
"longevity vegetable" amaranth (Chinese food) what can't you drink and eat together? What are the effects and effects? Can pregnant women eat it?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to summer vegetables, amaranth is one of them, and some people call amaranth sweat cabbage, as the saying goes: June amaranth, when eggs, July amaranth, gold does not change. And amaranth has the laudatory name of longevity dish, it can be seen that the nutrition of amaranth is very rich. You can't drink that amaranth.

When it comes to summer vegetables, amaranth is one of them. Some people call amaranth "sweat vegetable". As the saying goes, "June amaranth, when eggs, July amaranth, gold will not be changed." And amaranth has the laudatory name of "longevity vegetable", it can be seen that the nutrition of amaranth is very rich. What can't you drink and eat with amaranth? What are the effects and effects? Can pregnant women eat it?

Amaranth, formerly known as amaranth, alias: wild goose red, old and young, tricolor amaranth, annual herbs with stout, green or red stems, often branched, hairy or glabrous when young. The body of amaranth is soft and smooth, with a strong flavor, sweet and fragrant in the entrance, and has the effect of moistening the intestines and stomach and clearing heat. Also known as "sunflower", "crab vegetable", "braised vegetable", "braised vegetable". Some places are also known as "red mushroom tiger, coriander, Yuntian vegetables, corn vegetables, cold vegetables, Renqing and so on. Hubei, Anhui Guangde and other places are called Han cuisine."

The efficacy and function of amaranth

The stems and leaves of amaranth are eaten as vegetables; the leaves are mixed with various colors for viewing; roots, fruits and whole herbs are used as medicine, which have the effect of discerning eyes, defecating and defecating, and removing cold and heat.

Efficacy effect

Amaranth can replenish qi, clear heat, clear eyes, smooth fetus, benefit large and small intestines, promote the growth of teeth and bones, maintain normal myocardial activity and prevent muscle spasm. It also has the functions of promoting blood coagulation, increasing hemoglobin content, improving oxygen-carrying capacity, promoting hematopoiesis and so on. It can also lose weight and clear the body, promote detoxification and prevent constipation.

Eating amaranth is good for your health, such as:

1. Prevention of constipation

Rich in fiber, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help defecation, prevent constipation.

2. Anti-aging

Amaranth is rich in anthocyanins, which helps to resist antioxidation, resist free radicals and delay aging.

3. Tonifying blood

Amaranth is rich in iron, calcium and vitamin k, which is beneficial to the regeneration of blood.

4. Improve immunity

Amaranth is rich in nutrients, rich in protein, fat, sugars and a variety of vitamins and minerals, and contains more carotene than eggplant fruits.

5. Clearing away heat and detoxification

According to traditional Chinese medicine, amaranth has a sweet and cool taste, which has the effect of clearing liver and detoxification, cooling blood and dispersing blood stasis.

6. Promote the growth and development of children

Amaranth is rich in iron and calcium, which can promote the growth of teeth and bones. The contents of protein, fat and lysine are higher than those of ordinary vegetables, and they are rich in minerals and vitamins, which provide nutrition for children's growth and development.

Can pregnant women eat amaranth?

Answer: pregnant women can eat amaranth.

Benefits of eating amaranth for pregnant women

1. Promote the development of fetal bone.

The content of iron in amaranth is twice as much as that in spinach, and the content of calcium is 3 times. Amaranth is rich in nutrients that are higher in fresh vegetables. More importantly, the calcium and iron contained in amaranth are easily absorbed and used after entering the human body. Therefore, pregnant women eating amaranth can promote fetal bone growth and development.

2. Enhance immunity during pregnancy

Amaranth is rich in nutrition, rich in protein, fat, sugar and a variety of vitamins and minerals, its protein can be more fully absorbed by the human body than milk, and its carotene content is more than 2 times higher than eggplant fruit. it can provide rich nutritional elements for pregnant women during pregnancy, which is conducive to strengthening the body and improving the immunity of pregnant women.

3. It helps to reduce fire during pregnancy.

Pregnant women eat amaranth with heat-clearing and detoxification, clear eyes and pharynx effect. Amaranth has a sweet and cool taste, which is longer than clearing damp-heat, clearing liver and detoxification, cooling blood and dispersing blood stasis, which has a certain adjuvant therapeutic effect on pregnant women with fever and swollen throat during pregnancy.

4. Improve anemia during pregnancy

The iron contained in amaranth can synthesize hemoglobin in red blood cells and has the function of hematopoiesis and carrying oxygen; in addition, amaranth also contains calcium and vitamin K, which can promote blood coagulation, hematopoiesis and other functions. So amaranth is very suitable for patients with anemia, anemia of pregnant women can also eat amaranth to improve anemia during pregnancy.

5. Prevention of constipation during pregnancy

Amaranth is not only nutritious, but also helps pregnant women prevent constipation during pregnancy. An appropriate amount of amaranth for pregnant women can promote detoxification, moisten the intestines and stomach, and prevent constipation.

Matters needing attention

Pregnant women can certainly eat amaranth during pregnancy, and anemic pregnant women can also eat amaranth to improve it.

But you can't eat more amaranth. Because amaranth is slippery and smooth in nature, "Materia Medica Yanyi Addendum" also points out: amaranth, blood and blood points, and good at walking. This shows that it is appropriate not to eat in the early stage of pregnancy, especially those who have a tendency to miscarriage or have a history of habitual abortion.

People often regard amaranth and purslane as the best vegetables for people with fractures and pregnant women in labor, but eating a large amount of amaranth has a slippery effect, so pregnant women are advised to eat less amaranth. However, the proper consumption of pregnant women in parturient period can also promote the smooth delivery.

Amaranth leaves contain high concentration of lysine, which can supplement the defects of grain amino acid composition, which is very suitable for infants and teenagers to eat, and plays a good role in promoting growth and development, especially for babies fed with milk, milk powder and other milk substitutes. It can not only increase rich vitamins and minerals, but also help digestion.

Amaranth can't be eaten with anything.

1. Horseradish

Amaranth can replenish qi, clear heat, clear eyes, benefit large and small intestines, can not only promote blood coagulation, promote hematopoiesis, but also promote detoxification, prevent constipation, wasabi spice crops, with fat-dispelling, antihypertensive, detoxification, digestion and so on, but these two kinds of food can not be eaten together, otherwise it will produce toxins, resulting in food poisoning.

2. Milk

After drinking milk, it is best not to eat amaranth immediately, otherwise it will affect the absorption of calcium, lead to nutritional loss, and reduce the nutritional value of the two kinds of food.

3. Soft-shelled turtle

The soft-shelled turtle has delicious taste and high nutritional value. it can enhance the body's ability to resist disease and regulate the endocrine function of the human body. it can also clear away heat and nourish yin, calm the liver and extinguish wind, soften and disperse knots, but it is not suitable to eat together with amaranth, some of which will damage the stomach, easily cause indigestion, and even decrease digestive function.

Taboo on eating

1, amaranth cold, Yin Sheng Yang deficiency physique, spleen deficiency loose stool or chronic diarrhea, should not be eaten. People with allergic constitution may suffer from plant solar dermatitis after eating amaranth. This disease is more serious and needs more attention.

2. People with a history of allergies had better not pick light-sensitive dishes such as amaranth, gray purse and shepherd's purse to eat. After eating, the skin has allergic reactions such as purplish, itchy, burning and diffuse swelling, which medical experts call "vegetative solar dermatitis". If you are exposed to the sun for a long time, people with allergic constitution are more likely to be "hit" after eating amaranth.