
What are the effects and functions of sweet and sour kumquat? What are the benefits of soaking in water?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Kumquat, also known as kumquat, kumquat, is a plant species of kumquat under the family Rutaceae. In Guangdong Province, kumquat trees are generally regarded as auspicious symbols. Many people put a pot in their homes, and some varieties are edible. Today, I would like to introduce to you the sweet and sour kumquat.

Kumquat, also known as kumquat, kumquat, is a plant species of kumquat under the family Rutaceae. In Guangdong Province, kumquat trees are generally regarded as auspicious symbols. Many people will put a pot in their homes, and some varieties can be eaten. Today, I would like to introduce to you what are the effects and effects of sweet and sour kumquat. What are the benefits of kumquat soaking water?

Nutritional value of kumquat

1. The contents of calcium and potassium in kumquat are higher, and the contents of vitamin C and An are also higher, and the calories in fruits belong to the middle level.

2. The content of vitamin C in the peel of kumquat is as high as 70mg/g, and the content of 43mg/g in the whole fruit is almost comparable to that of kiwifruit. In addition, there are rich trace elements such as carotene, protein, lipid, inorganic salt, zinc and iron, which have high nutritional value.

Kumquat is rich in nutrients. Every 100 grams of kumquat contains the following nutrients:

Nutrient content: energy 55.00mg, protein 1.00g, fat 0.20g, carbohydrate 13.70g, manganese 0.25mg, carotene 370.00 mg, vitamin E 1.58mg, vitamin C 35.00mg, potassium 144.00 mg, sodium 3.00mg, calcium 42.00mg, Magnesium 56.00 (mg), iron 1.00 (mg), copper 0.07 (mg), vitamin A 62.00 (mg), phosphorus 20.00 (mg), selenium 0.62 (mg), nicotinic acid 0.30 (mg).

Second, the efficacy and function of kumquat

1. Edible function

Efficacy one: promote defecation and detoxification, take care of the eyes

Kumquat is rich in vitamin C and fiber. 80% of vitamin C is stored in the peel. Eating kumquat can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote digestion, promote defecation and detoxification, and take care of the eyes.

Efficacy 2: prevent vascular sclerosis and hypertension

Kumquat contains vitamin C, hesperidin and other ingredients, which play a certain role in maintaining cardiovascular function, preventing vascular sclerosis, hypertension and other diseases.

Efficacy 3: enhance the ability to resist cold

Kumquat can enhance the cold resistance of the body, prevent and cure colds and reduce blood lipids.

Efficacy 4: sober up

Kumquat tastes sour, sweet and delicious and has the effect of sobering up.

Efficacy 5: regulating qi and resolving phlegm

Kumquat is sweet and warm, which can regulate qi, relieve depression, resolve phlegm and quench thirst.

Efficacy 6: aging

Kumquat fruit contains 62 micrograms of vitamin An in less than 100 grams, which can not only prevent pigmentation, improve skin gloss and elasticity, slow down aging, but also avoid skin relaxation and wrinkle.

Efficacy 7: aid digestion

Kumquat peel contains volatile aromatic oil, which is composed of lemon terpene, hesperidin, fatty acid, which has a relaxing effect on human digestion and helps digestion.

2. Ornamental function

Apart from the edible value of kumquat, in Guangdong and Hong Kong, many people buy a pot of kumquat tree for good luck during the Spring Festival and put it at home. The kumquat tree tastes fragrant and results for a long time. It usually blossoms white in summer and is full of fragrance. It's a good bonsai plant for flowers and fruits.

Third, what are the benefits of kumquat soaking water?

In addition to eating kumquat directly raw, kumquat can also be soaked in water to drink. If you add some suitable materials, it will be more nutritious.

1. Kumquat + lemon

Often in the beverage shop there will be kumquat lemonade, they both contain aromatic volatile oil ingredients, and a lot of vitamins, with bubble water to drink, that is, appetizer and beauty, many benefits, suitable for women to drink often.

2. Kumquat + ginger

Kumquat and ginger can moisturize the lungs, relieve cough and phlegm, and is suitable for relieving symptoms caused by excessive drinking.

3. Kumquat + honey

Kumquat honey tea has the functions of regulating qi, eliminating food, relieving depression, resolving phlegm and relieving thirst. It is suitable for people with hypertension, acute and chronic tracheitis, hepatitis and cholecystitis. Those with weak spleen, qi and blood should not eat more, and diabetic patients should avoid eating. Drinking honey kumquat tea in autumn and winter can also prevent colds.

4. Kumquat + Hawthorn

Hawthorn contains flavonoids, Hawthorn acid, citric acid and other substances. Soaking water with kumquat can regulate qi and blood stasis, eliminate food and reduce blood fat, which is suitable for food stagnation, abdominal distension, coronary heart disease and hyperlipidemia.

5. Kumquat + chrysanthemum

Kumquat chrysanthemum tea can clear the fire and quench thirst. Office workers can drink it all the year round.

6. Kumquat + passion fruit

Eating kumquat passion fruit together can supplement vitamin C, which has the effect of moistening the lungs. Drink with soaking water to relieve fatigue.

Note: kumquat soaking water is suitable for drinking in the right amount after meals. The organic acids in kumquat will stimulate the mucous membrane of the gastric wall, which is not good for the stomach, so it is not recommended to eat on an empty stomach.

Fourth, the applicable population of kumquat

1. Kumquat is suitable for hypertension.

Kumquat is rich in vitamin C, eating kumquat can effectively reduce cholesterol in the blood, reduce hypertension, while acute and chronic tracheitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis can also eat some kumquat.

2. Kumquat is suitable for women.

Kumquat is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, eating kumquat can appetizer and moisturize the skin, avoid dry skin, beauty and beauty.

3. Kumquat is suitable for drinkers.

Kumquat can also sober up and eliminate food, relieve depression and regulate qi.

Fifth, edible taboos of kumquat

1, taboo one: poor gastrointestinal function, physical deficiency cold, suffering from dental disease, throat disease people should not eat kumquat.

Taboo one: don't eat kumquat for an hour before and after drinking milk. Because the protein in milk and the acid of kumquat will solidify together, which is not conducive to the digestion and absorption of the human body, so don't eat kumquat for an hour before and after drinking milk.

Taboo one: don't eat sugar or other sweet things after eating kumquat, otherwise it is easy to cause phlegm.

4, taboo one: if the throat itches, phlegm, do not eat kumquat, otherwise it may aggravate the disease.

5, taboo one: kumquat contains organic acids, which will stimulate the stomach, do not eat kumquat on an empty stomach, otherwise the stomach will be uncomfortable.

Taboo one: although kumquat is good, eat 3-5 kumquats a day.

The above is the introduction of the efficacy and role of kumquat, read this article hope to help you, kumquat is also a very common fruit in life, as long as a reasonable mix to eat, you can achieve the effect of health, but also pay attention to the final taboos.