
How long will the grapes be picked? What should I pay attention to? What are the key technologies of post-harvest management?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grape is one of the oldest fruit tree species in the world, also known as Putao, grass dragon bead, purple cherry, Bodhi seed, mountain gourd, native to western Asia and cultivated all over the world. How long will the grapes be picked? What should I pay attention to? Key technologies of post-harvest management

Grape is one of the oldest fruit tree species in the world, also known as Putao, grass dragon bead, purple cherry, Bodhi seed, mountain gourd, native to western Asia and cultivated all over the world. How long will the grapes be picked? What should I pay attention to? What are the key technologies of post-harvest management?

How long will the grapes be picked?

Generally, the grape fruit begins to ripen at the end of August and the beginning of September, and its harvest usually begins at this time, which can last until the middle of October. A small number of grapes producing expensive rotten spirits will be harvested as late as November.

What should we pay attention to when picking grapes?

1. It should be carried out in the morning after the dew is dry in the early morning on a clear day. It is not suitable to pick on a rainy day or just after rain.

2. Grapes harvested in high temperature days must be transported to a cool place to spread out heat before they can be packaged, otherwise the quality and weight will be reduced. 3. The berries have high water content and thin skin, so they should be placed lightly and loaded lightly when harvested.

4. Fresh food varieties should be picked in stages and in batches to ensure fruit flavor.

5. In order to ensure the quality of the harvest, hold the ear stalk or palm in one hand and scissors in the other and cut it off at the base of the stem. 6. For the harvested ear, if there are diseased, damaged or deformed fruit, cut off and pack at any time.

7. Grape harvesting, shipping, sorting, packaging, transportation and marketing and other links are as fast as possible to maintain the freshness and commerciality of grapes.

What are the key technologies for post-harvest management of grapes?

In actual production, many fruit growers often relax their management of grapes after fruit harvest, resulting in poor ripening of branches in the current year, inhibition of roots in autumn, and affecting the yield and quality of grapes in the coming year. Strengthening the late management of grapes is very important for high quality, high yield and stable yield in the coming year.

1. Protecting autumn leaves after harvest and enhancing the photosynthetic capacity of leaves play an important role in increasing the storage nutrients of trees. In the later stage of growth, the use of carbendazide and sulfur pesticides should be strictly controlled to prevent premature aging of leaves and reduce photosynthetic intensity.

2. Pruning and clearing the garden continue to prune and cross, remove tendrils and thin branches, and remove leaves with serious diseases, so as to reduce nutrient consumption, regulate the flow of nutrients in the tree, and promote the fullness and maturity of bud eyes. And remove weeds in the garden, cut off diseased shoots, diseased leaves, diseased fruits, withered branches and sundries, concentrated out of the garden, buried or burned, so as to reduce the source of diseases and insect pests.

3. After the fruits are harvested with good postharvest fertilizer, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer can be applied under the condition of many fruits and weak tree potential, so as to enhance leaf photosynthesis and restore tree potential in the later stage. About 20 kg of available nitrogen fertilizer is applied per mu, or 0.3% urea solution can be sprayed on the leaves for 2 times. If the tree is strong, apply less to prevent the new shoots from extending late and consume a lot of nutrients. Apply base fertilizer as soon as possible after harvest.

4. the most suitable time for early application of base fertilizer in the south is one month after grape picking. Base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, combined with phosphate fertilizer, organic fertilizer (farm manure) 3000 ~ 5000 kg per mu, phosphate fertilizer 50 kg. Because it is at the peak of root growth at this time, the root injury is easy to heal, combined with fertilization and loosening soil can cut off fine roots, play the role of root pruning, promote the emergence of many new roots in the same year, and absorb a large amount of nutrients in the soil in the early spring of the next year. In autumn, the growth of the aboveground part has gradually stopped, the underground part is still growing vigorously, and the nutrients absorbed are mainly accumulated and stored, which can improve the nutrient storage level of the tree, which is beneficial to the differentiation of flower buds and the ability of overwintering in the same year, and to sprouting in the coming year. further flower bud formation and early growth of new shoots after flowering. Because of the high nutrition level of the tree and the good quality of flower buds, it can improve the fruit setting rate and lay the foundation for high yield in the coming year.

5. Loose soil, waterlogging and drought prevention are easy to grow in orchards in summer and autumn, and weeds should be ploughed in time after fruit harvesting. This time, soil tillage is often combined with the application of base fertilizer, with a general tillage depth of about 20 cm, shallower near the trunk and deeper outward. The purpose of loosening soil can also be achieved by opening fertilizer ditches. Rain Water should clear the ditch and drain in time. In case of autumn or winter drought, he should be irrigated in time to keep the field capacity not less than 60% to make the soil moist.