
Firmly grasp the development direction of agricultural industrialization under the new situation

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Agricultural industrialization is the innovation of China's agricultural management system and mechanism and the direction of modern agricultural development. To accurately grasp the new requirements and tasks of agricultural industrialization under the new situation, and to make clear the ideas and priorities of promoting the work, it is necessary to stimulate the vitality and speed up the development of agricultural industrialization.

Agricultural industrialization is the innovation of agricultural management system and mechanism in China and the direction of modern agricultural development. It is of great practical significance to accurately grasp the new requirements and tasks of agricultural industrialization under the new situation and to clarify the ideas and priorities of work promotion for stimulating the vitality of agricultural industrialization and accelerating agricultural modernization.

Accurately Grasp the New Task of Agricultural Industrialization Development

Under the new situation, facing the influence of external environment and the demand of its own growth, the development of agricultural industrialization must look at the national economy and global agriculture, consolidate the foundation, transform challenges into opportunities, and inject new vitality into traditional functions.

(1) Better promote farmers to connect with the market. At the beginning of reform and opening up, with the implementation of household contract management, the gradual development of market economy and the continuous adjustment of agricultural industrial structure, the contradiction between the rapid increase of agricultural output and the imperfect market circulation system, the low awareness of farmers 'commodity economy and the increasingly open and active market became more and more prominent. Under such background, agricultural industrialization management emerges as the times require. Through the development of order agriculture, leading thousands of farmers to enter the market has become a solution to the problem of connecting agricultural household management with the market. In recent years, on the basis of household contract management, new agricultural management entities such as family farms and farmers 'cooperatives have developed rapidly, with larger operation scale and higher commercialization degree than ordinary farmers, and the demand for effective connection with the market to reduce risks is more urgent. At the same time, the consumption of agricultural products shows a trend of diversification and quality, and the desire to accurately grasp market changes is stronger than ever. Vigorously develop agricultural industrialization, encourage leading enterprises to adopt market investigation, product design, customer marketing and other methods to study the market, tap the market, open up the market, transform effective consumption demand into agricultural product production orders, transform instantaneous market changes into agricultural product processing, sales and storage decisions, and fully eliminate information asymmetry between supply and market.

(2) Better promote the growth of farmers 'income. This has always been the fundamental starting point and foothold of agricultural industrialization. After more than 20 years of development and practice, various agricultural industrialization organizations have continuously explored the mechanism of benefit sharing and risk sharing, formed interest connection modes such as employee management, entrusted planting and guaranteed price purchase, shared the fruits of agricultural industrialization development with farmers, and played an important role in continuously narrowing the income gap between urban and rural residents. In 2014, the per capita net income of farmers reached 9892 yuan, an actual increase of 9.2% year-on-year, and the gap with the income of urban residents entered within 3:1 for the first time. At the same time, we should also see that the absolute gap between urban and rural residents 'income is still very large, and it is urgent to release the positive factors of farmers' income growth in an all-round way. Document No.1 of the Central Committee of this year proposed to promote the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries and deeply tap the potential of increasing income within agriculture. Vigorously develop agricultural industrialization, cultivate and strengthen leading enterprises and other business entities, guide cluster agglomeration and development, build a complete industrial chain, realize the deep integration and organic connection of agricultural product production, processing, sales, circulation and service, improve the interest connection and sharing mechanism of each subject, realize the "return" of the value of secondary and tertiary industries to primary production, and make farmers become direct beneficiaries.

(3) Better promote the optimal allocation of resource elements. China's industrialization, urbanization and informatization are developing very fast, but the development of agricultural modernization is relatively lagging behind. Although it is already a big agricultural country, it is not yet an agricultural power. In 2014, China's total agricultural added value was 5.8 trillion yuan, and the average added value created by each agricultural labor force was only more than 20,000 yuan, about one fifth and one quarter of the added value created by employees in the secondary and tertiary industries. Compared with developed countries in Europe and America, agricultural labor productivity was lower. This is directly related to the decentralized management of agriculture and the low efficiency of the allocation of production factors. Vigorously develop agricultural industrialization, integrate intensive resource elements, construct organizational chain, value chain and supply chain, attract all kinds of outstanding talents to join rural areas, guide scientific allocation mode and management mode of production factors into agriculture, popularize and apply advanced production technology and modern material equipment, promote agricultural specialization and intensive development, and improve labor productivity and total factor productivity.

