
Can I eat cherry radish raw? What are the eating methods and taboos? What can't you eat with?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cherry radish is a new type of small radish, which is named because it looks like a cherry. It is rich in mineral elements and a variety of vitamins. It can be used to strengthen the stomach, relieve cough and reduce phlegm and diuresis, so many people like to eat it cold. That cherry radish can

Cherry radish is a new type of small radish, which is named because it looks like a cherry. It is rich in mineral elements and a variety of vitamins. It can be used to strengthen the stomach, relieve cough and reduce phlegm and diuresis, so many people like to eat it cold. Can the cherry radish be eaten raw? What are the eating methods and taboos? What can't you eat with?

Can cherry radish be eaten raw?

Yes, regular consumption can increase appetite, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help digestion. Generally eat too much greasy food, eat a few cherry radish can play a greasy effect.

Second, how to eat?

1. What are the ways to eat?

(1) refreshing cherry radish

Ingredients: 200 grams of cherry radish and 100 grams of lettuce. Seasoning wild pepper 100 grams, salt 20 grams, water 500 grams, white vinegar 10 grams.


① rinse the cherry radish and lettuce and cut into strips 5cm long, 1cm wide and 1cm thick.

Put water, wild pepper and salt in the ② pot, bring to the boil, let cool after the fire is extinguished, then soak in cherry radish, lettuce and white vinegar for 24 hours and serve.

(2) Cherry radish soaked in sugar

Ingredients: Cherry radish, lemon, sugar, salt


① rinses and cuts the cherry radish into thin slices and keeps the pedicel uncut.

② mashed the lemon peel, then cut it in half and squeezed out the lemon juice.

③ add lemon juice, sugar, lemon peel, salt and water, mix well, and stir well to dissolve sugar and salt.

④ pour the radish into the mixture and stir well. Put it in a sealed fresh-keeping box and marinate in the refrigerator for 1 day. In the meantime, turn the radish once to make it taste evenly.

(3) Cherry radish sandwich

Ingredients: 16 slices of plain toast, 100g cheese, 6 cherry radish, 1 small onion, 200g smoke, 3 eggs, milk 100ml, salt 1max 2 teaspoons, white pepper 1max 3 teaspoons


① rinse the cherry radish and small onions and cut them into slices. Wash the smoked ham and cut it into small pieces. Chop the cheese into a bowl and mix well.

② the eggs are broken in the bowl. Put the milk, egg, white pepper and salt in a bowl and mix well.

③ take 8 slices of plain toast and wrap them with egg, put them on a baking pan, put the stuffing on the toast separately, then dip the rest of the toast with the egg and put on the stuffing.

④ put the baking pan in the middle of the 200-degree oven and bake for 20 minutes.

(4) stir-fried cherry radish with beef

Materials: 2 cherry radish, 250g sliced beef, right amount of minced garlic, right amount of salt, right amount of cornflour, right amount of cooking wine, right amount of light soy sauce, right amount of soy sauce, right amount of oil


① washed and peeled the cherry radish and cut it into slices.

Wash ② beef slices and marinate them with salt, light soy sauce, cornflour, raw oil and cooking wine for 2 hours.

Put a small amount of oil in the ③ pan, heat it and add a small amount of minced garlic. Saute the beef slices and stir-fry.

Put a small amount of oil in the ④ pan, heat it, add a small amount of minced garlic, saute and add cherry radish.

⑤, add proper amount of soy sauce and water, cover and simmer until the juice is dry.

Add sliced beef and stir well with ⑥.

2. How is the cold salad delicious?

Ingredients: Cherry radish (you can add other vegetables, cucumbers, colored peppers, bean seedlings, chrysanthemum, purple cabbage, etc., but then it seems to be called a big dish) old vinegar, sugar (vinegar and sugar 1:1), sesame oil, chicken essence, salt


(1) rinse cherry radish, slice radish, cut radish tassel

(2) mix all the seasonings according to taste

(3) mix the radish with seasoning and sprinkle with fried sesame seeds.

