
Can "natural vitamin pills" pumpkins be eaten raw? What are the efficacy and taboos? You can't eat with these six kinds of food!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When you mention pumpkin, you may think of pumpkin pie, because pumpkin pie tastes sweet and has rich nutritional value, so it can be easily made at home. Can pumpkins be eaten raw? What are the efficacy and taboos? You can't eat with these six kinds of food! Can pumpkins be eaten raw

When you mention pumpkin, you may think of pumpkin pie, because pumpkin pie tastes sweet and has rich nutritional value, so it can be easily made at home. Can pumpkins be eaten raw? What are the efficacy and taboos? You can't eat with these six kinds of food!

Can pumpkins be eaten raw?

Pumpkins can be eaten raw, which can not only reduce the loss and destruction of nutrients, but also better preserve the nutritional value of pumpkins. The specific way is to shred or slice the pumpkin, then rinse it with clean water, and add some seasoning to make a good appetizer.

1. Is it better to eat it raw or cooked?

In real life, most pumpkins are cooked, because the taste and taste of raw pumpkins are not as good as ripe pumpkins, and so far, there is no good technical information on the cooking of raw pumpkins, so it is recommended to eat cooked pumpkins.

2. How to make pumpkins delicious?

(1) Pumpkin pie

Materials: proper amount of pumpkin, glutinous rice flour and white sugar.


① peeled and stuffed the pumpkin, cut it into small pieces, steamed it in a pot or cooked it in the microwave.

② mashed the ripe pumpkin to cool thoroughly, then put in glutinous rice flour and sugar to stir well.

③ take a ball of pumpkin noodles and press them evenly in the palm of your hand to make a cake.

④ electric cake bell open to pour oil, oil warm pumpkin pie, slowly fry, one side yellowed and turn over fry, cover the pan for three or four minutes.

(2) delicious pumpkin balls

Ingredients: 300g pumpkin, 30g ham, onion, salt, starch, salad oil, soup right amount.


① pumpkins are peeled and cut into small pieces, steam and soften in a pan, then grind the pumpkins into mud and rub them into balls. Dice the ham and dice the onions.

Heat the oil in the ② pan, add ham and chopped onions and stir-fry. Add stock and salt. Bring to the boil, thicken with water and starch.

③ pours the prepared soup on a pumpkin ball and serves.

Second, what are the efficacy and taboos of pumpkins?

1. Main functions of pumpkin

(1) detoxification: pumpkin is rich in pectin, which can effectively remove harmful substances or bacterial toxins in the human body, such as lead, mercury and other radioactive elements in heavy metals.

(2) Prevention of gastric cancer: pumpkin is rich in vitamin C, which can effectively prevent nitrate from being transformed into carcinogen nitrous acid in digestive tract, protect gastrointestinal function effectively, strengthen gastrointestinal peristalsis and promote food absorption. It can have a certain curative effect on patients with stomach disease.

(3) eliminating carcinogens: pumpkin is rich in zinc, which can effectively eliminate the mutation of carcinogen nitrosamine, help the recovery of liver and kidney function and enhance the regeneration ability of liver and kidney cells.

(4) Prevention and treatment of diabetes: pumpkin is rich in cobalt, which can not only effectively activate human metabolism, promote human hematopoiesis, but also promote the synthesis of trace element vitamin B necessary for islet cells in human body, which has a certain curative effect on the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

(5) promote growth and development: pumpkin is rich in zinc, which can participate in the synthesis of protein and nucleic acid in human body. it is an inherent component of adrenocortical hormone and an important substance for human growth and development.

2. What can't pumpkins be eaten with?

(1) Mutton: pumpkin and mutton are both hot things, eating together may lead to constipation, abdominal distension and other diseases. In particular, patients with fever or infectious diseases should not be eaten to prevent the deterioration of the disease.

(2) Belt fish: belt fish contains high-quality protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, unsaturated fatty acids and DHA, which can nourish the liver, tonify deficiency and promote milk production, which is disadvantageous to eat with pumpkins.

(3) spinach: the vitamin C in pumpkin can decompose enzymes and destroy vitamin C in spinach. Eating together will invalidate the nutritional value of both.

(4) Sweet potato: both pumpkin and sweet potato are easy to stagnate, and eating together will lead to abdominal pain, flatulence, acid vomiting and so on.

(5) aged vinegar: eating together with acetic acid and cucumber will destroy the nutritional elements in pumpkin and reduce the nutritional value.

(6) Red jujube: red jujube tastes sweet and warm, eating more is easy to be indigestible, while pumpkin is warm, eating together will lead to symptoms such as indigestion.