
"liver-protecting Lingnan wonderful medicine" what are the efficacy and effects of chicken bone grass? What is the effect of soaking water and drinking? What would you like to cook soup with?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chicken bone grass, also known as yellow grass, yellow strong, rhubarb grass, pig waist grass, cool, sweet taste, slightly bitter, has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, relieving liver and relieving pain, promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis. The overall shape of the chicken bone grass is similar to that of the mimosa we usually see.

Chicken bone grass, also known as yellow grass, yellow strong, rhubarb grass, pig waist grass, cool, sweet taste, slightly bitter, has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, relieving liver and relieving pain, promoting blood circulation and dispersing blood stasis. The overall appearance of the chicken bone grass is similar to the mimosa we usually see. What are the effects and effects of the chicken bone grass? What is the effect of soaking water and drinking? What would you like to cook soup with?

Chicken bone grass is mainly produced in Guangxi and Guangdong provinces in China. The whole herb is used as a folk herbal medicine at first, and finally included in the Lingnan Herbal Medicine Collection. Clinical treatment of various types of hepatitis with chicken bone grass has a long history, and has been made into various dosage forms. The compound chicken bone grass pill recorded in the Pharmacopoeia of the people's Republic of China is a common drug for the treatment of hepatitis.

The efficacy and function of Chicken Bone Grass

"Lingnan Medicine Collection record" Chicken Bone Grass is the dried whole plant of Abrus cantoniensis Hance, a legume plant. It can be excavated all year round, remove sediment and dry. Remove impurities and fruit entrapment (seed poisonous), cut, raw use.

Performance: sweet, slightly bitter, cool. Return to the liver and stomach meridian.

Efficacy: dampness and yellow, heat-clearing and detoxification, soothing the liver and relieving pain.


1. Jaundice.

This product is sweet, bitter and cold, with the function of clearing away heat and dampness and retreating jaundice caused by damp-heat and steaming of liver and gallbladder, can be used alone, or compatible with wormwood, Saxifraga and other drugs to strengthen heat-clearing and detoxification, dampness and jaundice.

2. Breast abscess.

This product has the function of clearing away heat and detoxification. it can be used to treat breast carbuncle and can be mashed and applied with fresh leaves.

3. The rib is not comfortable, and the epigastric distension is painful.

This product enters the two meridians of the liver and stomach and has the effect of soothing the liver and relieving pain. it can treat the pain in the ribs caused by stagnation of liver-qi and epigastric pain. It is often used together with Zanthoxylum nitidum.

Usage: decoction, 15g / 30g.

Note: the seeds of Chicken Bone Grass are poisonous and cannot be used as medicine directly. All pods must be removed.

Modern research:

1. Chemical composition: this product contains Acacia, Acacia saponins, flavonoids, amino acids, sugars, Acacia saponins, glycyrrhetinic acid.

2. Pharmacological action: the crude saponins of Chicken Bone Grass have the effect of protecting liver, and the decoction of this product can enhance intestinal peristalsis.

3. Clinical study: it is reported that taking fresh chicken bone grass, adding brown sugar, frying and taking medicine, reducing the number of children by half, and treating all kinds of hepatitis have achieved good results (Zhejiang Journal of traditional Chinese Medicine, 1960, 4VR 166). It is reported that Tian Ji Huang (Herba Euphorbiae) injection, intramuscular injection, is effective for acute icteric and non-icteric hepatitis, persistent hepatitis and chronic hepatitis (Pharmaceutical Industry, 1972). Saxifraga, decocted in water, is effective in the treatment of typhoid and paratyphoid fever (Fujian traditional Chinese Medicine, 1964.

The effect of soaking water with chicken bone grass

1, chicken bone grass taste sweet slightly bitter, cool, chicken bone grass bubble water drink has a good effect of heat-clearing and detoxification, but also can relieve the liver and dissipate blood stasis.

2. Soaking water of Chicken Bone Grass can relieve epigastric pain.

3. Soaking water of chicken bone grass has a good effect on acute or chronic hepatitis.

4. Chicken bone grass bubble water can be used to treat mastitis.

5. Chicken bone grass bubble water can also be used to treat jaundice, hepatitis and stomachache.

6. Soaking water with chicken bone grass can treat breast abscess and eczema.

7. Chicken bone grass bubble water drink also has a good effect on the treatment of bruising, blood stasis pain, urine tingling and snakebite.

Brewing method

Hepatitis patients with jaundice or yellow urine and ribs can be taken with 15-30 grams of chicken bone grass and boiling with an appropriate amount of water for 40 minutes.

Matters needing attention

However, although chicken bone grass is good, it also has precautions and taboos. If careless, carelessness will really lead to catastrophe and even endanger lives.

First, the seeds of chicken bone grass are poisonous, and even when used in medicine, all the pods must be removed, so when cooking chicken bone grass, you must take out all the pods.

Second, chicken bone grass taste sweet, slightly bitter, cool, so deficiency cold body weak use with caution, otherwise it will aggravate the phenomenon of body cold.

Third, the appearance of Acacia mandshurica is very similar to that of Acacia mandshurica, but the leaves of Acacia mandshurica are larger, more hairy and sweeter than those of the same family. The efficacy of the two plants is different, so they must not be confused so as not to have a bad effect on the body.

After paying attention to the above points, we can rest assured to use chicken bone grass for dietotherapy. Chicken bone grass has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxification, soothing the liver and relieving pain, mainly for jaundice, acute and chronic hepatitis, mastitis and so on, especially for recurrent hepatitis symptoms. patients with abnormal liver function and immune insufficiency can have adjuvant treatment effect to a great extent. In addition, it also has the effect of treating stomachache and injury caused by falling.

Chicken bone grass and what kind of soup is good?

1. Chicken bone grass red jujube soup

Chicken bone grass 50 grams, 8 red dates, fried water suit together.

[applicable crowd] has the effect of clearing away heat, dampness and jaundice, and can be used for people with jaundice or heavy damp-heat.

2. Jinshan Hawthorn drink in Chicken Bone Grass

Chicken bone grass 30 grams, chicken gold 10 grams, Hawthorn 15 grams, put together into a casserole, add the right amount of water, boil over high heat, simmer for 30 minutes.

[applicable crowd] it has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, invigorating spleen and eliminating accumulation, and is suitable for people with indigestion or fatty liver.

3. Chicken bone, grass and pig bone soup

Chicken bone grass 50 grams, pig spine 200 grams, ginger 3 slices. Wash pork spine and cut chicken bone grass into pieces, put the above ingredients into a casserole, add proper amount of water, boil over high heat and simmer for 40 minutes.

[applicable crowd] has the effect of clearing heat, removing dampness and retreating jaundice, and is suitable for people with damp-heat jaundice.

4. Chicken bone grass pork soup

Chicken bone grass 30 grams, adzuki bean 20 grams, pig lean meat 100 grams, jujube 5, ginger 3 slices. Wash lean pork and cut into small pieces, wash other ingredients together with lean pork in a casserole, aftertaste the right amount of water, boil over high heat, simmer for 1.5 hours, season with salt.

[applicable crowd] it has the effects of clearing heat and removing dampness, promoting gallbladder and relieving jaundice, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling. It is suitable for people with short yellow urine, sticky mouth and constipation.