
How to control corn armyworm and meadow borer? With what medicine prevention and control effect is good?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, it is an important period for the prevention and control of diseases and pests. According to monitoring, the peak of the first generation of armyworm adults in Jianghuai, Huanghuai and other places concentrated on migration to the Northeast and North China. At the same time, affected by the suitable factors of overseas insect sources and migration conditions, eastern Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and western Jilin Province

At present, it is an important period for the prevention and control of diseases and pests. According to monitoring, the peak of the first generation of armyworm adults in Jianghuai, Huanghuai and other places concentrated on migration to the Northeast and North China. At the same time, affected by the suitable factors of overseas insect sources and migration conditions, the adults of meadow borer increased suddenly in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and western Jilin, which posed a threat to agricultural production. In this regard, the Ministry of Agriculture and villages attached great importance to it and urgently deployed the prevention and control work of corn armyworm and meadow borer, requiring all localities to implement prevention and control measures as soon as possible to curb the outbreak of corn armyworm and meadow borer, so as to ensure a bumper harvest.

Agricultural and village departments deploy corn armyworm and meadow borer control work

First, we must make arrangements as soon as possible. At present, it is the seedling stage of maize in Northeast, North China and Huang-Huai, and it will also enter the second-generation armyworm damage stage. At the same time, the area of meadow borer favorite crops such as beans in Northeast China has increased this year, and affected by meteorological factors such as drought, the probability of meadow borer outbreak has increased. All localities should unswervingly stabilize and optimize grain production, synchronize flood control and drought relief with pest control, make arrangements as soon as possible, and implement prevention and control measures.

Second, we should strengthen monitoring and early warning. Give full play to the role of the forecasting network for major crop diseases and pests to accurately monitor the occurrence of insect pests. Intensive monitoring should be carried out in the agro-pastoral ecotone and the recurrent areas of armyworm all the year round. Organize plant protection professionals, rural agrotechnical personnel, professional service organizations and farmers to go deep into the fields to investigate the occurrence of armyworm and meadow borer, accurately study and judge the occurrence trend, issue early warning information in time, and guide farmers to carry out emergency prevention and control in a timely manner. to achieve early detection, early warning, early prevention and control. At the same time, strictly implement the system of information reporting and real-time reporting of serious disasters to ensure the smooth flow of information.

Third, it is necessary to strengthen classified guidance. According to the migration law and occurrence characteristics of armyworm and meadow borer, the classification guidance should be strengthened and the key measures should be implemented. The emigration area of adult armyworm should be monitored in detail, the number of migrating, transit and retained insects should be controlled in time, and effective measures should be taken to control them. For the migration area of adults, physical trapping, field egg inspection and chemical control of young larvae should be prepared as soon as possible. When meadow borer overwintering adults occur in key areas and exotic insect sources fall to the ground, trapping and killing tools such as insecticidal lamps should be used to reduce the number of insect sources, eradicate weeds in the field before adults lay eggs and hatch eggs, reduce damage, and control larvae in time.

Fourth, we should promote the rule of unified defense. Make full use of the existing project funds to support plant protection professional service organizations to carry out unified control. It is necessary to adopt various ways, such as the purchase of services by the government, to guide plant protection service organizations to carry out pest control services, and vigorously promote "five unified" services, such as unified organization mobilization, unified technical plans, unified chemical supply, unified control time, and unified pesticide application operations, so as to improve the effect of prevention and control.

Fifth, accurate guidance and service should be provided. Organize experts to formulate technical plans for the prevention and control of armyworm and meadow borer, carry out itinerant technical guidance, and implement prevention and control measures according to local conditions and time. Organize government cadres and agrotechnical personnel to go deep into the reoccurrence areas of armyworm and meadow borer to help farmers solve their practical difficulties by squatting, packing pieces, entering villages, and so on. During the critical period of prevention and control, we should carry out work supervision and promote the implementation of various prevention and control measures in the areas where armyworm and meadow borer re-occur.

What kind of medicine has good control effect on corn armyworm

Corn armyworm mainly uses 2.5% enemy killing, 2.5% kungfu EC, 4.5% cypermethrin 20-30ml, diflubenzuron and other agents, but it should be reminded that the effect of diflubenzuron is the most obvious in young larvae.

If the occurrence of corn armyworm is relatively serious, 2.5% cyhalothrin 40-80ml/ mu, 5% cyhalothrin 12-18 g / mu, 20% cypermethrin EC 80-100g / mu, 48% chlorpyrifos (Lesben) EC 30-40ml/ mu, water 40-50kg uniform spray.