
How is the celery bud worth 10 yuan per jin planted? When will you plant it? When will it be harvested? What are the cultivation techniques?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Celery sprout is a kind of vegetable made from celery and bean sprouts. It is cultivated by villagers in Baihu Town, Lujiang County, Hefei, Anhui Province. It can not only fry vegetables, but also cook soup, and it tastes sweet. At present, it has been sold for 10 yuan per catty. How do celery sprouts grow? When?

Celery sprout is a kind of vegetable made from celery and bean sprouts. It is cultivated by villagers in Baihu Town, Lujiang County, Hefei, Anhui Province. It can not only fry vegetables, but also cook soup, and it tastes sweet. At present, it has been sold for 10 yuan per catty. How do celery sprouts grow? When will you plant it? When will you collect it? What are the cultivation techniques?

Celery sprout is a kind of sprout cultivated by closed treatment technology using sharp-leaf cress as raw material and mulching material under unique soil and climatic conditions. The color of celery sprouts is as white as jade, and it smells a faint fragrance, which can be fried and eaten cold, very refreshing, but also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, reducing blood pressure and detumescence.

First, how are celery buds planted?

Celery cultivation in China began in the Han Dynasty and has a history of more than 2000 years. But what method did it take to make this thick-stalked celery look the same as bean sprouts? Farmers in Lujiang County, Hefei, Anhui Province, said that this stems from an accidental discovery in the 1970s: the earth wall of a villager's home collapsed, suppressing celery, and after a long time, a crystal clear "bean sprout" grew inside. Share it with everyone, all full of praise.

Delicious food inspires motivation, and many people are obsessed with the "bean sprouts" that grow on this celery. We replicate the season, temperature, amount of soil cover and time at that time to produce such celery buds, but the output and scale can only reach the level of satisfying cravings. How to mass-produce such delicious food, let more people eat it and make more money become the driving force for local farmers to cultivate celery sprouts.

After more than 30 years of repeated experiments, the local agricultural technology department finally invented the method of light cultivation of celery buds in June 2000, which can be mass-produced on a large scale.

What are the cultivation techniques of celery sprouts?

1. Seed and plant cultivation

After the celery bud was harvested in early March, the remaining rhizomes in the soil will germinate to form new plants. at the beginning of April, when the plant grows to 12-15 cm high, the robust seedlings are selected and dug up, and the edges of early rice fields are used as seed breeding seedbeds. The seeds are arranged on the seedbed according to 10-15 cm square, generally every 667m2 seedbed can be used for field cultivation of 3335 square meters. The plant should not be planted deeply, so as not to affect the growth.

Plant fields should often change water, otherwise it is easy to get sick under high temperature in summer. Topdressing once in April, 1500 kg of feces and urine or 35 kg of chemical fertilizer were applied every 667m2 to promote the growth of stolon. We should also pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, control aphids with 1000 times of dimethoate in time, and remove the diseased plants as soon as virus diseases are found. The stolon of the well-growing plant reached 1.5 × 2.0 meters in August, and the stolon was used as the seed plant of celery bud mother plant.

2. Mother plant cultivation

The main results are as follows: (1) cultivation season: planting seeds and plants from late August to early September, generally intercropping with double-cropping late rice according to 1:1 area ratio, that is, 2 meters wide rice, 2 meters wide water celery, no need to make beds, rake flat and evenly. By the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, it can grow into a plant with more than 10 true leaves, that is, the mother plant, for celery bud cultivation.

(2) planting: cut the roots of the seeds in the celery field, cut them into stem segments of 20 cm to 30 cm long with a knife, and then spread them evenly on the ground set aside in the late rice field. Be careful not to bury the seedlings in the soil or float on the water. Because the seedlings are buried in the soil, they sprout late and grow poorly; if they float on the water, they are easy to grow stolons. In order to make the seedlings suitable for planting, about 2500 kilograms of human feces and urine are applied every 667m2 after early rice harvest, and the soil should be raked fine and leveled to make the soil muddy. Irrigation should not be too much when planting, and there is a thin layer of water on the soil surface.

(3) Irrigation: do not irrigate deep water in the first 5 days after planting, so that the seedlings should be immersed in water to promote the seedlings to take root. In the future, irrigation is the same as late rice, which can keep the soil moist after harvest without irrigation.

(4) uniform seedling: about 1 month after planting, when the plant grows to 13 cm to 15 cm high, it is appropriate to transplant uniform seedlings in combination with ploughing and weeding. It is appropriate to have a cluster of celery seedlings in a square of 12 cm.

(5) Intermediate ploughing and weeding and topdressing fertilizer: the fields with more weeds are ploughed and weeded twice half a month and one month after planting, and if not, they can be combined with uniform seedling transplanting once. Topdressing for a total of 2 times, when the seedling height is 10 cm and 20 cm, about 1250 kg of human feces and urine or 40 kg of chemical fertilizer is applied every 667m2. Each time, the water is drained first, and after one day and night after topdressing, the soil fully absorbs fertilizer, and then irrigation is used to restore it.

(6) Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: in the process of celery bud mother plant growth, the disease and insect pests are relatively mild, and aphids are damaged from September to October, which can be controlled by irrigation, that is, the field water is irrigated to the submerged plant, the rough grass rope is placed on the water surface, and the two ends are pulled to move downwind. The aphids floating on the water surface are concentrated in a corner of the field, then cleared and killed, and immediately restored. Do not kill aphids by irrigation for more than 3 hours at a time, so as not to affect the growth of water celery.

3. Celery bud cultivation

When the plant grows to 11-13 true leaves, it can cultivate soil to produce celery bud. Lujiang County is generally after the first ten days of November, the specific time for soil cultivation can be determined according to the needs of the market, and it can also be harvested and listed in batches.

Specific method: in winter and spring, the soil on the late rice border around the celery bed is crushed and shoveled onto the water celery plant with a shovel. The soil cultivation is carried out in 3 to 5 times, and the thickness of the soil layer is about 20 to 30 centimeters. Then the axillary buds on the water celery stem will germinate to form celery buds. Generally, it can be harvested after one month of soil cultivation, with an output of about 1000 kilograms per 667m2.