
What does a corn thrips look like? What are the harmful symptoms? What are the prevention and control techniques?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Thrips are maize seedling pests, mainly corn thrips, thrips, rice tube thrips, small (0.9-1.3 mm), can fly and jump. So what does the corn thrips look like? What are the harmful symptoms? What are the prevention and control techniques? What is a corn thrips?

Thrips are maize seedling pests, mainly corn thrips, thrips, rice tube thrips, small (0.9-1.3 mm), can fly and jump. So what does the corn thrips look like? What are the harmful symptoms? What are the prevention and control techniques?

What does a corn thrips look like?

The adults of corn thrips can be divided into long-winged, semi-long-winged and short-winged types. Small, dark yellow, with dark gray spots on the chest. The forewings are grayish yellow, long and narrow, with few but conspicuous wing veins and long marginal hairs. The semi-long wing is only as long as the fifth segment of the abdomen, and the short wing is slightly triangular in shape. Ovoid kidney-shaped, milky white to milky yellow. The nymph has a milky or milky yellow color, and there are protruding granules on the surface of the pomegranate. The pupa or pre-pupa (that is, the third instar worm) is yellowish, the winged bud is white, and the pupa is brown during Eclosion.

What are the harmful symptoms of corn thrips?

The main results are as follows: 1. Corn thrips mainly suck leaf sap and secrete toxins from adult and nymph mouthparts to inhibit maize growth. in recent years, due to drought and the change of farming system, especially the diversification of maize sowing date, the occurrence and damage of thrips is increasing year by year, and it has become one of the main pests in maize seedling stage. However, because the thrips are small and the harmful parts of the activities are hidden, it is not easy to be found, and it is easy to miss the appropriate period of control, resulting in serious damage in the field.

2. Harmful symptoms: corn thrips are small Thysanoptera pests and are one of the main pests in maize seedling stage. When harming corn, yellow thrips harm the leaf back first, while grain thrips and rice tube thrips harm the leaf front first, both of which can make the leaves show intermittent silver-white stripes and accompanied by small stains. Seriously damaged leaves are often coated with silver powder. Corn thrips are mostly concentrated in maize young leaves and heart leaves, and corn leaves show pale markings after being killed. in severe cases, half of the withered heart leaves at the tip of the leaves cannot be pulled out, even if they are extracted, the heart leaves of individual plants will grow distorted and the leaves can not be expanded. make the leaves grow abnormally in the shape of "ox tail", mostly in the shape of foliage, or cause a large number of dead seedlings, or even destroy the seeds.

What are the control techniques of corn thrips?

The main results are as follows: 1. Combined with the determination of seedlings in the field, the seedlings are removed and taken out of the field for destruction, so as to reduce the source of insects and prevent their spread.

2. Increase the application of seedling fertilizer, timely watering, increase farmland humidity, inhibit the growth and development of thrips, promote the early development and rapid growth of corn, and create an environment not conducive to the occurrence and development of thrips, so as to reduce the harm.

3. When the plant rate of thrips in the corn field reaches 5% or the number of 100 plants reaches 30, the drug should be used in time. Commonly used chemicals: 2000 times of acetamiprid EC, 1500 times of chlorpyrifos EC, 1500 times of imidacloprid wettable powder, and 1000 times of 4.5% cypermethrin.