
Is it a perennial herb, willow bud, wormwood? What are the effects and functions? How?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Liu Hao bud also known as Liu Hao Cai, water Artemisia, white Artemisia, Compositae perennial herbs, its tender stems and leaves edible. Growing in riverbank wetlands, etc., due to rich vitamins, a variety of trace elements are widely used to make stuffing, soup, etc., that willow bud is Artemisia argyi?

Salix artemisia bud, also known as Artemisia annua, is a perennial herb of Compositae, and its tender stems and leaves are edible. Grow in riparian wetlands, etc., because it is rich in vitamins and a variety of trace elements, it is widely used to make stuffing, soup and so on. Is that artemisia bud moxa leaf? What are the effects and effects? How do you eat it?

Artemisia willow bud is a kind of wild vegetable, which is endemic to the north. It mainly grows under the willow, and mostly grows on both sides of the river, around the pond, and in low-lying places prone to waterlogging. At the same time, the life habits of willow are basically the same as those of Artemisia annua, and there are many Artemisia annua where there are willow trees. So people call this Artemisia grass Artemisia annua.

On the other hand, moxa grass grows all over the mountain. Mid-May in the Gregorian calendar is the time when all kinds of wild vegetables are served on the table. Because of a special smell, Artemisia annua sprouts usually only eat with water and sauce, while moxa grass is not suitable for eating in the northeast. Most of them are picked in the early morning of the Dragon Boat Festival in May and hung on the eaves or doors and windows, and then hang a few red gourds. As a symbol of good luck, Artemisia argyi has a high medicinal use, such as clicking after the wind, can be boiled and scrubbed with moxa water, May moxa fragrance, every family is busy on the Dragon Boat Festival.

Efficacy and function:

Artemisia annua bud has the curative effect of invigorating spleen and removing fire, detoxification and anti-inflammation, breaking blood stasis, lowering qi and dredging collaterals. It can also lower blood pressure, lower blood lipids, nourish the liver and stomach, clear heat, detoxify and eliminate inflammation, and grow hair. It is often used in the treatment of infectious hepatitis, hypertension, cancer and other diseases. Artemisia annua has detoxification effect, and puffer fish boiled together can eliminate the poison of puffer fish.

It has long been recorded in the Book of songs and Compendium of Materia Medica, so it is a kind of wild vegetable for both medicine and food, which is not only delicious, but also can lower blood pressure, lower blood lipids, nourish the liver and stomach, clear heat, detoxify and reduce inflammation, lose weight and grow hair. Folk is often used to treat infectious hepatitis, hypertension, cancer and other diseases.

The medicinal value of Penny Sprout is worth affirming. In fact, Penny Sprout can not only stir-fry, dip sauce and make stuffing, but also can be dried and soaked in water.

How do you eat it?

1, dip in sauce: pick out the collected Songya buds, put boiled water in the pot into the artemisia sprouts, slightly copy them out and put them into the cold water in the basin. Drain and dip in the sauce.

2. Make dumplings: copy the willow sprouts with boiling water and put them into cold water (artemisia sprouts must be copied slightly and do not copy hard), then remove and drain the water and chop it into the pork stuffing with a knife. This flavor of dumplings is both bright and natural. It's something that many people haven't tasted.

Moxa grass grows in hills, woods or hills, and its growth habits are different from those of Liu Song, so they are not a kind of plant. I hope everyone will not be confused and transfer this passage so that everyone can tell that Artemisia sprouts and Artemisia artemisia are not planted in the same way.