
"annual herb" what disease can dog tail grass make? What's the use? What does it mean?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Friends who grew up in the countryside should be no stranger to dogtail grass, which looks like a weed. It is also called Alohan grass, barnyard grass, and dogtail grass. It is also a medicinal herb that can be picked in summer and autumn, washed and dried in the sun. What can that dogtail grass make?

Friends who grow up in the countryside should be familiar with dog tail grass, which looks like weeds. Dog tail grass is also called arhat grass, barnyardgrass and green bristlegrass. It is still an herb that can be picked in summer and autumn, washed and dried for later use. What kind of disease could that dogtail grass cure? What's the point? What does that mean?

Sagittarius, alias Setaria, is a Gramineae, Setaria is an annual herb. Roots are bearded, tall plants with supporting roots. Culms erect or geniculate at base, 10-100 cm tall, base to 3-7 mm in diam. Leaf sheath loose, glabrous or sparsely pilose or verrucous hair, edge with long dense pilose cilia; Qufeng eyesight, heat diuretic role. Born in the wilderness below 4000 meters above sea level, beside roads, it is a common weed for dry land crops.

What disease can dog tail grass cure

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that dog tail grass Ganping, with Qinggan eyesight, diuretic detoxification effect. It can be used for the treatment of conjunctivitis, vision loss, dysuria, etc.

1. In Compendium of Materia Medica, Li Shizhen believes that dog tail grass can "cure warts, penetrate hair, and wear it out." Those with red eyes and trichiasis turn their eyes upside down and dip one or two stems in water to remove evil blood."

2, in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is also recorded that the dog tail grass can "cure carbuncle." And then he starts to rub it, and then he starts to rub it."

3,"Lu Chuan Materia Medica" said that the dog tail grass can be "wet, swelling." The cure for yellow sores."

4. Guizhou Folk Prescription Collection: antipyretic and eye disease treatment. And with hemp (wart) seed.

5."Chongqing Herbal Medicine": cure eye disease, tear and fog.

Generally speaking, dog tail grass has the effect of clearing heat and removing dampness, clearing liver and improving eyesight, detoxifying and diuretic. Indications wind-heat cold, urine astringent pain, red eye astringent pain, red eye swelling pain and other treatment.

What's the use of dogtail grass?

1. Feeding value

Dog tail grass stalk, leaves can be used as feed, cattle, donkeys, horses and sheep love to eat plants. Autumn hay can also be used as fuel for cooking, heating and making beds. Furfural can be extracted from spikelets. The whole grass contains crude fat 2.6%, crude protein 10.27%, nitrogen-free extract 34.55%, crude fiber 34.40%, crude ash 10.60%. After boiling the whole grass in water for 20 minutes, the filtrate can be sprayed to kill vegetable insects.

2. Medicinal value

Clearing away heat and dampness; expelling pathogenic wind and improving eyesight; detoxifying; killing insects. Main wind-heat cold; jaundice; infantile malnutrition; dysentery; urinal astringent pain; red eye astringent pain; red eye swelling and pain; carbuncle; common warts; acne.

What does dog tail mean?

flower language

The flower language of dog tail grass is perseverance, love that is not understood, difficult love, and the meaning of secret love. It is the representative of obscurity.


The three dog tail grass braided, all into one, according to the size of the finger, and then bend a circle into a knot, brought to the finger, on behalf of private life