmanthus is most suitable for cultivation in late spring, and the planting holes of sweet-scented osmanthus trees should be deep and wide. So when should sweet-scented osmanthus trees be fertilized? What kind of fertilizer is the best and best? How to apply fertilizer with pig manure? Now, the fertilization methods for sweet-scented osmanthus trees are as follows:

The reasonable fertilization time and matters needing attention of sweet-scented osmanthus are introduced as follows:

I. varieties of fertilizers

Fertilizers are usually divided into three categories: organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer and biological micro-fertilizer.

1. Organic fertilizer is usually divided into plant organic fertilizer and plant organic fertilizer. Botanical organic fertilizer includes human feces and urine, feather hoof horns and bone meal of livestock, and wastes of fish, meat, eggs and so on. Plant organic fertilizer includes bean cake and other cake fertilizer, sesame sauce dregs, weeds, leaves, green manure, Chinese herbal medicine dregs, distiller's grains and so on. These two kinds of fertilizers are rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. All of them are late-acting fertilizers with complete nutrients and long fertilizer efficiency. They must be fermented and mature in shortage before use, and raw fertilizer is easy to damage the root system.

2. Inorganic fertilizer, commonly known as "chemical fertilizer", is a fertilizer rich in mineral nutrients, which is made by chemical decomposition or processed by natural ore. This kind of fertilizer has high nutrient content, many elements, fast fertilizer effect, clean and sanitary, and inconvenient to use, but the temporary use is easy to form soil consolidation, it is best to mix with organic fertilizer, the effect is better. Inorganic fertilizer is divided into nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer has urea, ammonium carbonate, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonia, ammonium chloride, calcium nitrate and so on, which can rush into the luxuriant branches and leaves of flowers; phosphate fertilizer has calcium superphosphate, calcium magnesium phosphorus and so on, which is often used as base fertilizer increasing agent, and the fertilizer effect is slow. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate and ammonium phosphate are high concentration quick-acting fertilizers, and contain nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, which can be used as topdressing fertilizer, and can be used as topdressing, which can rush into bright patterns and thin fruits. Potassium fertilizer has potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium nitrate and so on, all of which are quick-acting fertilizers, which can be used as topdressing and can rush into flower branches and roots. The fertilizer effect of chemical fertilizer is fast, but the fertilizer content is simple; the fertilizer is violent, but not durable. Except for phosphate fertilizer, general chemical fertilizer is used as topdressing. The use of chemical fertilizer must be excessive, and the concentration should be controlled at 0. 1% Murray 0. 3%, do not be too strong, otherwise it will easily hurt the roots and seedlings of flowers. Water should be irrigated immediately after applying chemical fertilizer to ensure the shortage of fertilizer effect.

3. Biological micro-fertilizer can be understood as microbial fertilizer simply. Saleford double micro-compound fertilizer contains a large number of beneficial microorganisms and is rich in all kinds of medium and trace elements needed for plant growth. When used together with organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, beneficial microorganisms can not only improve the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer, but also promote the maturity of organic fertilizer, promote the absorption of nutrients, and greatly improve the disease resistance and stress resistance of sweet-scented osmanthus trees.

II. Rational fertilization

The so-called rational fertilization means that we should pay attention to timely and excessive fertilization. The so-called timely, refers to the flowers need to be applied, such as the invention of light leaf color, strong plant growth, fertilization is timely. As for when and what fertilizer should be applied according to different growth and development periods, such as more nitrogen fertilizer can be applied at the seedling stage to promote the rapid and firm growth of seedlings. No matter what era of fertilization, should pay attention to the amount, if the application of too much nitrogen fertilizer, easy to form overgrowth; too much potash fertilizer, obstacles to growth, affecting the consequences of flowering.

1. Attention should be paid to fertilization

Sweet-scented osmanthus seedlings absorb nutrients and water all in the fibrous roots around the crown, so it is appropriate to dig trenches in the outer circle of the crown projection to apply fertilizer, and the ditch depth depends on the depth of the roots. The newly transplanted sweet-scented osmanthus should not be fertilized too early because of its weak absorptive capacity due to root damage. When applying fertilizer, the fertilizer can not come into contact with branches and leaves, nor can it come into direct contact with coarse roots and fibrous roots. After application, it is required to cover the soil and level the ground at the same time.

Fertilization is very important for the growth and development of Osmanthus fragrans. In order to make sweet-scented osmanthus flourish and grow vigorously, it is necessary to fertilize it. Fertilization should be applied frequently with thin fertilizer, mainly with available nitrogen fertilizer. Young sweet-scented osmanthus trees should be fertilized 4 times a year, before winter, before sprouting in early spring, in late May and from the end of June to the end of July. Choose when the weather is sunny and the soil is dry. In the first two times, cattle and sheep manure and lake mud were used together with Saleford microbial fertilizer as base fertilizer, and the latter two times were mainly based on available nitrogen fertilizer. Adult sweet-scented osmanthus is fertilized three times a year. One of the base fertilizers was applied from mid to late October to before winter, twice forced fertilizer, the first was applied in February-March to promote spring shoots, and the second was applied in August (one month before flowering) to increase the number of flowers and improve the quality of flowers.

What is the best fertilizer for sweet-scented osmanthus trees

Sweet-scented osmanthus likes fertilizer, and no fertilization for one year is very disadvantageous to the growth of sweet-scented osmanthus trees. Sweet-scented osmanthus trees try not to use chemical fertilizer and should use more farm manure. Sweet-scented osmanthus trees especially like pig manure fertilizer, there is a folk proverb called "to make sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, break pig shit jar." There is no pig manure in the city, so rotten cake fertilizer can be used (or Huimanfeng, Chunquan 883, Opal and other highly efficient active fertilizers).

How to fertilize sweet-scented osmanthus with pig manure? Dig a hole around the tree and pour pig dung, as long as it doesn't hurt the roots. Just do it.

The correct fertilization method for sweet-scented osmanthus trees:

1. Digging ditches and fertilizing in the outer circle of the crown projection, the ditch depth depends on the depth of the root.

2. The newly transplanted sweet-scented osmanthus should not be fertilized too early because of the damage of root system and weak absorptive capacity.

3. When applying fertilizer, the fertilizer can not come into contact with branches and leaves, nor can it come into direct contact with thick roots and fibrous roots.

4. After application, it is required to cover the soil and level the ground at the same time.

Organize the fertilization methods of sweet-scented osmanthus trees for everyone, hoping to help you.