3. Can cherry and radish leaves be eaten?

From an edible point of view, cherry radish leaves are edible. And eat in a variety of ways, the specific eating methods are as follows:

(1) stir-fry and eat

What to do: add seasonings such as garlic and oyster sauce to ignite the taste cells

Comments: it tastes even better than cherry radish.

(2) eat raw

What to do: mix vinegar and sugar, or dip it directly in the sauce, and then mix the salad

Comments: the radish leaves are a little spicy, but they are delicious.

(3) eat cold dressing alone.

Practice: scald with boiling water, then smash a clove of garlic, cold to stimulate the taste buds

Comments: although the method is simple, it tastes good, and I still want to eat it.

(4) eat cold with other dishes

Practice: with cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage heart, carrots, green peppers, lettuce, purple kale, fried peanuts, dried bean curd, then add garlic, chili oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil

Comments: the taste of northeast mixed vegetables, you know.

Third, cherry radish edible taboos:

1. The suitable crowd of cherry radish

(1) people with dry mouth, dry eyes, lack of sleep, excessive thinking and talking too much can be eaten, and regular consumption can be improved to a certain extent.

(2) people with problems in the pharynx and throat can be eaten, and often eating has good moist and physiotherapeutic effects, which is conducive to the cure of local inflammation, and can relieve local itching, thus blocking cough reflex.

(3) people with weak temper can be eaten, and regular consumption can effectively relieve loss of appetite, abdominal distension, defecation, fatigue and fatigue.

2. What should I eat with cherry and radish?

Cherry radish is suitable for eating with pork, mutton, silver carp, Laver, Tremella, tofu, brown rice, chicken, goose, cabbage and so on.

(1) Cherry radish + pork: it can promote food digestion, achieve the effect of defecation, and has a good effect on the treatment of constipation.

(2) Cherry radish + mutton: it can reduce blood lipids and reduce phlegm, which is very beneficial to our health.

(3) Cherry radish + chicken: it has a good protective effect on our cardiovascular system.

(4) Cherry radish + goose: it can moisturize our lungs and relieve cough.

(5) Cherry radish + silver carp: because the moisture of the two is very large, it can achieve the effect of diuresis and detumescence.

(6) Cherry radish + Laver: it can clear lung heat, treat cough and give birth to an appetizer.

(7) Cherry radish + Tremella: can eliminate heat, but also can be detoxified to a certain extent.

(8) Cherry radish + tofu: it can promote the absorption of our intestines and stomach and has a good promoting effect on our intestines and stomach.

(9) Cherry radish + cabbage: it is very good for our skin and has the effect of beauty and beauty.

(10) Cherry radish + brown rice: can digest food is very good for our intestines and stomach, but also can relieve cough and reduce phlegm.

3. What can't cherry radish eat with?

(1) Cherry radish + Polygonum multiflorum: it is easy to cause diarrhea, which is unhealthy to our body.

(2) Cherry radish + ripe land: the nutrients between the two will conflict, making the efficacy disappear.

(3) Cherry radish + Cordyceps sinensis: the conflict between the two nutrients will reduce the efficacy, which is disadvantageous to our health.

(4) Cherry radish + pig waist: eating two kinds of food together will affect digestion and lead to constipation.

(5) Cherry radish + carrot: eating the two separately will have very rich nutrition, but eating together will reduce the nutritional value, which is not conducive to our body's absorption of nutrients.

(6) Cherry radish + lotus root: if two things are eaten raw, it will have an unhealthy effect on our bodies.

(7) Cherry radish + cucumber: eating two kinds of food separately will have very rich nutritional value, but eating together will reduce the nutrients absorbed by the body.

(8) Cherry radish + black fungus: the nutrients in them will conflict, leading to some diseases cherry radish + Polygonum multiflorum: physical discomfort.

(9) Cherry radish + Sydney: the nutrients in them will conflict, leading to some diseases.

(10) Cherry radish + peaches: eating two kinds of food separately will have very rich nutritional value, but eating together will reduce the body's absorption of nutrients.

(11) Cherry radish + persimmon: eating the two separately will have very rich nutrition, but eating together will reduce the nutritional value, which is not conducive to our body's absorption of nutrients.