
How to collect seeds of pepper of rutaceae? How to store? How to raise seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Zanthoxylum bungeanum seeds rich in oil, collection and storage requirements are more strict, once the oil, embryo abortion, can not be normal seedlings, therefore, to seedling seeds, from the collection of seeds must have strict requirements. How do you collect pepper seeds? How to store? I.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum seeds are rich in oil, and the requirements for collection and storage are relatively strict. once the oil is produced, the germ will abort and cannot raise seedlings normally. therefore, for the seeds to be raised, there must be strict requirements from collecting seeds. How to collect prickly ash seeds? How to store it?

I. seed collection and treatment

1. Seed collection

The mother trees with high yield, stable yield and strong resistance were selected to collect seeds. When the fruit is fully ripe, that is, the exocarp shows the unique red or thick red of this variety, the seeds are black and shiny, and the seeds are collected when 2 / 5% of the pericarp is cracked. The harvested fruit is dried in the shade in time and turned 3-5 times a day. After the peel is cracked, gently tap with a stick to collect the seeds. The seeds collected should continue to dry in the shade and do not pile up so as to avoid mildew.

2. Seed storage

(1) Sand storage: mix seeds and wet sand at 1:2. The humidity of the sand is in the form of clumps in the hand, but does not produce water. Choose a storage pit with high dryness, good drainage and shelter from the wind and shade. The pit is 30 cm deep and 25 cm wide. The length of the pit depends on the number of seeds. The bottom of the pit is covered with wet sand 10 cm deep, and then the seeds mixed with sand are put in. When the seeds are 10-20 cm from the ground, cover them with a layer of wet sand that is level with the ground. After the seeds are placed, cultivate a mound above the ground. When there are more seeds, you can put up a grass in the center of the pit to ventilate.

(2) dry store the fresh seeds to be collected, float away the empty blighted seeds and spread them in a cool and ventilated place to dry fully to avoid sun exposure. Then put the dried seeds in an open container or bag, not airtight, in a ventilated, cool, dry room with no direct light. Can not be stored in vats, cans and plastic bags, so as not to hinder seed respiration and reduce seed vitality. Should be checked frequently during storage to avoid rodent damage, mildew and fever.

(3) there is a folk experience of mixing prickly ash seeds and fresh cow dung and affixing them to the wall to skim and overwinter at one time. Interested friends can try.

3. Seed treatment

The seed shell of Zanthoxylum bungeanum is hard and has a thick grease wax layer, so it is not easy to absorb water and difficult to germinate. Therefore, dried seeds must be treated before sowing in spring.

The method of treatment is: press 100 kg seed, use alkali noodle (or quicklime, washing powder) 3-5 kg, add appropriate amount of warm water, soak for 3-4 hours, rub hard and repeatedly, remove the oil coat, make the seed shell lose luster and show dots on the surface. Wash the seeds with clean water for 2 or 3 times, spread them in the shade to dry, and then sow the seeds.

2. Seedling raising techniques

Zanthoxylum bungeanum mainly uses sowing to raise seedlings. The quality of Zanthoxylum bungeanum seedlings depends on the seed treatment, because the seed shell is hard, more oil, impervious, germination is more difficult, so the seed treatment is the key to prickly ash seedling. Zanthoxylum bungeanum can be sowed in spring and autumn, and it is better to sow in mid-and late October, but the seeds can not be treated; spring sowing is generally carried out from mid-March to early April. Zanthoxylum bungeanum is sown by strip sowing, with a row spacing of 15 to 20 centimeters, a ditch depth of 3 centimeters, and a sowing amount of 10 kilograms per mu, slightly rolled after covering the soil, then covered with plant straw or plastic film, and when some seeds are germinated and unearthed, the mulch should be removed in time. Generally, 10-20 days after spring sowing, seedlings are unearthed one after another, and it should be time for seedlings to grow 2-3 true leaves. The seedlings should be watered and fertilized in time, and weeding and pest control should be carried out in the middle.

