
How much is a ginseng fruit tree seedling? How much does one acre earn? How?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Ginseng fruit is also known as Cao Huan Dan, Yan Guo, etc. It is a kind of fruit with sweet and juicy taste and rich nutritional value. It is relatively famous in Journey to the West, so many people eat it because of its fame. However, if you want to plant ginseng fruit well, you need to select seedlings. How much is a ginseng fruit seedling?

Ginseng fruit, also known as Cao Huan Dan, Yan Guo, etc., is a kind of sweet and juicy fruit with rich nutritional value. It is relatively famous in Journey to the West, so many people admire it, but if you want to plant ginseng fruit, you need to choose seedlings. How much is a ginseng fruit seedling? How much does one acre earn? How?

How much does a ginseng fruit plant cost?

The price of ginseng fruit tree seedlings will vary according to their size. Generally, small seedlings are cheaper, about 2 yuan a plant, and larger seedlings cost about 10 yuan a plant, some even higher.

2. How much can I earn by planting an acre?

The yield of planting one mu of high-quality ginseng fruit can reach about 10000 jin, while the market price of ginseng fruit is about two yuan. In this way, the income per mu is as high as 20000 yuan, which is hundreds of thousands of yuan a year.

How to plant ginseng seedlings?

1) Planted land. Generally, it is necessary to select plots with sufficient sunshine and fertile soil, convenient irrigation and drainage with water, and it is also very good to plant less germs in mountainous fields. Single row bed width 60 cm, double row 100 cm, plant spacing 40 cm, open hole dig fine, about 1500 plants per mu, before applying base fertilizer, it is best to sprinkle some pest control medicine in the hole.

2. Cut. Ginseng fruit branch germination is very strong, each plant in 10 to 20 cm between 3 to 4 branches for the fruit branches, the rest of the branches are cut off seedling planting or livestock feed; after flowering and fruiting, each bunch of flowers and fruits can only leave 1 to 2 fruits, so that the fruit quality is good, selling price is high.

3. Watering. Ginseng fruit neither drought nor waterlogging tolerance, potted ginseng fruit to keep the soil moist, fruit expansion period water supply to be sufficient. Generally, water once a day in summer, preferably in the morning or evening; water every other day in spring and autumn, early, late or noon; water every 3 to 4 days in winter, preferably at noon.

IV. Precautions for planting ginseng fruit seedlings:

1. Selection of soil for planting ginseng fruit

When planting ginseng fruits, it is best to choose places with plenty of sunshine and fertile soil. In addition, the places where ginseng fruits are planted should be convenient for drainage and irrigation.

2. Specifications for ginseng fruit cultivation

When planting ginseng, keep the width of a single row at 60 cm, the width of a double row at 100 cm, and the spacing between plants should be about 40 cm. The planting quantity per mu shall not exceed 1,500 plants. Before planting, apply enough base fertilizer, and sprinkle some preventive medicine in the hole.

3. Fertilization method of ginseng fruit

When planting ginseng fruit, fertilization is especially important. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer, on the day of planting, fertilizer such as human manure or pig manure should be added. After planting, topdressing should be done once every other week, and inorganic fertilizer such as human manure should be used as much as possible. In topdressing can also be added to the right amount of ammonium bicarbonate. When the ginseng fruit enters the flowering and fruiting period, it is necessary to increase the supply of compound fertilizer. The dosage per mu should be about 25 kilograms, and it should be added once a month. In this way, the ginseng fruit planted can bear a large number of high-quality fruits.