
Can sweet potatoes still be eaten after sprouting? How to keep it from sprouting? Recommendation of three major storage methods

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Every autumn and winter, sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) become a popular snack. Sweet potatoes sprout in wet places for a long time. We all know that potatoes can't be eaten when they sprout. Can sweet potatoes still be eaten when they sprout? How to keep it from sprouting? First, sweet potato hair

Every autumn and winter, sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) become a popular snack. Sweet potatoes sprout in wet places for a long time. We all know that potatoes can't be eaten when they sprout. Can sweet potatoes still be eaten when they sprout? How to keep it from sprouting?

Can you still eat sweet potatoes after they have sprouted?

Sweet potato germination will not produce harmful ingredients like potatoes, as long as the sweet potato buds are removed can be eaten, let alone the legendary symptoms of poisoning. However, it should be noted that after sprouting, sweet potatoes not only taste bad, but also lose their edible value due to the massive loss of nutrition and water. As for the saying that eating sprouted sweet potatoes will be poisoned, there is no basis, it is also unscientific, and it is purely a misunderstanding in life.

Note: although sweet potatoes sprout can be eaten, but if the skin is brown or black spots can not be eaten, that is due to contamination by black spot bacteria. The toxin excreted by black spot fungus contains sweet potato ketone and sweet potato alcohol, which make sweet potatoes hard and bitter, and are highly toxic to the human liver. Although this toxin is boiled and roasted, its biological activity will not be destroyed. After eating, the disease occurs within 24 hours, with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Severe cases include high fever, headache, asthma, confusion, hematemesis, coma, and even death.

Second, how to preserve sweet potatoes from sprouting?

Sweet potato has high water content, tender tissue, thin skin and easy to be damaged. It is easy to rot due to chilling injury and infection, especially during storage.

1. Learn to pick sweet potatoes if you want to store them for a long time

(1) the choice of shape and taste

Sweet potatoes are generally divided into yellow flesh sweet potato and white flesh sweet potato. The yellow sweet potato has a long shape, the skin is light pink and contains more sugar, the flesh is red and yellow when cooked, and the taste is sweet and delicious, while the white sweet potato is fatter, the skin is crimson or purplish red, contains more starch, the flesh is white when cooked, and the taste is sweet and noodle. You can choose according to your own taste.

(2) choose fresh sweet potatoes

Generally choose sweet potatoes that are clean, smooth, well-shaped, hard and shiny; do not buy sweet potatoes that sprout and have a rugged surface, which means they are no longer fresh; if there is a small black hole on the surface of the sweet potato, it means that the sweet potato has rotted inside.

(3) choose sweet potatoes that are easy to preserve.

Do not buy sweet potatoes with sprouting, uneven and cut surfaces. Those with small black holes on the surface show that the inside of the sweet potato has rotted, it is best not to buy it.

2. Storage method of sweet potato

(1) Indoor storage

Sweet potato is afraid of cold, when the temperature is too low, it will be frozen, forming a hard heart, not cooked, not cooked; if the temperature is too high, it will sprout, it is best to control the room temperature at 15 ℃. Sweet potatoes suffer from moisture, it is easy to cause bacterial damage, causing rot, it is best to keep it in a breathable wooden box.

If there is no wooden box, the place where sweet potatoes are stacked and against the wall should be covered with wooden boards and covered with something to prevent dampness. In the warm day, to properly open the window to change air, in order to keep the indoor air fresh, should prevent the cold wind blowing in. Sweet potatoes bought from the market had better be dried in the sun for a few hours to reduce the moisture of the wound and promote healing. When using it, handle it gently to avoid bruising.

(2) well cellar storage:

Choose a place with high terrain, solid soil and low groundwater level, and dig down a wellbore with a diameter of about 1 meter and a depth of 5 to 6 meters. The size of the storage room can be determined according to the amount of storage. The storage room should be covered with dry sand 10 to 15 centimeters thick, on which sweet potatoes should be placed. Sweet potatoes can only be filled with 70% full, so as to leave room for air exchange, otherwise they will rot worse because of dampness and heat.

(3) the method of slice drying and preservation

Slice the sweet potatoes and put them on the room or in a sunny, dry and ventilated place to dry. Be careful not to be exposed to rain and snow. After drying, store it in an indoor dry place and soak it in water before eating.

Note: sweet potatoes should not be put in the refrigerator. If you keep them in the refrigerator, they are easy to become soft because of the moisture in the refrigerator, and they are also easy to rot because of the moisture in the refrigerator.

Matters needing attention in eating sweet potatoes

1. Do not eat with sweets

Sweet potatoes can not be eaten with things that are too sweet, because sweet potatoes themselves are sweet, and if eaten with sweets, it will increase the possibility of gastroesophageal reflux.

2. Do not eat roasted sweet potatoes with skins

Hot roasted sweet potatoes are sweet and delicious, and some of them are roasted with "sugar and oil". The scorched skin of sweet potato is welcomed by everyone, and many people take the skin and eat it together. However, experts point out that it is best not to eat roasted sweet potatoes with skin. Sweet potatoes contaminated by black spot bacteria are not easy to identify after roasting, so sweet potatoes with black spots or burnt sweet potatoes should not be eaten, which may cause poisoning. At the same time, although most of the roasted sweet potatoes on the street have been changed to the oven, many of them are baked with coal, which will produce a lot of harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide when burning, and eating too much is harmful to health.

4. Why are sweet potatoes sweeter after they have been kept for a long time?

Sweet potatoes have been kept for a long time, the moisture is reduced a lot, and the skin is wrinkled. The decrease of water has a great effect on the increase of sweetness for two reasons: one is the decrease of water evaporation, which relatively increases the concentration of sugar in sweet potato. Second, in the process of placement, water participates in the hydrolysis of starch in sweet potato, which turns starch into sugar, which increases the sugar content in sweet potato. Therefore, we feel that the long-standing sweet potato is sweeter than the newly excavated sweet potato.

Fifth, the nutritional value of sweet potato

1. Anti-cancer: eating sweet potatoes often helps to maintain normal folic acid levels in the human body, and low folic acid levels in the body will increase the risk of cancer. The high content of dietary fiber in sweet potato can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation and colorectal cancer.

Heart protection: sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, β-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6, all of which help prevent cardiovascular disease. Japanese scholars also found that sweet potatoes contain collagen and mucopolysaccharide, which can reduce the content of total cholesterol in the blood and prevent the occurrence of arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

2. Prevention of emphysema: eating sweet potatoes rich in vitamin A can prevent emphysema and reduce the incidence of emphysema.

3. Sugar control: a clinical study at the University of Vienna in Austria shows that patients with type 2 diabetes improve their insulin sensitivity after taking white-skinned sweet potato extract, which helps to control blood sugar. Japanese researchers found that sweet potato can effectively inhibit the increase of blood glucose levels after oral glucose in diabetic obese rats, and eating sweet potato can also reduce the levels of triglyceride and free fatty acids in diabetic rats.

4. Anti-aging: sweet potato contains a substance similar to estrogen, which plays a certain role in protecting human skin and delaying aging.