1. Sowing time

The main results are as follows: (1) Autumn sowing is carried out after seed harvest and before soil freezing, when the seeds are sown, the seeds do not need to be treated, and the seedlings emerge early and grow healthily in the following spring.

(2) Spring sowing is usually carried out after soil thawing in early spring, and seeds treated with sand storage are generally sown from mid-March to early April. When the ground temperature of 10 cm below the surface reaches 8: 10 ℃, it is a suitable sowing time, when germination is fast and seedlings emerge neatly, but it is necessary to check the germination of sand seeds at any time, and sow seeds in time when the tips of more than 30% seeds are white.

2. Sowing method

It is best to choose sandy soil with irrigation conditions for nursery land. The seedling is raised on such land, the management is convenient, the root system of the seedling is developed, and the aboveground part is fully developed. The nursery needs to pay attention to rotation, and the land that has raised pepper seedlings had better have an interval of 2-3 years, otherwise it will make the seedlings underdeveloped.

The nursery land should be ploughed first, with a depth of 30 to 40 centimeters, combined with ploughing and applying soil manure or barnyard manure to 5000 to 6000 kilograms per mu. Then flatten the border, generally 1 to 1.2 meters wide, with 3 to 4 rows each. The north is generally dry in spring, so we should fully irrigate before sowing. When sowing, we should first open a ditch in the border with a depth of 5 cm, spread the seeds evenly in the ditch, then rake the soil flat, gently suppress it, and cover the border with a layer of straw after sowing. In order to preserve soil moisture and prevent bird damage, in more arid cases, in order to preserve soil moisture, we can also thicken the sowing ditch with soil 2cm and cover it into a roof ridge shape. When the seedlings are nearly unearthed, they will be flattened so that the seedlings can be unearthed.

The sowing rate should be determined according to the quality of the seeds. The seeds of Zanthoxylum bungeanum are generally empty and blighted, and the sowing rate should be appropriately larger. After rinsing the seeds, the sowing rate is 40-60 kg per mu.

3. Seedling stage management

(1) transplanting seedlings: when the seedlings grow to 5cm or 10cm, seedlings should be transferred and fixed. The distance between seedlings should be kept at about 10 cm, with about 20,000 seedlings per mu. The seedlings can be moved even to the place where the seedlings are missing, or they can be moved to other seedbeds for cultivation.

(2) weeding in mid-ploughing: when the seedlings grow to 10-15 cm, weeds should be pulled out in time to avoid competing with seedlings for fertilizer, water and glory. In the future, according to the growth of weeds and soil consolidation in the nursery, intermediate ploughing and weeding should be carried out at any time, generally ploughing and weeding for 3 or 4 times during the seedling growing period, so that the soil in the nursery is loose and weed-free.

(3) fertilization: after the seedlings of Zanthoxylum bungeanum were unearthed, they began to grow rapidly in mid-late May, and entered the peak growth period in mid-late June, which was also the period that needed the most fertilizer and water. During this period, it is necessary to top fertilize 1 to 2 times and apply 20 to 25 kilograms of ammonium sulfate per mu or about 1000 kilograms of faeces and urine of mature people. For those with weak growth, quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer can be applied again in the first and middle of July, and it is not too late to apply nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the seedlings can not fall leaves on time and the degree of Lignification is poor, which is disadvantageous to the seedlings overwintering.

(4) Irrigation: the seedlings should not be irrigated before they are unearthed, otherwise the soil is easy to consolidate and it is difficult for the seedlings to be unearthed. After emergence, whether to irrigate or not is decided according to the weather conditions and soil water content. Generally, it is best to irrigate once immediately after fertilization to make it play its fertilizer effect as soon as possible. Where there are too many Rain Water, we should pay attention to timely drainage and waterlogging prevention to avoid stagnant water.