
"Medicine fills food" yam and what to eat together can kidney? What are the effects and functions? Taboo attached

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Chinese yam is one of our favorite foods in our life. Chinese yam is also called yam, potato, yam, yam, yam and white yam. It is an herbal medicine contained in Chinese materia medica. Its medicinal source is dried rhizome of yam of yam family. So yams and what one

Chinese yam is one of the favorite foods in our life. Chinese yam, also known as Dioscorea zingiberensis, Dioscorea opposita, Dioscorea zingiberensis, Dioscorea opposita, Huai Shan, Baiyao, is the herbal medicine contained in "Chinese Materia Medica". So what can yam eat together to tonify the kidney? What are the taboos of yam? What is the efficacy and effect of yam?

First, yam and what to eat together can tonify the kidney?

1. Chinese yam with Chinese wolfberry

Chinese yam can play a nourishing role, and if Chinese yam and Chinese wolfberry are eaten together, for example, millet can be used to boil porridge with Chinese yam and Chinese wolfberry, it can play a more nourishing role, and can play a role in tonifying the kidney and nourishing essence, clearing heat and relieving thirst.

two。 Chinese yam with lotus seed

Chinese yam can tonify the kidney, which is a well-known effect, especially for the elderly, should eat more yam and lotus seed, this method of eating together, can play the effect of tonifying the lung and kidney, and lotus seed also has the effect of strengthening essence and relieving diarrhea.

3. Stewed ribs with Chinese yam

We know that spareribs have the effect of nourishing kidney and essence, and if yam and ribs are stewed together, they can nourish our hearts, lungs and kidneys.

4. Chinese yam with almonds

Eating almonds and yam together can play a good role in reducing qi and clearing fire and replenishing middle qi. Chinese yam with almonds is a good match for tonifying the kidney and invigorating the spleen. Specifically, yam and almonds can be boiled into porridge, which can moisturize viscera, consolidate essence and tonify kidney.

5. Chinese yam with longan

Longan can also be eaten together with yam, which can strengthen the kidney, tonify the skin, replenish the blood and calm the nerves and strengthen the body. if we learn to eat this way, we can nourish and strengthen the body and protect our kidneys.

6. Chinese yam with walnut

Chinese yam not only tastes good, but also has the effect of tonifying the kidney and spleen, in addition to invigorating the spleen, calcium and stomach, but also tonifying the kidney and filling essence. Through Runchang laxative, fitness brain accident, but also with walnuts to eat, Buzhong Yiqi.

7. Chinese yam with kidney beans to replenish energy.

Kidney beans in many vegetables, also has the effect of tonifying the kidney, eating more kidney beans can replenish energy, and if eaten together with yam, it can also improve physical quality and enhance body immunity.

Second, what are the taboos of yam? What can't you eat with?

1. Yam cannot be eaten with kansui. Chinese yam tonifying the kidney, invigorating the spleen and moistening the lung, kansui can stimulate the intestines, increase intestinal peristalsis, produce diarrhea effect, the two effects are opposite, can not be taken together.

two。 Yam taboo and crucian carp, shrimp, carp and other aquatic products to eat. Eating together can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms.

3. Yam should not be eaten with pumpkins, carrots and bamboo melons. Yam is rich in vitamin C. if it is eaten with pumpkins, carrots and bamboo melons, the vitamin C in yam will be decomposed and destroyed, resulting in a decrease in the nutritional value of yam.

III. The efficacy and function of Chinese yam

1. Invigorate the spleen and stomach and aid digestion

Chinese yam contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, which is beneficial to the digestion and absorption function of spleen and stomach. No matter spleen yang deficiency or stomach yin deficiency, it can be eaten. It is often used to treat spleen and stomach weakness, body tiredness, diarrhea and other diseases in clinic.

2. Nourishing kidney and nourishing essence

Chinese yam contains a variety of nutrients, which can strengthen the body and nourish the kidney and essence. Most of the kidney deficiency spermatorrhea, women with more leucorrhea, urination frequency and other diseases, can be taken.

3. Tonifying the lung and relieving cough

Chinese yam contains saponins, mucus, lubrication, moisturizing effect, so it can benefit lung qi, nourish lung yin, treat lung deficiency phlegm cough for a long time.

4. Reduce blood sugar

Chinese yam contains mucus protein, has the effect of lowering blood sugar, can be used to treat diabetes, is a good dietary therapy for people with diabetes.

5. Prolong one's life

Chinese yam contains a large number of mucus proteins, vitamins and trace elements, which can effectively prevent the precipitation of blood lipids in the blood vessel wall, prevent heart and blood diseases, and achieve the effect of benefiting the mind and mind and prolonging life.

6. Anti-hepatic coma

In recent years, studies have found that Chinese yam has a sedative effect and can be used to prevent liver coma.