
34 demonstration projects of mechanization in the whole process of major crop production have passed the ministerial level.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, August 26-27, 2015, the Agricultural Machinery extension Station of the Ministry of Agriculture organized an acceptance meeting of the mechanization demonstration project for the whole process of major crop production in Yinchuan, Ningxia District, from August 26 to 27, 2015. to carry out 34 projects undertaken by 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and 1 separately listed city in China.

August 26-27, 2015, the Agricultural Machinery extension Station of the Ministry of Agriculture organized the acceptance meeting of the mechanization demonstration project for the whole process of major crop production in Yinchuan, Ningxia District in 2014. 34 projects undertaken by 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and 1 city separately listed on the plan were checked and accepted. Including 26 rice, corn production mechanization and 8 rape, sugarcane, cotton production mechanization technology demonstration projects. The acceptance committee held that the project counties had completed the contents and targets stipulated in the relevant projects and agreed to pass the acceptance tests.


During the implementation of the project for one year, the project undertaking units focused on the six main links of crop production and tillage, planting, plant protection, harvesting, drying and straw treatment, carried out comparative experiments, and established the main push technology models and main push machine types of each link. it has summarized and formed the whole process mechanization process route, technical mode, machinery and equipment, operation rules and operation mechanism of the main crops in various places. It has effectively promoted the innovation and integration of mechanization technology in the whole process of major crop production, and played an exemplary and leading role in improving the level of mechanization of crop production.

The meeting exchanged measures to further promote the development of mechanization in the whole process of major crop production, observed the construction of mechanization in the whole process of rice production and the professional service organization of agricultural machinery, and made arrangements for the implementation and management of the demonstration project of mechanization in the whole process of major crop production in 2015, requiring all localities to actively participate in the promotion of mechanization in the whole process of major crop production.