
Maintain strategic focus and do a good job of grain production next year

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The mood can't spread when you breathe a sigh of relief. Another bumper harvest of grain this year has become a prominent highlight of economic and social development. Grain production has increased year after year, which is rare in history and in the world. This achievement is not easy to come by, it is the result of many factors acting in the same direction, and it can't be estimated.

-- the mood of "breathing a sigh of relief" cannot spread!

Another bumper harvest of grain this year has become a prominent highlight of economic and social development. Grain production has increased year after year, which is rare in history and in the world. This achievement is not easy to come by and is the result of many factors acting in the same direction, and it cannot be overestimated. Developing production and ensuring supply is not only the fundamental task of agriculture, but also an important responsibility of the agricultural sector. The vast number of agricultural production workers and scientific and technological personnel have pragmatically and creatively grasped the implementation of various measures, one link at a time, one region at a time, and one measure at a time, thus winning the initiative in a bumper grain harvest and showing the character of overcoming difficulties and persistent pursuit. This deserves full recognition and should be given more applause. Because of years of bumper harvests and full warehouses, the rice bowls of the Chinese people have become more solid.

However, it must be noted that after increasing grain production year after year, we are faced with many difficulties and challenges, and the pressure on resources and environment is increasing. In particular, after years of increasing grain production and slowing down the supply pressure, some people think that "the country does not need to grow so much grain." in some places, there is a tendency to relax grain production, and in some places there is a "sigh of relief" to pay attention to grain production. This phenomenon and mood are spreading and affecting morale, which is worthy of attention. The lesson of history is profound: grain production is "easier to get down than to go up". It is loosened by a foot above and a foot below. If you can "breathe a sigh of relief" next year, then anyone can "relax", and the consequences of the spread of this phenomenon are unimaginable.

"Grain is safe all over the world". This is a truth and is also determined by the national conditions of our country. No matter how the society develops, ensuring food security is still the top priority. The more we have a bumper harvest, the more we should keep a clear head and strategic determination. The central government attaches great importance to grain production, proposes to build a national food security strategy under the new situation, and clearly puts forward the strategic bottom line of "basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute safety of food rations." The Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee also clearly proposed to implement the strategy of storing grain in the land and storing grain in technology. These major arrangements have fully demonstrated the central government's firm determination to ensure the country's food security. Party committees and governments at all levels should deeply understand, accurately grasp, and resolutely implement it, do a good job in grain production without relaxation, and firmly hold the rice bowls of the Chinese people in their own hands.

First, it is necessary to stabilize the enthusiasm of farmers in growing grain. "cheap grain hurts farmers", and farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain cannot be hurt. Under the special circumstances when the grain market is in the doldrums this year, it is necessary to ensure that the reasonable interests of grain farmers and new agricultural operators will not be infringed upon, so as to avoid making things worse. Agricultural departments at all levels should, in accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the central authorities, work with relevant departments to implement grain collection and storage policies, carry out supervision and inspection, strictly inspect "white slips," lower grades and lower prices, and protect the interests of farmers. All localities should take effective measures to safeguard the interests of new operators and support and guide large-scale grain production.

Second, we should consolidate and increase grain production capacity. Since the reform and opening up, China's grain has fluctuated several times, and supply and demand have been tight. One of the important reasons is the decline in production capacity. It should be noted that the current improvement in grain supply and demand is not only the increase in domestic supply, but also the supplement of international low-cost grain. The emergence of this situation has its complicated reasons and special background. The world economy will always improve, and the pressure on food supply and demand will become greater and greater. We cannot tie our rice bowls to other people's belts. We have to rely on ourselves and on the consolidation and promotion of production capacity. It is important to strengthen the construction of high-standard farmland and the quality of cultivated land, so as to store grain on the ground. It is also necessary to strengthen scientific and technological innovation and technological integration innovation, so as to store grain in technology. Only in this way can we truly ensure food security and ensure that we have food in our hands and do not panic in our hearts.

Third, the mode of production development should be changed. Grain production has been increased year after year, resources and environment have been given a "red light", and we must speed up the transformation of the mode of development. It is necessary to optimize grain varieties and regional structure, focus on preserving rations such as rice and wheat, appropriately adjust and reduce corn planting in non-dominant areas, and build a production pattern of overall planning of grain and feeding and the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry. It is necessary to vigorously promote the popularization of integrated technology, with emphasis on promoting the green technology model of high yield and high efficiency, saving cost and increasing efficiency, improving quality and increasing efficiency with machinery as the carrier. It is necessary to vigorously develop resource-saving agriculture and continue to carry out zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in accordance with the requirements of "one control, two reductions and three basics," so as to save resources, protect the environment, and realize the sustainable development of agriculture.

Next year is the first year for the implementation of the Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and the opening year of the 13th five-year Plan. As far as agricultural work is concerned, a fundamental task is to strive to maintain the stability of food. In order to ensure national food security, we must maintain strategic concentration and not be relaxed when it is urgent. Agricultural departments at all levels should unswervingly grasp grain production with a high degree of self-consciousness, firm confidence, and effective measures, so as to lay a solid foundation for promoting economic transformation and upgrading and sustained and stable development.