
How long is the growth cycle of peach trees of Liya family? Why should it be pruned during the growing period? How to trim?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peach tree (Rosaceae deciduous tree) generally refers to peach, is a kind of fruit as a fruit of the deciduous tree, flowers can be ornamental, fruit juicy. How long is the growth cycle of the peach tree? Why should it be pruned during the growing period? How to trim? How long is the growth cycle of peach trees?

Peach tree (Rosaceae deciduous tree) generally refers to peach, is a kind of fruit as a fruit of the deciduous tree, flowers can be ornamental, fruit juicy. How long is the growth cycle of the peach tree? Why should it be pruned during the growing period? How to trim?

How long is the growth cycle of peach trees?

The life cycle of peach can be divided into young tree stage, early fruiting stage, fruiting peak stage, late fruiting stage and aging stage.

April (florescence):

1. Topdressing irrigation after anthesis (with less water); artificial pollination and thinning of flowers.

two。 Foliar fertilizer (urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, photosynthetic micro-fertilizer, etc.) was sprayed every 10-15 days.

3. Control aphids, bacterial perforation, etc.

4. Spraying 500 times of amino acid fertilizer and 300 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate every 10 days after flowering can reduce peach fruit cracking, especially late ripening peach, and increase yield.

May (new tip speed for a long time):

1. Fruit bagging of fruit thinning and early maturing varieties.

two。 Apply hard nuclear fertilizer in the middle and last ten days, and irrigate and loosen the soil after application.

3. Summer pruning (coring, ring hanging, pruning, etc.) begins in the last ten days.

4. Control peach scab, red spider, peach borer, etc.).

June (fruit expansion period):

1. The first summer pruning was completed in the first ten days, and the bagging of late-maturing varieties was completed.

two。 The orchard is covered with grass.

3. Early-maturing varieties will be picked in the last ten days.

4. Spray to control the first generation of peach heart borer, peach leafhopper and other insect pests.

July (flower bud differentiation):

1. The mid-maturity varieties were fertilized before harvest and irrigated and loosened with soil moisture.

two。 The second summer shearing will be carried out in the middle and late ten days.

3. Spraying to control diseases and insect pests such as shallow night moth.

August (new tip stop period):

1. In the first ten days, topdressing and watering, harvesting mid-ripe varieties.

two。 Control the second generation peach heart borer and other diseases and insect pests.

September to October (fruit ripening period)

1. Early-maturing and middle-maturing varieties applied base fertilizer early.

two。 Late-maturing varieties were harvested.

3. Foliar spraying fertilizer and fungicide to protect the leaves.

4. Spraying to control diseases and insect pests

November (deciduous period):

1. Apply sufficient base fertilizer and seal moving water

two。 The whole tree was sprayed with 40-50 times high concentration half-dose Bordeaux solution to control peach leaf shrinkage disease and so on.

December to February (dormant period):

1. Clean the orchard (remove old and diseased branches, leaves, scrape off warped skin).

two。 Winter pruning (young trees are mainly shaped, while adult trees are mainly to balance tree potential and maintain high and stable yield).

3. Put on a wound protector.

March (before budding):

1. Planing the tree plate in time after thawing to loosen the soil to facilitate the root system extension.

two。 From late ten days to early April, topdressing (mainly nitrogen fertilizer) irrigation.

3. Spray 3-5 Baumedu stone sulfur mixture before germination to prevent bacterial perforation, fruit shrinkage and anthrax.

Why should peach trees be pruned during the growing period?

1. The function of Peach Tree pruning

The flowering pruning of peach trees must be carried out on the basis of better soil, fertilizer, water management and pest control, so as to ease the contradiction between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, delay the relocation of fruit parts, prolong the full fruit period, and improve the commercial value of fruit. In order to achieve the goal of high yield, high quality and low consumption.

two。 The main reasons for flowering pruning

From late February to late March, peach trees often encounter late spring cold and rain hail disasters, which is the budding and flowering period of peach trees, which is very vulnerable to spring cold and rain hail disasters; in addition, some peach trees are too lightly pruned in winter and leave too many fruiting branches, which will affect the fruit quality. Based on the above reasons, it is necessary to prune peach trees at flowering stage.

How to prune peach trees?

Pruning in the growing season is carried out once a month from fallen flowers to fallen leaves, usually 5 times. A small number of times is more labor-saving than a large number of times, and is more conducive to the growth and fruiting of peach trees. The main methods of pruning in the growing season can be summarized with the words "removing umbrellas, opening windows and thinning".

1. Remove umbrellas: remove fruiting branch groups and erect shoots on the upper part of the tree or backbone branches that have a serious effect on light.

two。 Windowing: thinning the over-dense fruiting branches on the backbone branches.

3. Thinning: to remove overly dense tips.

4. Matters needing attention

Pruning in the growing season has a great inhibitory effect on tree growth, so the amount of pruning should be light, and each pruning should not exceed 5% of the total branches and leaves of the tree.

5. Pruning effect

Through 4 years of continuous flowering pruning, it was observed that the pruned peach trees were compared with the control peach trees (peach trees without flowering pruning). The results were as follows:

The number of branches of ① increased.

The physiological fruit drop of ② was alleviated.

The number of ③ results decreased slightly.

The vertical and horizontal diameter of ④ fruit increased, which increased the commercial value of fruit.