
How can taro be peeled without itching? What are the effects and effects? A complete set of methods with taro

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Taro, also known as taro, taro, the underground bulb of Araceae plants, the shape and meat quality vary from variety to variety, usually eaten as small taro. Many friends are at a loss as to how to peel when they buy it home, so how can taro peel without itching? The efficacy and production of Taro

Taro, also known as taro, taro, the underground bulb of Araceae plants, the shape and meat quality vary from variety to variety, usually eaten as small taro. Many friends are at a loss as to how to peel when they buy it home, so how can taro peel without itching? What are the effects and functions of taro? What are the ways of taro?

First, how to peel taro without itching?

1. Boil a pot of boiled water in advance, wash the bought taro, remove the soil impurities, put it directly into boiling water and boil it for a while, pick it up and cool it in cold water. You can easily peel it with a knife, and you don't have to worry about taro juice causing skin itching. Steaming and peeling

2. Wash the taro, steam it directly or cook it until cooked, so that the cooked taro will not cause itching on the skin and can be peeled off directly by hand, but the peeled taro can only be eaten as a staple food, and it is difficult to taste if it is reprocessed into dishes. Friction peeling

3. Put a lot of taro in a bag, don't put it too full, pick up the bag and shake it up and down, so that the taro inside the bag can be removed by friction. The running water is peeled.

4. When the raw taro is peeled by hand and steel wire ball directly under the running water, most of the juice of the taro will flow away with the running water and rarely remain on the hand, so the effect of causing skin itching is not very strong, not a big problem.

5. When peeling the taro, you can wear plastic gloves so that the taro mucus can not directly touch the skin on the hand and will not cause itching.

Second, the efficacy and function of taro

1. Enhance immunity: the nutrients contained in taro can enhance the immune function of the human body and play an auxiliary role in radiotherapy, chemotherapy and rehabilitation after cancer surgery.

2, tooth cleaning and caries prevention: Taro is rich in minerals, and the content of fluoride is very high, so taro has the effect of tooth cleaning and caries prevention and tooth protection.

3. Detoxification and cancer prevention: the mucus protein contained in taro can produce immunoglobulin after being absorbed by the human body, which can improve the body's resistance, so it can be detoxified.

4. Beauty black hair: Taro is an alkaline food, which can neutralize the acidic substances in the body, coordinate the acid-base balance of the human body, and achieve the effect of beauty and black hair.

5, Buzhong Yiqi: Taro contains mucous diosgenin and a variety of trace elements can help the body to correct the lack of trace elements, at the same time can increase appetite and help digestion.

Third, what are the practices of taro?

1. Pull silk taro

[materials] 500 grams of taro, 10 grams of sesame, 200 grams of sugar, 750 grams of cooked lard or clear oil.

[practice] ① first wash and peel the taro, cut it into hob or diamond pieces, and put it on a plate to be fried. ② sesame is ready for use after picking up impurities. Stir-fry spoon on ③ fire, pour 750g oil into it. When you reach medium, put the taro pieces in, fry twice and color (golden brown) decanting the oil. ④ will pour out the oil in the spoon, leave 15g of remaining oil, put 200g of sugar into the pan, keep stirring, so that the sugar is heated and melted evenly, but the fire should not be too big. When ⑤ and other sugars make small needle-sized bubbles, quickly pour the fried taro pieces into them, sprinkle with sesame seeds, turn them upside down and serve.

2. Braised taro in brown sauce

[materials] 300 grams of taro, 500 grams of pork belly, 4 cloves of garlic, right amount of oil, half bowl of soy sauce, two bowls of stock, one tablespoon of sugar.

[practice] ① taro is peeled and cut into pieces, pork belly is cut into pieces, and then put into heated oil to pass the oil. Boil all the seasonings in the ② pot, cook the pork over medium and medium heat for 15 minutes, and cook the taro for about 10 minutes.

3. Green onion taro

[materials] Taro, salt, spring onions, water, sugar, vegetable oil.

[practice] ① taro is washed with skin, put into a pot and covered with water, bring to a boil, turn to low heat and cook for about 15 minutes. Chopsticks can be easily inserted. ② soaks the cooked taro in cold water and then peels it off. Cut the larger taro into large pieces and set aside. Chopped chives and set aside. Heat the ③ wok and put in two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add the white onion and saute. ④ then put the taro into the stir-fry. Add water, salt and sugar to ⑤ and bring to the boil. Cover ⑥ and simmer over low heat for about 5-6 minutes. Stir-fry carefully in the middle to prevent sticking to the pan. ⑦ finally wait for the soup to be slightly mushy, sprinkle the green part into the stir-fry twice and start the pot.

4. Fried meat with taro

[materials] 150g lean meat, 150g taro, garlic, spring onions, pepper, oil, light soy sauce, sugar, pepper, starch.

[practice] ① cut the meat into 1.5cm square pieces, mix well with a little salt and pepper, then grasp well with starch. Cut the ② taro into 1.5cm square pieces and deep-fry in a pan over medium heat for 2 minutes. Set aside. Heat ③ oil until 50% hot, remove diced meat, stir-fry garlic and chili, stir-fry taro, add light soy sauce and sugar for 1 minute, sprinkle with chopped onions and serve.