
The Ministry of Agriculture deploys to strengthen the construction of talents in agricultural products processing industry

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In order to further implement the strategy of strengthening the country with talents and innovation-driven development, to give better play to the important supporting role of talents in promoting the transformation and development of agricultural products processing industry, and to guide all localities to strengthen the construction of talent teams, recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture issued "on further"

In order to further implement the strategy of strengthening the country with talents and innovation-driven development, give better play to the important supporting role of talents in promoting the transformation and development of agricultural products processing industry, and guide all localities to strengthen the construction of talent team, recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture issued the "opinions on further strengthening the Construction of talents team in Agricultural products processing Industry" and comprehensively deployed the construction of talent team in agricultural products processing industry.

The opinion points out that strengthening the construction of talents in agricultural products processing industry should aim at promoting innovation-driven transformation and upgrading of agricultural products processing industry, improve independent innovation ability and market competitiveness as the core, and focus on training scientific and technological innovation talents, management talents, vocational skills talents, entrepreneurs and rural entrepreneurial innovation leaders. Adhere to the principle of combining talent priority with service industry, highlighting key points with overall promotion, government leadership with extensive social participation, further increasing policy support, innovating systems and mechanisms, and optimizing the development environment. We will speed up the construction of a talent team of agricultural products processing industry with large scale, reasonable structure, good quality and good at actual combat. To provide strong talent guarantee and intellectual support for promoting the sustained and healthy development of the agricultural product processing industry.

The opinions stressed that it is necessary to persist in the simultaneous promotion of scientific and technological innovation and personnel training, constantly improve the competition and incentive mechanism, improve the talent evaluation system, strengthen the building of scientific and technological innovation and promotion personnel, and create conditions and platforms for the growth of scientific and technological innovation talents. We will promote the development of professional, professional and international management personnel, and speed up the improvement of the ability and quality of enterprise management personnel. We will speed up the cultivation of a number of technical personnel and production experts who are familiar with the development of rural industries, focusing on the implementation of the policy of subsidies for the initial processing of agricultural products, actions to improve the processing of staple foods, entrepreneurship and innovation of farmers, demonstration and establishment of cooperatives, and leisure agriculture. Focusing on improving the core competitiveness of enterprises and promoting rural entrepreneurship and innovation, we will speed up the cultivation of a team of entrepreneurs and rural entrepreneurial innovation leaders with modern business concepts, strategic thinking, familiarity with national industrial policies, and enthusiastic service for agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

The opinions require that the management departments of agricultural products processing industry at all levels should fully understand the important significance of strengthening the construction of talent team, firmly establish the concept that talent is the first resource and core competitiveness, put the construction of talent team as a long-term and urgent task on the agenda, emancipate the mind, innovate the mechanism, strengthen service, optimize the environment, comprehensively improve the level of talent team construction, and strive to 2020. The construction of the talent team in the agricultural products processing industry has made positive progress, the scale has been further expanded, the structure has been further optimized, the quality and ability has been further improved, the training system and mechanism have been more perfect, and the service system has been more sound. The development atmosphere of attaching importance to the work of talents, supporting the development of talents, making the best use of talents and talents is more intense. Really transfer the development of China's agricultural products processing industry from relying mainly on factor input and resource consumption to relying on scientific and technological progress and improving the quality of workers.