
What kind of tea is white tea? How long can I keep it? How do I keep it? Attached efficacy and function

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What kind of tea is white tea? Many friends may have such questions. White tea is a kind of micro-fermented tea, which is a traditional famous tea created by Chinese tea farmers. One of the six major teas in China. It refers to a kind of tea that is picked and processed only by sun drying or gentle fire drying without killing or kneading.

What kind of tea is white tea? Many friends may have such questions. White tea is a kind of micro-fermented tea, which is a traditional famous tea created by Chinese tea farmers. One of the six major teas in China. It refers to a kind of tea that is picked and processed only by sun drying or gentle fire drying without killing or kneading. So how long can the white tea last? How do I keep it? What are the effects and effects of white tea?

What kind of tea is white tea?

White tea is the oldest and healthiest kind of tea in China, and it is known as the "aristocrat" of the six major tea categories. White tea, as the name implies, this kind of tea is named because its name and soup color are as silver as snow. Fuding, Fujian Province, China is the main producing area of white tea, in addition, Zhenghe, Jianyang, Songxi and other places are also producing areas of white tea. It is understood that more than 60% of the country's white tea output comes from Fujian Fuding, said the inherent Fuding white tea. As most of the white tea is exported, most of it is sold abroad, and a very small amount of white tea is sold at home. As a result, many Chinese tea customers do not know what white tea is.

Second, how long can white tea be kept? How do I keep it?

We all know that the longer the white tea is preserved, the higher its medicinal value will be, so if white tea is preserved well, it can be preserved for a long time. So when we preserve white tea, we should pay attention to its preservation method. White tea should be stored at low temperature and away from light. Now let's take a look at several preservation methods:

1. Pot storage method: White tea leaves are stored in tea cans to prevent crushing. The selection of tea cans is based on tin cans, followed by iron cans and paper cans, requiring good sealing.

2. Charcoal storage method: first, put an appropriate amount of charcoal into a small cloth bag, put it into the bottom of the pot for storing white tea, and then arrange the packaged tea in the jar layer by layer. At the mouth of the sealed jar, the charcoal should be changed once a month.

3. Cold storage: seal the tea with a bag or tea can and store it in the refrigerator at a temperature of 5 °.

4. thermos storage method: put the white tea leaves into the newly bought thermos and seal them.

5. Storage method of quicklime: the quicklime is packed in a cloth bag, and the tea is sealed and packaged at the same time. The tea should be sealed and kept away from odorous objects. It should be noted that the quicklime belt should be changed every 2 months.

III. The efficacy and function of white tea

1. Refreshing

White tea contains caffeine, and caffeine can act on the nerve center of the human body, making people excited and achieving a refreshing effect.

2. Sterilization

Caffeine and other substances in white tea can react with proteins in bacteria, coagulate, and then kill bacteria to achieve the effect of sterilization and anti-inflammation.

3. Lowering blood fat and blood pressure

White tea contains some ingredients that can occasionally promote fat decomposition, regulate blood sugar balance, reduce blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4. Anti-radiation

Related studies have shown that white tea also has the effect of anti-radiation.

At the same time, white tea also helps to prevent heat, detoxification, treatment of toothache, prevention of cancer, diuresis and other effects.