(4) Better promote leading enterprises to become bigger and stronger. Cultivating leading enterprises with competitive advantages and driving ability is the prerequisite for developing agricultural industrialization. In recent years, under the guidance of policies and the efforts of enterprises themselves, leading enterprises have maintained a rapid development momentum. At present, there are 126,000 leading enterprises of various types nationwide, with an annual sales revenue of 8.6 trillion yuan. Large-scale leading enterprises are increasing constantly. Nearly 20,000 leading enterprises with annual sales revenue of more than 100 million yuan, 70 leading enterprises with annual sales revenue of more than 10 billion yuan, 113 national key leading enterprises listed at home and abroad, and large-scale leading enterprises such as New Hope, Shuanghui, Mengniu and Yili have emerged. However, compared with the four major international agricultural companies, the leading enterprises are large but not strong, and there are obvious gaps in independent innovation ability, resource allocation efficiency, quality and benefit, etc. At the same time, from the internal point of view of our country, the development between regions is still unbalanced. The number of leading enterprises in the west and the old, young, border and poor areas is small and weak. If the dragon head is not strong, it will be difficult for farmers 'cooperatives, family farms and farmers, as dragon bodies and dragon tails, to become strong. Under the new normal, the leading enterprises are under great pressure and are in the critical stage of transformation and upgrading. It is urgent to further optimize the policy environment, solve the outstanding problems faced by the development of leading enterprises, and build a number of large-scale leading enterprises that lead the development of domestic agriculture and have a place in the world.

New achievements should be made in promoting agricultural industrialization

At present, the development of modern agriculture is facing a new situation of profound structural adjustment and in-depth reform. We should fully understand the great significance of developing agricultural industrialization from the overall and strategic perspective, seize new opportunities, meet new challenges, grasp the direction, make precise efforts and make achievements.

(1) renew the concept of development. What kind of development concept and what kind of development principles determine the general trend of agricultural industrialization at present and in the future. It is necessary to adhere to the laws of the market, let the market "speak", encourage leading enterprises to compete in an orderly manner, survive the fittest, and respect the market subjects' independent choice of appropriate docking modes. We should persist in reform and innovation, give full play to the innovative role of agricultural industrialization in building a new agricultural management system and improving the basic rural management system, and promote the common development of family management, collective management, cooperative management, and enterprise management. It is necessary to adhere to integrated development, properly handle the interests of farmers, family farms, farmers' cooperatives, leading enterprises and other business entities, and actively explore new mechanisms conducive to the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. It is necessary to adhere to sustainable development, plan agriculture with modern industrial concepts, pay attention to scientific and technological innovation and ecological protection, and promote the in-depth development and comprehensive utilization of agricultural resources.

(2) change the mode of development. China has made great achievements in agriculture in recent years, but the ecological environment is seriously damaged, and the carrying capacity is getting closer and closer to the limit, so it is urgent to rely on innovation-driven and change the mode of agricultural development. In order to integrate all kinds of advanced production factors, leading enterprises must speed up transformation and upgrading and play an exemplary and leading role. It is necessary to guide scientific and technological innovation, encourage leading enterprises to establish technological research and development and product design centers, and improve their ability of independent innovation. We will promote the agglomeration and development of leading enterprise clusters, carry out collaborative innovation among enterprises, break through a number of key common technologies in the industry, carry out application demonstrations, and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of agriculture. It is necessary to encourage innovation in business formats, comply with the spring tide of "Internet +", and support leading enterprises to actively use platform technologies such as e-commerce, mobile Internet, big data, cloud computing, and 3D printing. New business type will develop fresh e-commerce, customized agriculture, creative agriculture, and intelligent agriculture. To strengthen personnel training, bosses are the "main switch" for the transformation and upgrading of leading enterprises, and strengthen the training for bosses so that they can broaden their horizons, enhance their abilities, and become the "leading geese" of the transformation and upgrading of leading enterprises. It is necessary to promote green development, organically integrate with the improvement of the agricultural ecological environment, support leading enterprises in building bases for high-quality and ecological agricultural products, increase the utilization and development of processing by-products of agricultural products and their organic wastes, and vigorously develop circular economy.

(3) innovate the connection mechanism. It is the core and driving force for the healthy development of agricultural industrialization to establish and improve the interest connection mechanism and realize the mutual benefit and win-win situation between leading enterprises and farmers. It is necessary to guide leading enterprises to adhere to the direction of serving the people, actively develop order agriculture, and improve the order performance rate by standardizing contract contents, defining responsibility procedures, and carrying out integrity education. We will support leading enterprises to provide farmers with socialized services such as agricultural material purchase and marketing, technical guidance, market information, product sales, logistics and distribution. Leading enterprises are encouraged to set up venture capital to deal with natural, epidemic and market risks, and effectively protect the interests of farmers. Guide farmers to take shares in land management rights, funds, technology and other production factors to develop industrial management, implement cooperative system, shareholding system and other forms, and transform the purchase and sale transaction relationship in the production link into the property right cooperation relationship of the whole industry chain. Encourage places with conditions to try first and explore the formation of innovative experience that can be replicated and popularized. It should be pointed out that no matter which way of linking interests to support development, we should follow the principles of voluntariness, equality and mutual benefit, and sharing risks. Factors such as the state of economic and social development, the level of modern agricultural development, the management capacity of enterprises and the awareness of farmers should be fully considered.

