
How much is the price of fresh black plum on the market? Where is it made? What's the difference between West Plum and West Plum? What is the efficacy?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Wumei, also known as plum fruit, black plum, smoked plum and orange plum meat, is cultivated all over China, especially in the provinces south of the Yangtze River basin. How much is the fresh black plum on the market? Where is it made? What's the difference between West Plum and West Plum? What is the efficacy? From

Wumei, also known as plum fruit, black plum, smoked plum and orange plum meat, is cultivated all over China, especially in the provinces south of the Yangtze River basin. How much is the fresh black plum on the market? Where is it made? What's the difference between West Plum and West Plum? What is the efficacy? I learned from the Yunnan farmers' market that the average price of Wumei is 15.38 yuan per jin today.

Where is the black plum made?

Wumei is mainly produced in Sichuan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hunan, Guizhou and other places.

Wumei is also called plum, and the flower of plum tree is called plum blossom. Because it cannot be eaten raw, black plum is not eaten until salted in Japan. Eating black plum stimulates the secretion of a hormone called parotid gland hormone, which is an anti-aging hormone. The salivary glands secrete a little parotid hormone, which is then mixed with the blood to promote cell function and trigger metabolism. Eating one or two black plums a day is the most ideal food for anti-cell aging.

What's the difference between Wumei and Xi Mei?

1. Different places of origin

West plum: at present, it is mainly produced in California, USA, and its birthplace is in the southwest of France. Most of the western plums in China are imported.

Wumei: Wumei is one of the traditional plums in the pit and ditch. It is widely planted in the subtropical areas of central and southern China. Because of its rich nutrition, it has a good market.

2. Different nutritional values.

Prunus mume: the main nutrition of Prunus mume is reflected in its anthocyanin, vitamin A, sugar, calcium, iron, potassium and other minerals, mainly in anti-aging and protecting the liver and vision.

Wumei: Wumei contains a lot of fruit acid, of course, the content of anthocyanin is also very high, the content of sugar is low, the amount of minerals is not very high, the main effect is the antioxidation of anthocyanins.

3. Different uses

West plum: because of its good health care effect, west plum is a fruit that many women like to eat. In addition to eating directly, it can also be used to make west plum moon cakes, plum cakes and all kinds of baked goods.

Wumei: Wumei is mainly dried and used as traditional Chinese medicine in China. Of course, it can also be eaten directly when it is mature.

4. Different tastes

West plum: West plum contains more sugar, its taste is mainly sweet, but less sour, mainly concentrated in the pericarp.

Wumei: Wumei contains the most plant acid, the taste is mainly sour, the sweet taste is very light, commonly used dried Wumei bubble water to drink, properly add sugar, sour and sweet delicious.

5. Different appearance

Prunus mume: most of the plum is oval in shape, the skin is mostly purple and black, the pulp is yellow, and the core is flat and small.

Wumei: Wumei is mostly round or spherical, the outer skin is black or black, the color is very dark, the core is round, brown, hard.

What is the efficacy of Wumei?

1. Wumei has the effect of collecting lungs, astringent intestines, giving birth to fluid and calming Ascaris. Commonly used in lung deficiency for long cough, long diarrhea for long dysentery, deficiency heat to eliminate thirst, Ascaris syncope vomiting abdominal pain.

2. Treatment of sore throat: Wumei 30g, Shuanghua 60g, realgar 12g. For the end, honey pills, 3G per pill. Take 1 pill each time and swallow it slowly, 3 times a day.