
What are the effects and effects of Gastrodia elata? How should I eat it? Who can't eat?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Gastrodia elata is the rhizome of Gastrodia elata (Orchidaceae), which is rich in nutrition and is a rare and valuable medicinal plant. It is used to treat hypertension, headache and vertigo, askew of mouth and eye, limb numbness, infantile convulsion and so on. Its tuber is a good medicine for calming the liver and relieving wind. It has become the support of many people.

Gastrodia elata is the rhizome of Gastrodia elata (Orchidaceae), which is rich in nutrition and is a rare and valuable medicinal plant. It is used to treat hypertension, headache and vertigo, askew of mouth and eye, limb numbness, infantile convulsion and so on. Its tuber is a good medicine for calming the liver and relieving wind. It has become a health-preserving choice for many people. What do you know about the efficacy and function of Gastrodia elata? Who can't eat Gastrodia elata? How to eat Gastrodia elata? Let me show you about it.

I. the efficacy and function of Gastrodia elata

1. Analgesic effect: Tianma injection made from Gastrodia elata has obvious analgesic effect on trigeminal neuralgia, vascular nerve headache, cerebrovascular headache, toxic polyneuritis and so on. In recent years, through the clinical trial of more than 1000 patients in some medical units, the effective rate is up to 90%.

2. Sedative effect: some medical units use synthetic gastrodin (gastrodin) to treat patients with neurasthenia and neurasthenia syndrome, with an effective rate of 89.44% and 86.87%, respectively. It can also inhibit the central excitatory effect caused by caffeine and enhance the sleep time effect of pentobarbital.

3. Anticonvulsant effect: certain curative effect of Gastrodia elata on facial nerve convulsion, limb numbness, hemiplegia, epilepsy and so on. It also has the effect of relieving smooth muscle spasm, relieving angina pectoris and biliary angina.

4. The effect of lowering blood pressure: Gastrodia elata can treat hypertension. Long-term service can calm the liver and replenish qi, benefit waist and knees, strengthen muscles and bones, increase peripheral and coronary blood flow, and protect the heart.

5. The effect of enlightening eyesight and increasing intelligence: Gastrodia elata still has the function of enlightening eyesight and significantly enhancing memory. Gastrodia elata has obvious protective and regulatory effect on human brain nervous system, and can enhance the distinguishing ability of optic nerve. Gastrodia elata has been used as brain health food or brain health drug for high-altitude pilots. In Japan, Gastrodia elata injection is used to treat Alzheimer's disease, with an effective rate of 81%.

Gastrodia elata run but not dry, the main into the liver meridian, longer than calm the liver wind, where the liver wind moving, head vertigo, regardless of deficiency and reality, are essential medicine.

1. Calming the liver and relieving wind: Gastrodia elata is moisturized and liquid, which can nourish the blood and rest the wind, treat headache and vertigo caused by blood deficiency and liver wind, and can also be used for infantile convulsion, epilepsy and tetanus.

2. Dispelling wind and relieving pain: used for vertigo, migraine, limb numbness and hemiplegia caused by wind and phlegm.

Gastrodia elata is suitable for dizziness caused by internal wind. There are three types of headache caused by internal wind: first, hyperactivity of liver-yang, symptoms: headache and dizziness appear at the same time; second, turbid phlegm, symptoms: often feel heavy; third, patients with kidney deficiency, symptoms: headache, dizziness accompanied by memory loss. Gastrodia elata is not suitable for headache caused by cold and dizziness.

Gastrodia elata has sedative, analgesic and anticonvulsant effects; it can increase cerebral blood flow, reduce cerebrovascular resistance, contract cerebral vessels slightly, increase coronary vascular flow, reduce blood pressure, slow down heart rate, and protect myocardial ischemia; Gastrodia elata polysaccharides have immune activity.

Who can't eat Gastrodia elata?

1, as long as the body has blood deficiency, vaginal fluid deficiency and other conditions of patients or people, is not suitable to take Gastrodia elata.

2. Many people like to use traditional Chinese medicine alone. In fact, when using Gastrodia elata, you need to cooperate with other herbs in order to get the desired results. If you only use Gastrodia but not other medicinal materials, the effect is not very good or the effect is not ideal.

3. In the treatment of the functional disorder of excessive liver yang and water dampness in the spleen and stomach, it is necessary to determine the addition or subtraction of drugs according to the actual condition in order to get a better effect.

4. Gastrodia elata can be boiled for a long time, because the main ingredients in Gastrodia elata are easy to volatilize when it is heated, so it can not be boiled in the pot for a long time.

Fifth, if the use of Gastrodia elata alone, dizziness, vomiting and other situations, need to stop using immediately, when necessary, also need to go to the hospital for treatment.

How to eat Gastrodia elata? What are the practices?

1. Steamed pork with fresh Gastrodia elata

Raw materials: 100g fresh Gastrodia elata, 1000 g lean pork.

Processing method: rinse fresh Gastrodia elata into slices, cut lean pork into 5ml 6cm square pieces into a large bowl, steam for 1 hour and then eat.

Efficacy: it has relieving effect on Meniere syndrome.

2. Tianma pig brain porridge

Materials: Gastrodia elata 10 g, pig brain 1, japonica rice 250 g.

Cooking method: wash the pig brain, put it in a casserole together with Gastrodia elata, then add japonica rice and boil porridge with clear water, taking porridge and brain cooked as degrees.

How to eat and how much to eat: take warm porridge once every morning.

Function: calming the liver and relieving wind, promoting qi and activating blood circulation.

Scope of adaptation: suitable for hypertension, arteriosclerosis, Meniere's disease, headache caused by scalp wind and other diseases.

3. Gastrodia carp

Materials: 25 grams of Gastrodia elata, 1500 grams of fresh carp, 10 grams of Chuanxiong, 10 grams of Poria cocos, appropriate amount of seasoning.

Cooking method: remove the scales, gills and internal organs of the fish, wash them, and put them into a basin. Cut Ligusticum chuanxiong and Poria cocos into large pieces, soak them in rice swill for the second time, then soak Gastrodia elata in the rice swill soaked in Ligusticum chuanxiong and Poria cocos for 6 hours, remove them, steam them into slices, and put them into the belly of fish. Put the fish in a basin, add the right amount of spring onions, ginger and water, steam for 30 minutes, remove ginger and onions. Add sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper and sesame oil to water, thicken with water bean powder and pour on Gastrodia elata.

How to eat and how much to eat: use cooked fish with a meal or a single meal.

Function: calming the liver and relieving wind, relieving shock and relieving pain, promoting qi and activating blood circulation.

Scope of adaptation: suitable for deficiency fire headache, eye black limb numbness, and neurasthenia, hypertension, dizziness and other diseases.