
How much is the price of general flower nutrition solution? How to prepare it? What is the method of use?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Flower nutrient solution is a completely available water solution, 200 times water when in use, 2 kg water per bottle cap, and 4 pots of flowers can be watered. So how much is the price of general flower nutrition solution? How to prepare it? What is the method of use? I learned from Changsha Flower and Bird Market that the current market

Flower nutrient solution is a completely available water solution, 200 times water when in use, 2 kg water per bottle cap, and 4 pots of flowers can be watered. So how much is the price of general flower nutrition solution? How to prepare it? What is the method of use? Learned from the Changsha flower and bird market, now the flower nutrition solution on the market is roughly divided into two kinds, the effect is about 10 yuan, and that produced by small manufacturers is about 5 yuan.

How to prepare general flower nutrition solution?

In flower cultivation, the use of solid fertilizer is not only difficult to master, but also troublesome. If you use liquid fertilizer and use nutrient solution to grow flowers, it is convenient and effective. The most commonly used flower nutrient solutions are as follows:

(1) 0.7g / L of potassium nitrate, 0.0006 g / L of boric acid, 0.7g / L of calcium nitrate, 0.0006 g / L of manganese sulfate, 0.8g / L of superphosphate, 0.0006 g / L of zinc sulfate, 0.28g / L of magnesium sulfate, 0.0006 g / L of copper sulfate, 0.12g / L of ferric sulfate and 0.0006 g / L of sulfate. Usage: when in use, mix all kinds of compounds together and add 1 liter of water to become a nutrient solution and water the flowers directly. When the dosage is large, it should be used according to the proportion.

(2) 5 grams of urea, 3 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 1 grams of calcium sulfate, 0.5 grams of magnesium sulfate, 0.001 grams of zinc sulfate, 0.003 grams of ferric sulfate, 0.001 grams of copper sulfate, 0.003 grams of manganese hydrophobic acid, 0.002 grams of boric acid powder, adding 10 liters of water to form a nutrient solution. Usage: watering peanuts in the pot once a week for a long time, each time according to the plant size, such as positive flowers, about 100 ml each time, while negative flowers should be reduced. Winter or dormant period, once every month. Tap water is still used for watering.

Points for attention in the preparation of nutrient solution:

(1) it is glass, enamel, ceramic and other utensils for the preparation of nutrient solution, and metal containers must not be used.

(2) in the preparation, various elements should be dissolved in a small amount of warm water of 50 ℃, then poured into the water, stirred while pouring, and fully mixed.

(3) when using tap water to prepare nutrient solution, a small amount of humic acid compounds should be added to treat chlorides and sulfides in water; in rural areas, it can be prepared directly from river or lake water.

What is the general method of using flower nutrient solution?

(1) the utensils containing the nutrient solution should use ceramic, plastic or glass materials, not iron products, otherwise the nutrient solution will become invalid. It's best to come with it. The amount of liquid given should be determined according to the plant size and the volume of the flower bowl. If the quantity is too much, the plant cannot absorb it, and some even cause toxicosis; if the quantity is insufficient, it will not play a role in promoting growth. The amount of fertilizer applied each time should be about 0.5% of the volume of the flower bowl.

(2) after adding the nutrient solution, we can gently shake the vessel with our hands for more than 10 times, so that the dissolved oxygen content of the nutrient solution can be increased by about 30%.

(3) Spring and summer are the peak season for plant growth, which requires a large amount of fertilizer and is generally fertilized once every half a month. In autumn, the amount of fertilizer application should be gradually reduced, once every two months, but in winter, due to low temperature, the plant enters a dormant period, stops growing and does not need fertilization.

(4) if the plant has taken shape, even in the peak growing season, only a small amount of nutrient solution needs to be irrigated occasionally, once every 3 to 6 months. If you fertilize too often, the plant will continue to grow, thus destroying the original shape.

(5) the utensils filled with nutrient solution should use ceramic, plastic or glass materials, not iron products, otherwise the nutrient solution will become invalid. It's best to come with it.

(6) for hydroponic plants with nutrient solution, the water should be changed frequently, usually every 5 to 10 days in spring and autumn, once every 5 days in summer, and once in 10 to 15 days in winter. At present, there are many kinds of nutrient solutions sold on the market, so we should read their instructions carefully and treat them differently.