
What are the effects and effects of cabbage? How to plant on the balcony?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cabbage is one of the most common vegetables in our life, and its efficacy and function are also quite extensive. With the development of economy, people begin to grow cabbage on the balcony at home, but they don't know much about the cultivation methods. So how to plant a balcony at home?

Cabbage is one of the most common vegetables in our life, and its efficacy and function are also quite extensive. With the development of economy, people begin to grow cabbage on the balcony at home, but they don't know much about the cultivation methods. So how to grow cabbage on the balcony at home? How much do you know about the efficacy and taboos of cabbage?

1. The efficacy and function of Chinese cabbage

1. Moistening the intestines and relieving defecation

The water content of Chinese cabbage is about 95%. It is also rich in dietary fiber. Eating Chinese cabbage can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, help digestion, promote the excretion of intestinal waste, and help prevent constipation and colorectal cancer. 2. Beautify skin and beauty

Chinese cabbage is rich in water and vitamins. Eating Chinese cabbage often can not only supplement the water lost by the body, but also contain vitamins C and E to prevent skin pigmentation and play the effect of skin care and beauty care. The air is dry in autumn and winter. Eating more Chinese cabbage can reduce the skin damage caused by the cold wind.

3. Shengjin nourishes the stomach

It is recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica that Chinese cabbage is "thirsty, non-toxic and beneficial to the intestines and stomach". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Chinese cabbage has the effect of nourishing stomach and promoting fluid, clearing away heat and eliminating annoyance. Pounding Chinese cabbage juice with lily and Ophiopogon japonicus plus water and warm clothing has a good effect on stomach pain caused by stomach yin deficiency.

4. Eliminate fat and lose weight

Chinese cabbage is a low-fat and low-heat food with high water content and rich dietary fiber. Eating Chinese cabbage can speed up metabolism and prevent constipation and subcutaneous fat accumulation. Friends who need to lose weight might as well try boiled cabbage or vinegar cabbage, without dieting can achieve a good weight loss effect.

5. Clearing heat and detoxification

Chinese cabbage cold taste sweet, very suitable for thirst, irritation, phlegm-heat cough, wind-heat cold and other patients to eat.

6. Prevention of scurvy

Chinese cabbage is rich in nutrition, and its vitamin C content is 4-5 times that of apples and pears. Regular consumption of cabbage can prevent various diseases caused by lack of vitamin C, such as scurvy, gingival bleeding and so on.

7. prevention of breast cancer

A survey by the hormone Research Institute in New York shows that Chinese and Japanese women are much less likely to develop breast cancer than Western women because they often eat cabbage. This is because Chinese cabbage contains indole, a compound that helps break down the estrogen associated with breast cancer-3.

Second, taboos on eating Chinese cabbage

1. Chinese cabbage is cold and benefit the intestines and stomach, so diarrhea, spleen and stomach deficiency cold, stomach cold abdominal pain and other people should not eat too much.

2. Rotten Chinese cabbage can not be eaten, which will cause nitrite poisoning.

Third, how to grow cabbage on the balcony?

1. Pre-planting preparation

To grow cabbage on the balcony, we must first prepare the planting ground. It is impossible to grow cabbage on the balcony like in rural areas. We can plant cabbage in pots to save some space. The planting container must be large, and the space needed for cabbage growth is still large. after cleaning the container, prepare loose and fertile soil to fill the container, so a small planting site will be fine. In addition, when planting, it must be placed in a sunny place. Cabbage needs sufficient light in the seedling stage, but in the growing period, it is necessary to avoid long-term light.

2. Sowing seeds

Generally, cabbage is planted on the balcony in autumn, which is because the growth of cabbage needs a mild climate, especially when catching the ball, the temperature is more strict, in addition, there are fewer vegetables in winter, sowing in autumn, and you can eat your own cabbage in winter. First soak the cabbage seeds in warm water for 10-20 minutes, and then soak in clean water for 8-10 hours, which is conducive to the success of sowing. After that, spread the seeds evenly on the soil and cover a layer of shallow soil. The top soil strength of Chinese cabbage germination is poor, and the soil cover is too deep to sprout.

3. Intermediate seedlings

After the seeds have germinated, the seedlings can be transferred to a spacious container when the seeds are 2-3cm high. Dig a small hole every 10-15cm to put the seedlings vertically, and pay attention to keep the seedlings and roots vertical. Watering the soil after cultivation and keeping the soil moist will help cabbage grow faster. If some seedlings are of poor quality, they can be used to make soup or cold vegetables, which taste sweeter and more tender.

4. Daily management

Put the seedlings on the balcony where there is plenty of light, and then often water the soil to keep the soil moist. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the light intensity, so as not to cause the seedlings to die from violent sun exposure. Fertilizer can be applied once after the seedlings grow to half a month, and the particles of compound fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be evenly scattered and fully mixed in the soil, and the first fertilization should not be too much. In addition, we should often cultivate the soil, so that the seedlings fully absorb fertilizer, can also prevent seedling lodging, usually should also pay attention to pest control, do these well, one and a half months after sowing can be harvested.