
The construction of ecological civilization should not be "hot in cities and cool in rural areas".

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, "Ecology is life, the environment is the people's livelihood, Castle Peak is beautiful, and the blue sky is happiness; to protect the ecological environment is to protect the productive forces, to improve the ecological environment is to develop the productive forces, to build ecological civilization, and to have a bearing on the well-being of the people. It's about the future of the nation." Learn to be near

"Ecology is life, the environment is the people's livelihood, Castle Peak is beautiful, and the blue sky is happiness; to protect the ecological environment is to protect the productive forces, to improve the ecological environment is to develop the productive forces, to build ecological civilization, and to have a bearing on the well-being of the people. It's about the future of the nation." General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of scientific expositions have profound thoughts, rich connotations, and a strategically advantageous position, pointing out the way forward for speeding up the construction of "ecological civilization" and "beautiful China" in the new period.

Practice has proved that without a well-off society in rural areas, there will be no well-off society in China; without ecological civilization in rural areas, there will be no ecological civilization in the whole country. However, over the years, in the construction of ecological civilization, many places have the practice of "emphasizing cities and neglecting rural areas" to varying degrees. One-sidedly or wrongly believes that rural areas are rich in ecological resources, have a large bearing space for ecological pollution, and that their development depends entirely on "nature" and "heaven". They even regard rural areas as "receiving stations" and "natural garbage dumps" for the transfer of urban pollution. "pollution to the countryside" has not been completely curbed, and the phenomenon of "big trees entering cities" and "ecological relocation" in rural areas occur from time to time, leaving a lot of "ecological trauma" in rural areas. It undoubtedly aggravates the difficulty and "nostalgia" of building a "beautiful countryside". We cannot turn a blind eye to this and allow it to spread.

Building a "beautiful countryside" is not only the common expectation and aspiration of 900 million farmers across the country, but also the greatest interests of the people's livelihood. According to the investigation, in recent years, the outstanding problems in rural ecological construction are insufficient capital investment, few and single projects, greening and beautification "abandoned" areas can be seen everywhere; there are still many "garbage villages" and "sewage villages" that need to be comprehensively renovated, and the task is arduous and difficult, and can not be ignored and lax.

It is necessary to establish the ruling concept of "a game of chess" in urban and rural areas. Leaders at all levels and relevant departments should establish the concept of overall urban and rural development, unswervingly promote the overall planning of urban and rural areas, improve the ecological construction mechanism of "urban and rural development as a whole and balanced development", firmly oppose the one-sided approach of "attaching importance to cities and neglecting rural areas", strive to solve the problem of lagging behind in rural ecological construction, do everything possible to make rural ecological construction "hot" and go hand in hand with cities and coordinate development. Continue to create a new situation in rural ecological construction.

It is necessary to continuously increase investment in rural ecological construction. Governments at all levels and relevant departments should, on the basis of going deep into rural areas and helping farmers do a good job in ecological construction planning in line with local conditions, reasonably increase the proportion of financial input and focus on rural areas. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly broaden financing channels, ensure the need for funds for rural ecological construction, and prevent the emergence of "half-pull" projects. It is necessary to give prominence to "ideological help", guide farmers to carry forward the traditional spirit of self-reliance and hard struggle, and overcome the inert thinking of "waiting, relying on, and demanding". To help farmers in the "ideas" and do practical work in the "hearts" of farmers, so as to stimulate the initiative and enthusiasm of farmers to participate in ecological construction.

The comprehensive evaluation mechanism of rural ecology should be strengthened. In accordance with the requirements put forward by the 18th CPC National Congress, resource consumption, environmental damage, and ecological benefits should be effectively incorporated into the evaluation system of economic and social development, and the target system, assessment methods, and reward and punishment mechanisms that reflect the requirements of ecological civilization should be established and perfected. Ecological construction and protection should be listed as an important part of political performance assessment. In order to restrain the local officials' short-sighted behavior of "emphasizing development, neglecting ecology" and "emphasizing cities and neglecting rural areas". Township leaders and village officials should also carry out necessary "ecological assessment" and be responsible for ecological damage and environmental pollution in the region. Moreover, it is necessary to implement the system of "joint responsibility of the party and government and lifelong investigation" stipulated by the central authorities.

It is necessary to carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of ecological law. In order to promote ecological civilization and build a "beautiful countryside", we must rely on the rule of law to protect and run through the great practice of the construction of ecological civilization. All localities should face the rural areas, adopt a variety of effective forms, use both positive and negative models, and carry out omni-directional and full-coverage ecological rule of law education and warning education activities for the whole people with great fanfare, so that ecological theories and concepts in the new era can be brought into mind and transformed into the conscious actions of the broad masses of farmers. To create a good atmosphere in which "everyone participates in the construction of ecological civilization and protects the ecological environment in urban and rural areas" in rural areas and the whole society. It is necessary to resolutely curb all kinds of illegal acts that wantonly destroy ecological resources, create environmental pollution, and endanger the health and safety of the people, use legal weapons to safeguard rural ecological security, consolidate and develop the achievements in the construction of rural ecological civilization, and earnestly let the broad masses of farmers share the well-being brought about by reform and development.