
What are the efficacy and taboos of "hundred fruit zong" pears? Can pregnant women eat pears? What are the benefits? These seven kinds of people can't eat!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Pear, also known as Dayali pear, is a common fruit in all parts of our country. Because it tastes sweet and juicy, and has high nutritional value, it can help digestion, clear heat and relieve cough, so it is deeply loved by people. Can pregnant women eat pears? What are the benefits? Efficacy and consumption

Pear, also known as Dayali pear, is a common fruit in all parts of our country. Because it tastes sweet and juicy, and has high nutritional value, it can help digestion, clear heat and relieve cough, so it is deeply loved by people. Can pregnant women eat pears? What are the benefits? What are the efficacy and taboos? These seven kinds of people can't eat!

Can pregnant women eat pears?

Pregnant women can eat pears during pregnancy, but it is not appropriate to eat more, usually one a day, especially autumn pears, because pears are cold, eating too much will be counterproductive.

1. Benefits of each part of the pear to pregnant women:

(1) Pear fruit: Shengjin, moisturizing dryness, clearing heat, resolving phlegm and other functions, suitable for fever injury, thirst, thirst, hot cough, phlegm-heat shock, choking diaphragm, thirst aphonia, eye swelling pain, indigestion.

(2) Pear peel: clearing heart, moistening lung, reducing fire, promoting fluid, nourishing kidney and tonifying yin. Roots, branches and leaves, flowers have the effect of moistening lung, eliminating phlegm and clearing heat, detoxification.

(3) Pear seeds: pear seeds contain lignin, an insoluble fiber that can dissolve in the intestines and form a colloid-like film that can be excluded by binding to cholesterol in the intestines. Pears contain boron to prevent osteoporosis in women. When boron is sufficient, memory, attention and mental acuity will be improved.

Is it good for the fetus for pregnant women to eat pears?

There are benefits, the specific benefits are as follows:

(1) supplement the vitamins needed by the human body: it is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Like apples, it also contains oxidants that keep human cells and tissues healthy.

(2) supplement the calcium needed by the human body: pears can help the body purify organs and store calcium, while softening blood vessels and prompting blood to send more calcium to bones.

(3) help gastrointestinal absorption: the delicacy of pears in hot summer always makes people gulp down, but when eating pears, it is best to chew slowly so that the intestines and stomach can better absorb.

Warm Tip: pregnant women eat pears can bring some benefits to the body, but in the eating method and time to pay attention to some things, such as eating less pears before going to bed, peeling when eating, at most one a day.

3. How can pregnant women eat pears?

(1) homemade pear juice: mothers can squeeze pears into fruit juice and take it sooner or later, which has the effect of moistening the throat. If Hawthorn is added to pear juice, it can also promote gastric juice reception, digestion and digestion, and improve anorexia in spring.

(2) rock sugar steamed pear: mothers can make a rock sugar steamed pear. This dessert can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, relieve cough and expectoration, and has an excellent moisturizing and protective effect on the throat. The "pear ointment sugar" made from pear and honey has a distinct effect on patients suffering from lung heat and chronic cough.

(3) pear soup: if a pregnant woman suffers from lung deficiency and asthma and coughs in autumn, you can try this peaceful pear milk soup. The specific method of this food is to prepare 1 autumn pear, 200 milliliters of milk, 10 grams of rice noodles and too much sugar. Peel, core and cut the autumn pears into small pieces, boil them in clean water and season with sugar, then mix them with warm milk and rice noodles.

(4) pear soup: peeling pears, boiling soup with jujube, radish, mung beans, etc., drinking soup juice and eating related ingredients, the effect of curing disease and health will be better.

Second, what are the efficacy and taboos of pears?

1. What are the benefits of eating pears?

(1) reduce the risk of catching a cold

People who eat more pears are far less likely to catch a cold than those who eat no or less pears. Therefore, some scientists and physicians call pears "omni-directional healthy fruits" or "general practitioners". Now the air pollution is more serious, eating more pears can improve the respiratory system and lung function, and protect the lungs from dust and smoke in the air.

