
What is biological fertilizer? Which one is better? What are the functions?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In recent years, the promotion of biological bacteria fertilizer has been continuously increased. While improving crop yield, it is not only completely environmentally friendly, but also can reduce nitrate pollution to the ecology and reduce the existing pollution of the land.

In recent years, the popularization of biological bacterial fertilizer has been continuously increased. while increasing the yield of crops, it not only has complete environmental protection and no pollution in the process of use, but also can reduce the ecological pollution caused by nitrate and reduce the existing pollution of land. it's an ideal green fertilizer. Then what is biological fertilizer? Which one is better? What are the functions?

What is biological fertilizer?

Microbial fertilizer is a kind of product in which crops get specific fertilizer effect due to the life activities of microorganisms. it is a kind of fertilizer used in agricultural production. It has a history of nearly 50 years in China, from rhizobium agent-bacterial fertilizer-microbial fertilizer, the evolution of the name has explained the gradual development process of microbial fertilizer in our country.

Which kind of biological fertilizer is better?

Generally speaking, as long as the bacterial fertilizer can meet the national implementation standards, under the ideal conditions that are not affected by external environmental factors, the effect of increasing production is actually not much worse, and there will be no qualitative difference. Therefore, in reality, for different users, the quality of biological fertilizer is relative, depending on whether the type of functional bacteria is suitable for the actual situation of the local climate and soil.

Classification of biological bacterial fertilizer

① nitrogen-fixing bacteria fertilizer: including rhizobium, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria, etc.

Bacterial fertilizer for decomposition of soil organic matter by ②: including organophosphorus bacteria and compound bacteria, etc.

Bacterial fertilizer for decomposing insoluble minerals in soil by ③: including silicate bacteria, inorganic phosphorus bacteria, etc.

④ promotes soil nutrient utilization by crops: including mycorrhizal fungi, etc.

⑤ bacterial fertilizer for disease resistance and stimulating crop growth: including antibiotic bacteria, yield-increasing bacteria and so on.

Detailed names of all kinds of bacterial fertilizer

● Bacillus subtilis: increase crop stress resistance and nitrogen fixation.

Bacillus megaterium ●: phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria (phosphorus bacteria), which has a good effect on the degradation of organic phosphorus in soil.

● jelly-like bacillus: release soluble phosphorus and potassium elements and trace elements such as calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese and so on.

● Bacillus licheniformis: disease resistance, killing harmful bacteria.

● Bacillus thuringiensis: insecticidal (including root-knot nematode), has specific toxic activity against Lepidoptera and other arthropods.

Bacillus ●: root promotion, sterilization and degradation of heavy metals.

●: Bacillus glia has the functions of dissolving phosphorus, releasing potassium and fixing nitrogen, secretes a variety of enzymes and enhances the resistance of crops to some diseases.

● Streptomyces Jingyang: it has the ability to enhance soil fertility and stimulate crop growth.

● mycorrhizal fungi: expand the absorption surface of roots and increase the absorption capacity of elements (especially phosphorus) outside the absorption range of original root hairs.

● brown azotobacter: fixed free nitrogen in the air to increase production.

● photosynthetic bacteria: is the main force of fertile soil and promote the growth of animals and plants.

● Bacillus coagulans: can reduce ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other harmful gases in the environment. Increase the content of amino acids in fruit.

● Aspergillus oryzae: make the organic matter in straw become the nutrition needed for plant growth, improve soil organic matter and improve soil structure.

Paecilomyces lilacinus ● can control many kinds of nematodes and is the most promising biocontrol agent to control root-knot nematodes.

The important role of bacterial fertilizer

More than three kinds of compound bacteria promote and complement each other, and the effect of resistance to soil-borne diseases is much better than that of a single strain. The beneficial bacteria cooperate with each other and act together to achieve the effect of high yield and high yield of crops.

1. Promote rapid growth: can produce biological hormones that stimulate crop growth. In the process of life activities in the soil, microorganisms in bacterial fertilizer will produce a large number of gibberellin and cytokines and other substances, which can regulate crop metabolism and stimulate crop growth after contact with plant roots. so as to increase the yield of crops.

2. Adjust life activities, increase production and income: beneficial bacteria such as Bacillus jelly, Bacillus lateralis and Bacillus licheniformis can promote the growth of crop roots and increase the number of fibrous roots. The plant endogenous enzymes and plant growth regulators produced by the metabolism of beneficial microorganisms enter the plant through the root system to promote leaf photosynthesis and regulate the flow of nutrient elements to the fruit. Compared with the application of chemical fertilizer, the yield can be increased by 15% and 30% under the condition of equivalent input.

3. Fruit quality is obviously improved: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus coagulans in the flora can reduce the content of nitrate in plants by more than 20%, reduce the content of heavy metals, increase the content of Vc in fruit by more than 30%, and increase soluble sugar by 2%. Lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bacillus coagulans and Bacillus subtilis can increase the contents of essential amino acids (lysine and methionine), vitamin B and unsaturated fatty acids in fruits. The fruit tastes good, resistant to storage and sells at a high price.

4. Decompose organic matter and toxin to prevent repeated cropping: beneficial microorganisms such as Aspergillus oryzae, Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis in the flora can accelerate the decomposition of organic matter, produce quick-acting nutrients and provide power for crops. can decompose continuous cropping toxic and harmful substances to prevent continuous cropping.

5. Rhizosphere environmental protection barrier: after the beneficial microorganisms such as Bacillus licheniformis in the flora were applied into the soil, they quickly propagated into the dominant microflora and controlled the rhizosphere nutrition and resources. so that continuous cropping, root rot, blight, glue, gray mold and other pathogens lose their living space and conditions. Make the cell wall of plant root cell thickening, fibrosis, Lignification, and form a cutin double silicon layer, forming a solid barrier to prevent the invasion of pathogens.

6. enhance stress resistance: a large number of microorganisms in bacterial fertilizer grow and reproduce in plant roots, thus forming a dominant flora, and the dominant flora forms a local advantage, which can restrain and reduce the invasion and reproduction opportunities of pathogens. It has the effect of reducing crop diseases. Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus lateralis and other beneficial microorganisms in the flora can enhance soil buffering capacity, retain water and moisture, and enhance the ability of crops to resist drought, cold and waterlogging; at the same time, Bacillus lateralis can also strengthen the protective film of leaves to resist pathogen infection, disease resistance and insect resistance.

7. It can loosen soil, preserve fertilizer and improve environment: abundant organic matter can also improve soil physical properties and soil aggregate structure, so as to make soil loose, reduce soil consolidation, help to conserve water, preserve fertilizer, aerate and promote root development, and provide a suitable micro-ecological growth environment for crops.

8. Beneficial bacteria stimulate organic matter to release nutrients: beneficial microorganisms such as Bacillus giganticus and Bacillus jelliformis produce a large number of plant endogenous enzymes in the process of metabolism, which can significantly improve the absorption rate of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrient elements in crops. Through the activities of beneficial microorganisms, a large amount of organic matter can continuously release the nutrient elements needed for plant growth to achieve the purpose of lasting fertilizer effect.