
"Flower of fungus" what does the nutrition of elm yellow mushroom have? How do you cook it?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Pleurotus ostreatus is a kind of common edible mushroom such as plastic greenhouse, idle bungalow, gutter and so on. It is deeply loved by people because of its delicious taste and rich nutritional value. What are the nutrients of Pleurotus ostreatus? How do you cook it? What are the nutrients of Pleurotus ostreatus? 1. Nutritional price

Pleurotus ostreatus is a kind of common edible mushroom such as plastic greenhouse, idle bungalow, gutter and so on. It is deeply loved by people because of its delicious taste and rich nutritional value. What are the nutrients of Pleurotus ostreatus? How do you cook it?

First, what are the nutrients of Pleurotus ostreatus?

1. Nutritional value:

The main results are as follows: (1) Organic Pleurotus ostreatus is a famous local specialty in Northeast China for a long time. It has bright color, beautiful body, mellow smell, crisp texture and delicate taste, so it is a rare edible and medicinal fungus. Rich in protein, vitamins and minerals and other nutrients, especially rich in amino acids, and high content of essential amino acids.

(2) long-term consumption of Pleurotus ostreatus has the function of lowering blood pressure and cholesterol content, and has the effect of nourishing and strengthening. It is an ideal health food for elderly patients with cardiovascular disease and obesity.

2. What is the effect and function of Pleurotus ostreatus?

(1) removing lipids and reducing blood pressure: it can soften and protect blood vessels and reduce blood lipids and cholesterol in the human body.

(2) strengthening yang and waist: it is suitable for treating impotence, low back pain, urination frequency and qi deficiency caused by kidney yang deficiency.

(3) weight loss: rich in food fiber, easy to have a sense of satiety, but also will absorb excess fat together.

(4) strong bone: it is rich in calcium, which can stimulate the growth of bone matrix and osteocytes and make calcium salt deposit in bone tissue.

(5) other effects: long-term consumption, has the function of lowering blood pressure and cholesterol content, and has the effect of nourishing and strengthening. Treatment of weakness and wilt (muscular dystrophy), dysentery, etc. It is an ideal health food for elderly patients with cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Second, how to eat Yuhuang mushrooms?

1. Stewed chicken bones with Mushroom

Materials: Pleurotus ostreatus, chicken bones, shiitake mushrooms, Chinese wolfberry, chicken powder, salt, pepper


(1) wash the mushrooms, soak them overnight, and then tear the small ones. Set aside chicken bones and water.

(2) pour the water of Pleurotus ostreatus and pickled elm mushrooms into a casserole, put a little pepper, bring to a boil and turn to a small heat.

(3) put the blanched chicken bones and shiitake mushrooms into the casserole together. After cooking, season with a little soaked Chinese wolfberry, salt and chicken powder.

2. Fried elm yellow mushroom

Ingredients: Pleurotus ostreatus, ham, green pepper, chopped onions, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken essence, salt


Wash fresh yuhuang mushrooms, cut ham into diamond, shred green pepper. Blanch the mushroom in boiling water, remove the cold water and squeeze dry.

(2) heat the wok with oil and stir-fry the chopped onions and elm yellow mushrooms. Add green peppers and ham.

(3) stir in proper amount of light soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken essence and salt.