
What are the efficacy and effects of sweet potato leaves in summer? How to apply fertilizer efficiently?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Sweet potato, which has the reputation of longevity food, is rich in protein, starch, pectin, vitamins and other minerals. As a crop often planted by farmers, the planting area of sweet potato is also relatively wide. therefore, in the process of planting, we should pay attention to the scientific application of sweet potato.

Sweet potato, which is known as "longevity food", is rich in protein, starch, pectin, vitamins and other minerals. As a crop often planted by farmers, the planting area of sweet potato is also relatively wide, therefore, in the planting process, we need to pay attention to scientific fertilization for sweet potato, so what are the efficacy and effects of sweet potato leaves? How to fertilize sweet potato to achieve high yield?

First, the best time to fertilize sweet potato

Potato fertilizer is generally applied about 45 days after planting, at this time the aboveground part has been thrown under the ridge, the potato block has been basically shaped, on one side of the ridge, use a plow to break 1 stick 3, and then apply fertilizer. Ridge-breaking fertilization can improve the aeration condition of the soil and is beneficial to the expansion of potato lumps. This fertilization is mainly potash fertilizer, topdressing potash fertilizer can thicken the stem and petiole, keep it young, and promote the expansion of potato lumps.

Generally speaking, the root expansion period of sweet potato tuber is from late July to early September every year, which is also the key period of yield formation and the period that needs the most fertilizer, so we should also pay attention to topdressing sweet potato in this period.

2. Fertilization methods for high yield of sweet potato

1. Re-apply crack fertilizer.

"crack fertilizer" is very important to improve the yield and quality of sweet potato. When cracks appear on the ground in the early stage of expansion, the application of crack fertilizer can promote the nutrient to continue to transfer to the root, promote the root expansion and achieve the purpose of increasing production. You can use 3%-5% potassium sulfate, 15%-20% plant ash leaching solution, or 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer solution, 150-200kg per mu. If the growth of sweet potatoes is weak, urea and 5kg can be added appropriately.

Production of plant ash water: use plant ash 10kg to add water 50kg water, soak for 4 hours, take filtrate. Crack fertilizer can be combined with irrigation through eyedropper or sprinkler irrigation, and those without eyedroppers and fertilization facilities can also be sewn manually, but now few people use it because the efficiency is too low, and flood irrigation can also be flushed with water, but it is necessary to master the amount of irrigation, and the effect is not good. When flushing and applying, the fertilizer must be fully diluted to prevent fertilizer damage caused by fertilizer concentration.

2. Skillfully replenish external fertilizer.

In the later stage of sweet potato expansion, with the increase of fertilizer requirement and the gradual aging of sweet potato roots, the root absorptive capacity was weakened, and the phenomenon of de-fertilization was easy to occur. The land with de-fertilizing can be fertilized outside the root, replenish fertilizer in time, prolong the time of leaf photosynthesis, prevent premature senescence and improve the yield and quality of sweet potato. Available every 667 square meters. Extra-root topdressing in the later stage of expansion plays a very obvious role in improving the yield and quality of sweet potato, so this work must not be ignored.

Third, the efficacy and function of sweet potato leaves.

1. Enhance immunity

Sweet potato stem tip is rich in mucin. Sweet potato leaves contain 5-10 times higher antioxidants than ordinary vegetables, which can improve immunity and prevent colds.

2. Help with detoxification

Sweet potato leaves are rich in chlorophyll, which can purify the blood and help detoxify.

3. Prevention of hypertension

Sweet potato leaves are rich in potassium, which can maintain the balance of osmotic pressure in the body and help control blood pressure.

4. Prevention of anemia

Daily intake of 300g sweet potato leaves can supplement the body's daily supply of iron and vitamins A, C and E.

5. Improve constipation

Sweet potato leaves are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent "constipation and hemorrhoids" and other problems.

6. it can fight cancer.

Sweet potato leaves are rich in polyphenols, which have antioxidant function. Oxidative damage is an important cause of many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and aging. Therefore, the antioxidant function of polyphenols can prevent these chronic diseases.

7. Promote milk secretion

Sweet potato leaves contain flavonoids and other substances, which can promote milk secretion.

8. Improve eyesight

Sweet potato leaves are rich in vitamin A, so they have a good effect on improving eyesight.

9. Improve the symptoms of menopause

Sweet potato leaves are rich in phytosterols, which can regulate body function similar to hormones, thus improving menopause.