
What are the effects and effects of longan? Is there any difference between longan and longan? How much should I eat a day?

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Longan is one of the fruits that many friends like to eat. The small granule fruit is sweet and deeply loved by everyone. How much do you know about the efficacy and function of longan? The difference between longan and longan and how much longan to eat in a day? Let me give you answers one by one. First, Longan

Longan is one of the fruits that many friends like to eat. The small granule fruit is sweet and deeply loved by everyone. How much do you know about the efficacy and function of longan? The difference between longan and longan and how much longan to eat in a day? Let me give you answers one by one.

First, the efficacy and function of longan

1. Longan can tonify the heart and spleen, nourish blood and calm the mind, moisturize skin and beauty, and is very suitable for people with insomnia, forgetfulness, neurasthenia, anemia and body deficiency after illness. Female longan is used to nourish blood and moisturize the skin, calming the mind and helping sleep is very good.

2. Middle-aged, elderly and frail people often eat in winter, which can replenish qi and blood, restore vitality, resist wind and cold, and delay aging.

3. Pregnant women, exuberant liver fire, cough and asthma should not eat longan Tremella with flat nature and light taste, nourishing yin and moistening the lungs. Longan contains glucose, vitamins, sucrose and other substances, rich in nutrition, nourishing heart and mind, nourishing blood and spleen. It is regarded as a nourishing product.

4. It also has the effect of invigorating fluid, tonifying qi, tonifying brain and strengthening heart. It is not only suitable for all women and children, those who are weak after illness, but also has a good effect on skin rejuvenation and beauty for women.

Second, the difference between longan and longan

Longan and longan are actually a kind of fruit, which are peeled, enucleated and dried into longan, so many people can't tell them apart and think they are two kinds of things, but there is a difference between them.

1. Taste difference

Longan is a fruit we can buy every day. it is fresh and can be eaten directly. after peeling off the peel, the flesh is glittering and translucent, which is a bit like litchi, making people can't help eating it. After putting it into the mouth, the flesh is smooth and juicy, delicious and sweet, and it can quench thirst and heat after being chilled in summer. Longan is made from sun-dried longan, without the fresh and juicy taste of longan, but the taste is more sweet and greasy.

2. Difference in efficacy

Longan is rich in nutrition, rich in a variety of sugars, protein, iron content is also high, can promote hemoglobin regeneration, according to research shows that it can also enhance memory, eliminate fatigue. Longan is not suitable for direct consumption and is often used to make soup, which can prevent a variety of diseases, especially the good nourishing effect of body oil on female friends, such as tonifying blood and calming the nerves, as well as inhibiting uterine cancer cells. it is an ideal traditional Chinese medicine to prevent a variety of diseases in women's menopause.

3. The difference between storage and price

Longan tastes good, but because it is not easy to store, it can not be eaten all the time, only in the peak season of longan.

. Longan is easy to store, can be eaten all the year round, and can be eaten in many ways, both vegetable and medicinal, and powerful, so its price is often more expensive than longan.

Third, how much should longan eat in a day?

If it is fresh longan to eat 10 murmurs 15 a day, no more than 20 at most, if it is dried longan meat, then 8 Murray 10 is almost, longan dried longan is a dry product, hotter than longan, usually more angry, often thirsty, drink a lot of water, sweaty people are not suitable to eat more, easy to cause fever.

Longan is a nutritious fruit that can increase appetite, but at the same time it is easy to make people angry. Therefore, it is not advisable to eat too much of this kind of fruit, especially children, the elderly and those suffering from chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, "excessive deficiency", constipation, diabetes and other diseases, should not eat or eat less "hot" fruits such as longan.

Longan is rich in nutrition, in which the content of carbohydrates is 16.2g, the flesh contains 12.38-22.55% of total sugar, and 3.85-10.16% of reducing sugar. These sugars are all glucose after being made into dried longan. Eating a large amount of longan can easily lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar.

Longan sex temperature, taste sweet, can help cremation manic people with yin deficiency internal heat is not suitable to eat, longan is hot food, longan dry is the dry product of longan, more hot than longan, usually more angry, often thirsty, drink a lot of water, sweaty people are not suitable to eat more, easy to cause fever.

Eating too much longan (longan) can easily lead to longan disease. The main symptoms of longan disease are diarrhea, nosebleeds, inflammation of oral mucosa or oral ulcers, and even constipation.

Although longan theoretically has the effect of calming the fetus, many women will experience yin deficiency during pregnancy, leading to an increase in internal heat in the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it is best to eat cooler during pregnancy, while longan is hot, so women must be careful to take longan during pregnancy, for too much consumption may lead to miscarriage.

Women with gynecological inflammation should not eat longan, longan is a hot food, can help fire inflammation, aggravate the spread of gynecological inflammation.

1, pregnant women should be careful to eat longan, women after pregnancy, mostly Yin blood deficiency, Yin deficiency will give birth to internal heat. Traditional Chinese medicine advocates that it should be cool before the fetus, and longan sex heat, therefore, in order to avoid abortion, pregnant women should eat carefully.

2. Longan is a hot and humid food, it is easy to stagnate qi when eating more, and it is not suitable to eat when there are symptoms of inflammation. Those with phlegm-fire or yin deficiency and excessive fire, and those with dampness and stagnation to stop drinking should avoid food; avoid food when the tongue is thick and greasy, the qi is bloated, the intestines are slippery and diarrhea, cold, cold and indigestion

3. Dried longan contains high natural sugar, so people with diabetes should avoid eating.

4. Those who suffer from acne, surgical carbuncle, pelvic inflammation, urethritis and menorrhagia are also prohibited from eating.

5. Longan heat contributes to the fire, so children and teenagers should eat less; longan should be eaten fresh, and do not eat stale granules.