
What are the effects and functions of the "insect fungus complex" Golden Cicada Flower? How much at a time? Can you treat kidney disease? Who is suitable for eating?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Golden Cicada Flower is commonly known as Cordyceps sinensis, cicada pupa grass, cicada antler, crown cicada, Hu cicada,,, Tang, it is the same as Cordyceps sinensis, but also insect bacteria complex, some people think that eating Golden Cicada Flower has the effect of regulating immunity. What are the effects and functions of the Golden Cicada Flower? once

The golden cicada is commonly known as Cordyceps sinensis, cicada pupa, cicada antler, cicada, cicadas, cic What are the effects and functions of the golden cicada flower? How much do you eat at a time? Can you treat kidney disease?

What is the golden cicada?

The golden cicada is a wonderful creature with animal and plant characteristics. The root is the cicada pupa or the larva of the mountain cicada. The flower grows from the head of a single cicada or 2-3 cicadas. It is about an inch long and blossoms and branches from the top. According to relevant studies, cicadas belong to biological morbid phenomenon, which is a combination of insects and bacteria. With the advent of autumn, the cicada drilled into the soil and gradually became a cicada pupa, which was parasitized by Cordyceps sinensis before Eclosion. When the living conditions were suitable, it began to germinate into mycelium and absorb the nutrition of the insect. Finally, the worm was completely occupied by the mycelium and only a shell was left.

The efficacy and function of Golden Cicada

Studies at home and abroad have shown that cicada flower can improve immunity, anti-fatigue, protect kidney, improve sleep, anti-tumor, protect liver, anti-radiation and bright eye. it is a magical ancient traditional Chinese medicine. The cultured cicadas contain 2.18% mannitol, 21.73% polysaccharides, 19.76% amino acids, 0.005% cordycepin and 0.05% adenosine, which is similar to natural Cordyceps sinensis, but toxic heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury and lead are not detected, which is safer than natural Cordyceps sinensis. Therefore, cicada can be used as a substitute for Cordyceps sinensis, can also achieve the role of nourishing and nourishing health.

[pharmacological action]

1. Brain system: intraperitoneal injection of natural cicada flower or artificial culture dilute alcohol extract could significantly reduce their spontaneous activity, prolong the sleep time caused by pentobarbital sodium and chloral hydrate, and increase the hypnotic rate of mice with subthreshold hypnotic dose of pentobarbital sodium. prolong the latent time of convulsion in mice delivered by central stimulant strychnine and pentylenetetrazol. Intraperitoneal injection of normal and yeast-induced febrile rats had obvious cooling effect. It shows that cicada flower and its artificial culture have obvious analgesic, analgesic and antipyretic effects.

2. Fetal system: nourishing and strengthening, anti-fatigue, anti-stress, hypoxia and high temperature tolerance.

3. Liver system: cicada cicadae can promote protein synthesis, reduce the level of urea nitrogen, correct negative nitrogen balance, increase plasma albumin, hemoglobin and hematocrit in patients with chronic renal function. It can improve triglyceride, reduce serum cholesterol level and lower blood sugar. In addition, it can clear the eyes, improve the metabolism of lipids and protect organs and tissues.

4. Chest system: enhance the immune regulation function of the body; cicada has anti-radiation, anti-tumor and other effects.

5. Renal system: cicada flower has a good effect on renal interstitial tubulointerstitial lesions and can protect Na-K-ATP enzymes in renal tubular cells. Reduce the damage of cell lysosome and cell lipid peroxidation, improve renal hemodynamics, reduce endothelial cell injury and blood coagulation. It plays an obvious role in the treatment of chronic renal failure, gout, reducing serum creatinine, urinary creatinine, improving renal function and improving three high levels (hyperlipidemia, hypertension and high cholesterol). The mycelium of cicada can significantly delay the progression of chronic renal failure in rats, and the mycelium of cicada can also have the same effect. The famous doctor in Shanghai used cicada flower instead of Cordyceps sinensis in clinical research, and found that it has the functions of reducing blood and urine creatinine, increasing endogenous creatinine clearance rate, improving serum protein content and reducing urinary protein excretion.

6. Cardiac system: it has been reported that adenosine in cicada flower can lower blood pressure and slow down heart rate. Promote hematopoietic system function.

How much does the golden cicada eat at a time?

Generally speaking, the dosage is 6-9 grams, so it is not suitable to use too much. It is better to use a small amount of fungus for a long time, but if it is too large at once, it will be a burden on the body.

Treatment of Nephropathy with Golden Cicada Flower

Improve renal function: the clinical study of cicada flower shows that it has the functions of reducing blood and urinary creatinine, increasing the eradication rate of endogenous creatinine, improving the content of serum protein and reducing the excretion of urinary protein. Therefore, it plays an appropriate role in patients with slow renal insufficiency in the early and middle stages. Cicada flower has a good effect on renal interstitial tubule lesion, can maintain Na+-K+-ATP enzyme in renal tubular cells, reduce the damage of cell lysosome and cell lipid peroxidation, improve renal hemodynamics, reduce endothelial cell damage and blood coagulation. Therefore, it is thought that cicada flower can improve renal function.

Edible method of golden cicada flower

1. Boil water as tea instead of soaking it in boiled water. This method is simple and useful. In general, the golden cicada is boiled for about 40 minutes, pay attention to the use of gentle fire after the first fire, and drink after boiling water.

2, stewed with meat products, 5-8 golden cicadas can be stewed together.

3. It is used to make medicinal wine to drink.

4. Use a grinder to grind the golden cicada into powder, put it in a capsule box and take it on time every day.

Who is suitable to eat golden cicadas?

Golden cicada app crowd:

The golden cicada is cold, sweet and non-toxic; it has the functions of dispersing wind and heat, relieving menstruation, penetrating rash, nourishing and strong. Clinical application studies have confirmed that the unique drug active substances of golden cicada have preventive and therapeutic effects on the following diseases, adapt to the following people:

1. Chronic kidney disease, renal insufficiency, proteinuria, etc., significantly prevent and slow down the occurrence of uremia.

2. Neurasthenia and insomnia

3. tumor adjuvant therapy; prevention and treatment of toxic and side effects of tumor chemotherapy and radiotherapy

4. Diabetes, hyperlipidemia, myocardial ischemia, coronary heart disease, hypertension

5. Treatment of vision loss, prevention and treatment of cataract and other ophthalmic vision diseases

6. the effect of beauty, anti-aging and prolonging life; it has an excellent comprehensive health care effect on sub-healthy people and middle-aged and elderly people.

Finally, the editor reminded: if you want to eat golden cicadas, you should first ask a doctor to see if it is suitable for eating, and then get it from regular channels.