(4) to make contributions to the overall well-off society. The key and difficult point in building a well-off society in an all-round way lies in rural areas, and the key lies in increasing farmers' income. For a long time, agricultural industrialization has played an important role in this respect. At present, it is necessary to closely promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas and make new contributions. In terms of increasing agricultural efficiency, we should vigorously develop one product per village, tap the various functions of agriculture, cultivate local leading industries with distinctive advantages, actively develop the "six industries" and realize the nearby purchase, storage, local processing and transformation of agricultural products. leave the value-added income from the processing of agricultural products to the local and farmers. In increasing the employment and entrepreneurship of farmers, we should support leading enterprises to give priority to hiring local farmers, bring them into the modern production and management system, carry out professional and technical training, and train a group of high-quality farmers who are educated, understand science and technology, and know how to manage. Let them get the income effect of human capital spillover. We will encourage leading enterprises to expand their service networks, provide strong support for farmers to start businesses around leisure agriculture, primary processing of agricultural products, and characteristic farming according to local conditions, and promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation. In terms of increasing farmers' income, we should guide leading enterprises to promote the common development of ordinary farmers and large-scale operators, strengthen the docking of production and marketing, and allow farmers to share the value-added income of the secondary and tertiary industries in the form of floor price acquisition, price increase acquisition, and secondary profit return. It is necessary to fully realize that the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way is the process of the great development of agricultural industrialization, and the higher the level of well-off is, the more necessary it is to speed up the development of agricultural industrialization.

Strengthen the supporting policies and measures of agricultural industrialization

Market guidance, government services and policy support are important guarantees to promote the healthy development of agricultural industrialization. Departments in charge of agricultural industrialization at all levels should take the initiative to take the position, take the initiative, base themselves on reform and innovation, adhere to problem orientation, and plan as a whole, so as to enliven tens of thousands of farmers, family farms, farmers' cooperatives, and leading enterprises, and converge into a huge momentum for the development of agricultural industrialization.

(1) to enhance our understanding and grasp of the situation. Generally speaking, the task of agricultural industrialization in each stage is different. The focus of the initial stage of exploration is to solve the problem of docking between thousands of households' small production and the ever-changing large market. The focus of the rapid growth stage is to meet the challenges of China's entry into WTO and improve the competitiveness of China's agriculture. The key point of the prosperity and development stage is to promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, and to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. The clue running through these three stages is to promote the increase of farmers' income and the development of modern agriculture. It is necessary to adapt to phased changes, raise awareness of trends, and strengthen strategic planning and forward-looking deployment.

(2) give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources. In terms of industrial development, we should proceed from reality, adjust measures to local conditions, develop whatever industries are suitable for development, and develop whatever advantages we have, and encourage localities to take the road of agricultural industrialization with different characteristics. In the cultivation of leading enterprises, strengthen the dominant position of enterprises, and strive to stimulate the vitality and creativity of enterprises. It is necessary to adhere to principles, and the original intention of cultivating and strengthening leading enterprises is to promote industries and farmers. In order to support the superior and strengthen the strong, we should not give many preferential policies and facilities without principle and distort the value orientation of the development of leading enterprises. In terms of business behavior, leading enterprises and farmers are not allowed to interfere with what they produce, how much they produce, what methods they use for production and processing, where they circulate, what the prices are, and so on, as long as they do not violate laws and regulations. In the driving mode, we should fully respect the wishes of the business main body, do not engage in matching, forcibly promote the docking of production and marketing, assign poverty alleviation, increase employment, transfer land, purchase agricultural products and other tasks to the leading enterprises, and increase the burden on enterprises. In handling disputes, we should respect the dominant position of the parties in the market and earnestly protect the legitimate rights and interests of both farmers and leading enterprises.

(3) give better play to the role of the government. On the one hand, do a good job of policy support. In the subsidy policy, the focus is to support and guide the leading enterprises to closely link the interests of farmers. Through the way of award compensation, support leading enterprises to provide loan guarantees for farmers and farmers' cooperatives, support leading enterprises to make secondary rebates to cooperative farmers, and encourage leading enterprises to absorb farmers' shares for share dividends. In terms of tax policy, the focus is to create a fair and sustainable tax environment. In terms of financial policy, the focus is on leveraging financial capital with fiscal funds. In terms of foreign trade policy, the key point is to support leading enterprises to go out and open up markets in countries along the "Belt and Road Initiative" route. We should do a good job in guiding leading enterprises to go out, deeply study the issue of import quotas for leading enterprises in overseas production of agricultural products, make use of government diplomacy to study and solve major problems, and help push leading enterprises to go out to achieve new development.

On the other hand, do a good job of supervision. Adhere to the strictest cultivated land protection system, strictly prohibit illegal non-agricultural construction in the name of developing agricultural industrialization, earnestly protect the interests of farmers, urge leading enterprises to strictly perform order contracts, do not depress prices, refuse to accept less, timely pay for raw materials, share dividends, wages and benefits, land transfer rent, etc.; protect the rights and interests of consumers, maintain market order, and ensure the supply of agricultural products Implement the main responsibility of quality, prevent substandard products from entering the market, encourage trade associations to issue self-regulatory norms or conventions, and issue social responsibility reports on a regular basis. Those enterprises that have major quality and safety problems, illegally use cultivated land or even harm farmers, resolutely eliminate the ranks of leading enterprises, and establish a good image of leading enterprises.