
When will black jujube (black jujube) be planted? How many years has it been planted? Where is the best product?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Black jujube, the scientific name Jun Qianzi, belongs to the persimmon family, persimmon genus, alias soft jujube, milk jujube, wild persimmon, clove jujube, round brain, etc., widely distributed in northern China. So when will the black jujube be planted? Where is the best product? Seeds for cultivation techniques of Ziziphus jujuba

Black jujube, the scientific name Jun Qianzi, belongs to the persimmon family, persimmon genus, alias soft jujube, milk jujube, wild persimmon, clove jujube, round brain, etc., widely distributed in northern China. So when will the black jujube be planted? Where is the best product?

Cultivation techniques of black jujube

Reproduce with seeds. Collect ripe fruit, rub off the pulp, take out the seeds; before and after the light snow festival, layer with wet sand, sow in the spring of the second year, or direct sow the field from late November to early December; pour water before overwintering, and seedlings can emerge in the next spring.

Where is the best black jujube?

Black jujube is mainly produced in western Shandong, and is distributed in Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Liaoning, south-central and southwest. Among them, the areas famous for black jujube (also known as "black jujube") are mainly Yanggu in Shandong, Yan'an in Shaanxi, Yixian in Hebei and so on, and Yanggu in Shandong is particularly famous.

Black jujube is different from smoked jujube. Black jujube is black jujube, which is made from fresh jujube (red jujube) after special processing (oil cooking, smoking). It belongs to the dried product of fresh jujube. The color is black, so it is also known as "black jujube" (commonly known as smoked jujube, Zijing jujube, Ma Ya jujube, Goutou jujube). Although this kind of black jujube is also rich in nutrition, it still belongs to the red jujube category, which is completely different from the black jujube in the traditional kidney-tonifying food "black five".

The use of black jujube

Black jujube has excellent material and can be used as general wood.

Fruit de-astringent raw food or wine, vinegar, containing vitamin C, can be extracted for medical use

Seeds used in medicine can eliminate thirst and heat, and Junqian seed tree can be used as the rootstock of persimmon trees.

Fruits are eaten raw or brewed wine or vinegar, dried products are used in medicine to eliminate thirst and heat, vitamin C can be extracted for medical use, and seeds can extract oil.

Junqian tree is the best rootstock of sweet persimmon with excellent material and can be used as general wood.

Black jujube in good health

Black jujube warm taste sweet, rich in protein, sugars, organic acids, vitamin B and vitamin E, and phosphorus, calcium, iron and other trace elements, as well as a variety of nutrients, have the effect of tonifying the kidney and stomach. And to delay aging, enhance the vitality of the body, beauty and beauty are very helpful. Therefore, black jujube is called "nutrition warehouse". Regular consumption can help women replenish qi and nourish blood and maintain the effect of epithelial tissue. And can warm the intestines and stomach, clear eyes, blood circulation, diuresis and detoxification, is a good product to moisturize the skin and black hair.

Effect of black jujube

1. The effect of black jujube can improve human immunity and inhibit cancer cells: pharmacological studies have found that red jujube can promote the production of white blood cells, reduce serum cholesterol, increase serum albumin and protect the liver. Red jujube also contains substances that inhibit cancer cells and even transform cancer cells into normal cells.

2. The role of black dates people who often eat fresh dates rarely suffer from gallstones: this is because fresh dates are rich in vitamin C, which turns excess cholesterol into bile acid. With less cholesterol, the probability of stone formation is reduced.

3. The role of black jujube jujube is rich in calcium and iron, which play an important role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis: middle-aged and elderly people often suffer from osteoporosis during menopause, and adolescents and women at the peak of growth and development are prone to anemia. Jujube will have a very ideal dietotherapy effect on them, and its effect is usually unmatched by drugs.

4. The effect of black jujube also has a good nourishing effect on people who are weak after illness.

5. Rutin in jujube is a substance that softens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. it has a preventive and therapeutic effect on hypertension.

6. Jujube can also resist allergy, remove fishy odor, calm the mind, invigorate the brain, and enhance appetite.