
Is it true that eating houttuynia cordata causes cancer? What does it compete with? Can children eat?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Houttuynia cordata Thunb is an herbal medicine included in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. It is also known as Rabdosia angustifolia. In summer, the stems and leaves are often harvested to remove impurities and dry in the sun. Is it true that eating houttuynia cordata causes cancer? What does it compete with? Can children eat? Eating Houttuynia cordata causes cancer

Houttuynia cordata Thunb is an herbal medicine included in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. It is also known as Rabdosia angustifolia. In summer, the stems and leaves are often harvested to remove impurities and dry in the sun. Is it true that eating houttuynia cordata causes cancer? What does it compete with? Can children eat?

Is it true that eating houttuynia cordata causes cancer?

1. Houttuynia cordata Thunb is a fresh whole herb of Herba Houttuyniae, a traditional Chinese medicine used in clinic for many years. It was first recorded in Tao Hongjing's "famous Doctor record" in the Southern and Northern dynasties. It is called Houttuynia cordata because of its fishy smell, and Houttuynia cordata Thunb is slightly cold and returns to the lung meridian. It has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, abscess, purulence, diuresis and diarrhea, mainly for lung abscess, phlegm-heat asthma cough, hot dysentery, hot diarrhea, carbuncle swelling and so on.

two。 There are many kinds of chemical components in Houttuynia cordata Thunb, which mainly contain volatile oil, flavonoids, alkaloids and some inorganic salts such as organic acids, fatty acids, sterols and potassium chloride, in which there is no aristolochic acid. Therefore, it is rumored on the Internet that Houttuynia cordata Thunb may induce nephropathy and cause cancer because it contains aristolochic lactam. From the analysis of carcinogen components, Houttuynia cordata Thunb does not contain aristolochic acid and aristolochia lactam-I. From the long history of edible medicine of Houttuynia cordata Thunb, Houttuynia cordata Thunb is not directly related to kidney disease, let alone carcinogenic.

What does Houttuynia cordata Thunb compare with?

1. Many doctors' advice on Houttuynia cordata Thunb does not mention similar food. In the common sense of many doctors, Houttuynia cordata Thunb is a kind of versatile food. There is no regulation on which kind of food can not be eaten with it. Instead, it can be eaten in combination with a lot of food. But Houttuynia cordata is not everyone can eat, Houttuynia cordata is a cool food, very suitable for soup, for people who are cool, should not eat houttuynia, to eat mild food, when making soup can add a little taste.

two。 When eating Houttuynia cordata, cold people try not to match chrysanthemum, wax gourd, duck meat and other cold things. The collocation of these cool foods together is not good for the spleen and stomach for people who are cold.

3. Houttuynia cordata Thunb tea can clear heat and detoxification, invigorate the stomach, improve the immunity of the body, physical deficiency and cold people should not drink.

The function of Houttuynia cordata Thunb: clearing heat and detoxification, detumescence and sores, diuresis and dehumidification, clearing heat and relieving dysentery, invigorating stomach and eliminating food, treating lung carbuncle with excess heat, heat toxin, dampness and pathogenic heat, swelling and toxin of sores, hematochezia of hemorrhoids, accumulation of heat in spleen and stomach, etc. Modern pharmacological experiments show that this product has the effects of antibacterial, antiviral, improving body immunity, diuresis and so on.

Can children eat houttuynia cordata?

Children can take a small amount of Houttuynia cordata, there is generally no certain damage to the body, and Houttuynia cordata is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, generally does not contain antibiotics, for the body hormones and development and other conditions do not have a certain regulation, and has the effect of clearing heat and promoting blood circulation, and helps to eliminate a large amount of sputum in the throat, helping to relieve cough However, it is recommended not to eat too much, it is recommended not to take it continuously for more than a week, which usually increases the excretion of toxins from the body.