
What are the side effects of fat sea in "Dahaizi"? What are the appropriate and taboo groups?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Fat big seafood is produced in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and other countries. When the fruit ripens and cracks from April to June, the seeds are collected and dried in the sun. It is mainly used to make tea, which can lower blood pressure, moisten the throat and resolve phlegm. What are the side effects of the fat sea? The suitable harmony of the fat sea

Fat big seafood is produced in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and other countries. When the fruit ripens and cracks from April to June, the seeds are collected and dried in the sun. It is mainly used to make tea, which can lower blood pressure, moisten the throat and resolve phlegm. What are the side effects of the fat sea? Do you know the appropriate and taboo crowd of fat sea?

What are the side effects of Fat Sea?

As the saying goes, medicine is one-third poisonous, and fat sea is no exception. When taken improperly, fat sea has considerable side effects on the human body.

In medical experiments, intravenous injection of fat sea to rabbits will show the symptoms of apnea and gastrointestinal bleeding; for dogs taking fat sea for a long time, there will be pulmonary congestion and edema and liver steatosis.

When we take too much fat sea, there will be symptoms such as weakness of spleen and stomach, diarrhea, chest tightness and so on. If people with bad intestines and stomach take it, the symptoms will be more obvious. The allergic reactions such as itching, dizziness, palpitations and nausea caused by taking fat sea are also numerous.

Thus it can be seen that fat sea can only be used as medicine and needs to be eaten for symptomatic use. It needs to be stopped immediately after it is effective. After eating it is ineffective for a period of time, you may stop taking it, and then go to see a doctor.

Second, the fit and taboo crowd of Fat Sea?

Fat sea has certain side effects, which requires us to treat fat sea correctly. When we have some symptoms, it is best to ask the doctor if we can take it. We also list some suitable and taboo people for Fat Sea here for your reference.

The right crowd for the fat sea:

1. People with lung-hot cough and dry cough without phlegm.

2. People with acute tonsillitis, sore throat and hoarse voice.

3. People with swollen and painful gums, red eyes, triple burns and hematemesis.

4. People with chronic constipation, hemorrhoids and stool bleeding.

The taboo crowd of Fat Sea:

1. People with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should not take fat sea. The main manifestations are poor appetite, cold pain in the abdomen and diarrhea in the bowels. This kind of people are easy to cause diarrhea after eating fat sea.

2. People with cold and cold. To be exact, it is the cough and sore throat caused by cold and cold, which are mainly manifested as fear of cold, body deficiency, cough with phlegm. This kind of people will aggravate their illness after taking fat sea.

3, lung yin deficiency caused by hoarseness, cough and other diseases should not be used fat sea. The manifestations of patients with lung yin deficiency are: dry cough, less sticky sputum or blood in sputum, night sweats, dry pharynx and sore throat.

4. Patients with diabetes. Because the fat sea contains a lot of sugar, eating too much will lead to a rise in blood sugar.

5. Patients with hypotension. Because fat sea has the effect of reducing blood pressure, taking it will cause low blood pressure.