(2) protect the heart

Pears are rich in B vitamins, which can protect the heart, reduce fatigue, enhance myocardial vitality and lower blood pressure.

(3) increase appetite

Pears have more sugars and a variety of vitamins, which are easy to be absorbed by the human body, increase appetite and protect the liver.

(4) Heat-clearing and sedation

Pear is cool and calming, regular eating can restore blood pressure to normal, improve dizziness and other symptoms.

(5) Cancer prevention and anticancer

Eating pears can prevent atherosclerosis and inhibit the formation of carcinogen nitrosamines, thus preventing and fighting cancer.

(6) eliminating constipation

Your tongue feels rough when you eat pears. This is because the stone cells such as wood and fiber gather together, which can stimulate the intestines and eliminate constipation.

(7) Prevention of osteoporosis

Pear seeds contain lignin, an insoluble fiber that dissolves in the intestines to form a colloid-like film that binds to cholesterol in the intestines. Pears contain boron to prevent osteoporosis in women.

2. Who can't eat?

(1) Pear sex cold helps dampness, eat more will hurt spleen and stomach, so spleen and stomach deficiency cold, fear of cold food should eat less.

(2) pears with more fruit acid and stomach acid should not be eaten more.

(3) Pear has diuretic effect. If you urinate frequently at night, you should eat less pear before going to bed.

(4) patients with blood deficiency, fear of cold, diarrhea and cold hands and feet should not eat more pears, and it is best to cook them before eating to prevent the symptoms of dampness and cold from getting worse.

(5) pears contain high amounts of sugar, so people with diabetes should be careful.

(6) Pear contains a lot of fruit acid, so it should not be used with alkaline drugs, such as aminophylline, baking soda and so on. Pears should not be eaten with crabs to avoid causing diarrhea.

(7) Sweet pears with too high sugar content should not be selected for relieving cough and resolving phlegm.

3. What can't you eat with?

(1) Pear + boiled water: cause diarrhea pear sex sweet cold, eat pear drink boiled water, must cause diarrhea, this is because one cold and one heat stimulates the intestinal tract. So one taboo too much food, two taboos and greasy things with food, three bogey hot and cold mixed.

(2) Pear + crab: affecting gastrointestinal digestion, there is a saying that persimmon pears should not be eaten with crabs in "just about to have a meal". Because of the cold nature of the pear, the crab is also cold and lively, and the two eat together, hurting the intestines and stomach.

(3) Pear + white radish: the thyroid radish is eaten together with pears, grapes and other fruits containing a lot of plant pigments. after digestion and decomposition by stomach and intestines, it can produce substances that inhibit thyroid gland and induce goiter.

(4) Pear + mutton: abdominal distension, abdominal pain, mutton and pear Xiangke, some enzymes in pear can decompose mutton enzymes, hinder digestion, resulting in indigestion, abdominal distension and abdominal pain.

4. What would you like to eat with?

(1) Tremella + Sydney + chuanbei Sydney, Tremella have the effect of nourishing yin and moistening lung, treating dry cough and less phlegm; chuanbei also has the effect of moistening lung and relieving cough. The combination of Sydney Tremella and chuanbei is particularly effective in the treatment of patients with chronic cough.

(2) Pear + Bingtang pear can promote appetite, help digestion, and is beneficial to urination, defecation and antipyretic effect. It has the effects of moistening lung and clearing heat, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, invigorating body and relieving thirst. If the pear is eaten with rock sugar, it is more nutritious, has the effect of moistening the lungs and detoxification, and is mainly used to treat cold, cough and acute tracheitis.

(3) Pear + ginger juice + honey

Pears can promote appetite, help digestion, and can be used to replenish water and nutrition in high fever. If it is eaten with ginger juice and honey, it will have a certain effect on coughing phlegm.