
How long does it take for grape seedlings to blossom and bear fruit? Where does it bloom? What are the technical points of flowering management?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grape seedlings are usually propagated by grafting, and good varieties are grafted on excellent rootstocks, which can be propagated by sowing, cutting, ramet and tissue culture. How long will it take the grape seedlings to blossom and bear fruit? Where does it bloom? The key technical points of flowering management are

Grape seedlings are usually propagated by grafting, and good varieties are grafted on excellent rootstocks, which can be propagated by sowing, cutting, ramet and tissue culture. How long will it take the grape seedlings to blossom and bear fruit? Where does it bloom? What are the technical points of flowering management? Learned from Changsha grape planting base, grape pedicel 1.5-2.5 mm long, glabrous; buds Obovate round, 2-3 mm high, tip nearly rounded. Grapes generally begin to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting, and the production period can be up to 20 years or more. The root system is well developed, and the absorbing root is mainly concentrated in the soil layer of 20cm to 60cm.

Where do grapes blossom?

1. Grape flowers come from the flower buds on the new shoots. From flower bud to flowering, the new shoot can only be completed after two years of continuous growth. in the process of development in these two years, we need to take good care of each stage according to the characteristics of each stage, so as to ensure that there are enough healthy inflorescences and flowers on each fruit branch. and then grow more high-quality ears and grains.

2. Grape panicle dense or scattered, many-flowered, opposite leaves, basal branches developed, 10-20 cm long, peduncle 2-4 cm long, glabrous or sparsely arachnoid tomentose; pedicel 1.5-2.5 mm long, glabrous; buds Obovate-orbicular, 2-3 mm high, tip subrounded; calyx shallowly discoid, margin undulate, outside glabrous; petals 5, hat-shaped adhesive and deciduous. Stamens 5, filaments filiform, 0.6-1 mm long, anthers yellow, ovoid, 0.4-0.8 mm long, conspicuously short and abortive or completely degraded in female flowers; disk developed, 5-lobed; pistil 1, completely degenerated in male flowers, ovary ovoid, style short, stigma enlarged.

What are the key technical points of grape flowering management?

In the grape production cycle, from the beginning of flowering to the end of flowering, the normal year lasts about 4-14 days, mostly 7-12 days. The main factors affecting the flowering and fruiting of grapes are temperature, humidity, drought and wind. The flowering period requires higher temperature. When the temperature is above 25 ℃, a large number of grapes bloom, and the optimum temperature is 27.5 ℃. When the temperature is below 15 ℃, the grapes will not blossom normally and fertilization will be inhibited. The appropriate relative humidity at flowering stage is 56%. If it is rainy and dry, it will affect flowering and pollination. The soil moisture is higher, the flowering time is earlier, on the contrary, the flowering is later. Wind is also an important factor affecting flowering, strong wind is not conducive to flowering, will aggravate falling flowers. During the flowering period of grapes, the peak flowering period is from 6 to 11:00 every morning, and the peak is from 7 to 9 o'clock. 3-5 days after anthesis is the first physiological fruit drop period. In the flowering stage of grapes, a lot of nutrients are consumed due to flowering, flower bud differentiation, branch vines and leaf growth. During this period, the competition for nutrients between vegetative growth and reproductive growth is very fierce. if a large amount of nutrients are consumed on new shoot growth and reproductive growth nutrients are not satisfied, a large number of buds will fall before flowering and will continue to fall after flowering, thus reducing the fruit setting rate. If in the flowering stage, too much water in the soil, poor root ventilation, affecting nutrient absorption, will also lead to flower drop. According to the conditions and physiological characteristics of grape flowering, the production management of grape flowering period should focus on the following aspects:

1. Topdressing. In order to ease the competition for nutrition between vegetative growth and reproductive growth at flowering stage, and to meet the needs of flowering and fruit setting, topdressing must be carried out before and after flowering, and 0.2%-0.3% boric acid or borax solution must be sprayed before flowering to promote pollen tube elongation and increase fruit setting rate. At the same time, we should pay attention to the management of branches and vines and improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions in the garden. In order to save nutrition consumption, the work of binding vine, removing auxiliary shoot, picking core, pinching ear tip and removing accessory ear should be carried out in time in the flowering stage of grape.

2. Do a good job in the thinning and arrangement of flower ears. This is an important measure to reasonably control the yield and keep the ear uniform and tidy, which must be grasped well.

3. Artificial pollination was carried out on female flower varieties. Most grape varieties are bisexual flowers and can be fertilized naturally. However, due to the degradation of male core, female flower varieties need pollination in order to obtain higher yield. Therefore, attention must be paid to artificial pollination.

4. Plant growth regulators should be used in good time for varieties that need to be treated with seedless. For example, the varieties of Jufeng line were treated with GA3 for the first time at full flowering stage, and the ears were treated for the second time after 10-15 days.

5. Pest control. Grape 2-4 days before flowering, focus on the control of Botrytis cinerea, black pox, anthracnose, downy mildew, ear axis brown blight, through-wing moth, beetle.