
What are the effects and functions of pears? What are the taboos? Eat pear at night can you reduce weight?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pear is a common fruit all year round. It is juicy, delicious and nutritious. It contains many vitamins and fibers. Different kinds of pear taste and texture are completely different. So what are the effects and functions of pears? What is the forbidden food of pears

Pear is a common fruit for us all the year round. It is juicy and nutritious. It contains a variety of vitamins and cellulose. Different kinds of pears have different taste and texture. So what are the effects and effects of pears? What are the taboos for eating pears? Can I lose weight by eating pears in the evening? Details are as follows:

First, the efficacy and function of pears

1. Heat-clearing and sedation

Pear is cool and calming, regular eating can restore blood pressure to normal, improve dizziness and other symptoms.

2. Cancer prevention and anti-cancer

Eating pears can prevent atherosclerosis and inhibit the formation of carcinogen nitrosamines, thus preventing and fighting cancer. Pear has the function of excreting carcinogens and resisting cell variation. Smokers often eat pears, which can reduce the content of harmful substances in the blood and make them pass out of the body with the urine. Pears can also promote the growth of spleen cells and prevent cell carcinogenesis.

3. Reduce the probability of catching a cold

Recent studies have found that people who eat more pears are far less likely to catch a cold than those who eat no or less pears. Therefore, some scientists and physicians call pears "omni-directional healthy fruits" or "general practitioners". Now the air pollution is more serious, eating more pears can improve the respiratory system and lung function, and protect the lungs from dust and smoke in the air.

4. Protect your voice

Pear water is sufficient, sweet and sour delicious, can nourish yin Shengjin, has a better therapeutic effect on throat diseases. Broadcasters and singers often eat cooked pears, which can play a role in maintaining their voice.

5. Promote digestion and replenish water

Pear can promote appetite, help digestion, and conducive to urine and antipyretic effect, can be used to supplement water and nutrition in high fever.

6. Moistening dryness and eliminating wind

Pears have the effect of moistening dryness and eliminating wind. When the climate is dry in spring, people often feel itchy skin, dry mouth and nose, sometimes dry cough and less phlegm. Eating one or two pears a day can relieve dryness.

Second, the taboo of eating pears

1. Pear sex cold help dampness, eat more will hurt the spleen and stomach, so spleen and stomach deficiency cold, fear of cold food should eat less.

two。 Pears contain more fruit acid, stomach acid, do not eat more.

3. Pears have the effect of diuresis. Those who urinate frequently at night should eat less pears before going to bed.

4. Patients with blood deficiency, cold fear, diarrhea and cold hands and feet should not eat more pears, and it is best to cook them before eating to prevent the symptoms of dampness and cold from getting worse.

5. Pears contain a high amount of sugar, so people with diabetes should be careful. Patients with chronic enteritis and stomach cold should avoid eating raw pears.

6. Pears contain more fruit acid and should not be used with alkaline drugs, such as aminophylline, baking soda and so on.

7. For those who relieve cough and resolve phlegm, it is not suitable to choose sweet pears with too high sugar content.

8. Pears should not be eaten with crabs to avoid causing diarrhea. Because the pear taste sweet, slightly sour, cold, while the crab taste salty, cold, with slightly toxic. Both of them are cold and beneficial products, and the same food hurts the intestines and stomach.

9. Drinking hot water and eating greasy food when eating pears can lead to diarrhea.

10. Thin stools caused by deficiency of spleen and stomach and cough and phlegm caused by exogenous wind-cold should not be used. Do not use after giving birth to women or after infantile acne.

Can I lose weight by eating pears in the evening?

A pear is a low-calorie and high-nutritional fruit. A medium-sized pear has only 100 calories and is rich in vitamin C. In addition, the reason why pears become a good weight loss product is mainly due to the rich fiber. On average, a pear contains 5 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to the daily demand of the human body. Fiber can help the intestines and stomach reduce the absorption of fat, thus play a role in weight loss.

Pear weight loss can only play a little help, but also based on their own physical and mental health.