
How can pomegranate seedlings be raised, pruned and fertilized outside their roots? What are the requirements and precautions?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The cultivation and management of pomegranate seedlings is very important, so how to raise seedlings, prune and fertilize outside the roots in the daily planting management of pomegranate seedlings? What are the requirements and precautions? First, what are the points for attention when pomegranate seedlings are raised? 1. Pomegranate seedlings

The cultivation and management of pomegranate seedlings is very important, so how to raise seedlings, prune and fertilize outside the roots in the daily planting management of pomegranate seedlings? What are the requirements and precautions?

First, what are the points for attention when pomegranate seedlings are raised?

The main results are as follows: 1. Pomegranate seedlings can not be raised at any time, and it is mostly recommended to choose the dormant period of seedlings, including falling leaves in autumn to the next spring. If you choose spring, you should start seedlings as early as possible before the seedlings begin to sprout, and pay attention to watering to ensure the integrity of the root system, so as not to affect the survival rate.

2. Under normal circumstances, its seedling depth should be deep rather than shallow, and if it is too shallow, it is easy to hurt the root. In addition, if the soft-seed pomegranate seedlings have too few roots, the survival rate will be reduced to a certain extent, and attention should be paid to minimize root damage in the process. If it is difficult to dig up the main roots and lateral roots of overlong seedlings, you can choose to cut them off.

3. When digging seedlings, if only the bare root system is not conducive to its better growth in the later stage, its roots should carry soil balls, which can help it to maintain moisture. After the pomegranate seedlings are planted in time, it should be closely combined with the soil to restore the absorption function of the roots and improve the survival rate.

What are the requirements for pruning pomegranate saplings?

1. At the beginning of summer flower buds, the circular peeling of the big branch group can significantly increase the fruit setting rate, but we should pay attention to timely cutting off 1/3 to 1/2 of the annual branches and short cuts of all levels of branches, and the cutting buds must leave leaf buds and not flower buds, otherwise they will only bear fruit but not branch expansion.

2. For short branches, flat oblique branches and overgrown branches with suitable position in the crown, they can be left uncut first, so as to increase the total growth of pomegranate seedlings and ease the tree potential; when the new shoot grows to 40 cm in summer or autumn, remove the young part at the top, which can increase the number of short branches in the branch group.

3. For perennial branches with weak growth or limited growth space, you can choose to retract them to strong branches and places with good ventilation and light transmission conditions in winter; in addition, technicians of seed pomegranate seedling base remind that dense overlapping branches, dry and withered branches of diseases and insect pests, weak and drooping branches can be removed from the base when cutting in winter, so that the crown is sparse and dense, sparse inside, large branches sparse, twigs full layout.

Third, what should be paid attention to when fertilizing pomegranate seedlings outside their roots?

Although pomegranate seedlings absorb nutrients through roots, they can also absorb a small amount of nutrients through leaves, so this method is more commonly used. It has high fertilizer use efficiency, fast fertilizer efficiency, and is easy to be quickly absorbed by plants. It is widely used to protect flowers and fruits, promote flower bud differentiation and correct deficiency. The suitable temperature for external fertilization is generally from 18 ℃ to 25 ℃. In summer, before 10:00 and after 4 p.m.

Most of the water-soluble fertilizers can be used for extra-root topdressing of pomegranate seedlings, including urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, calcium superphosphate and plant ash, ammonium metaphosphate and most trace element fertilizers. It can also be combined with spraying chemicals, the concentration should be appropriate, to prevent drug damage and fertilizer damage.

However, when mixed spraying, it should be paid attention to on the basis of not reducing the efficacy and fertilizer efficiency. Soft-seed pomegranate seedling base talks about alkaline pesticide stone-sulfur mixture and Bordeaux solution, which can not be mixed with calcium superphosphate, manganese, iron, zinc, molybdenum fertilizer and so on. Urea can be mixed with Bordeaux solution, caprylic sulfuric acid and carbendazim.